/~ a 3 Helen Sehallhase in the amount of $45.75 and Mra. Frsinces Ta ckson in the amount of $21.00, for assistance with the board of equsll zation. And it appearing to the Court that ea id claims are reaeona ble and Sant and should De paid. Th er afore bq motion duly made by Enka Lein, seconded by Fur r, and unanimously approved by the Court that the County Clerk be and Se hereby autkio rized to draw voucher against the County Treasurer in like amounts on the General Fund of Kerr County payable to Lhe parties entitled thereto. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4770. SHERIFF AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE PORTABLE EXCELL FINGER-F'RINTZNG EQIIIPMENT AND MAKE REPAIRS TO SUN-VISOR OVER DOOR & WINDONS OF JUSTICE OF PEACE OFFICE Thin the 5th day of June, A. D. 1950, came on Lo be co nsldered by the Court the need by Ee rl Garrett, Sheriff, one portable finger-printing equipment Por Lhe sheriffs` car, end the necesa ity of repairs to the sun-visor over Lhe door end windows of Lhe OPf ice of the Justice of the Peace of the Courthouse on the West side thereof. And it appearing to the Court Lhet lone portable excell Pinge r--printing equipment is listed at a price of 27.45 and the necessity of repairs td Lhe awnings on the went side of the Co u.r tho use should be authorized Por purchase and replacement or repairs. Therefore by motion duly made by Molter, seconded by Lokstein, and unanimously approved by the Court that the Sheriff be authorized to purchase one portable finger-printing device, end that he contact the proper concern for replacement or ra pa irs to said awning aforementione~ land Lhat vouchers be presented for payment at such time such equipment is received and upon I the completion of repairs. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 4771. COUNTY JIIDCE AUTHORIZED 1Y) MAKE PREPARHTIONS FOR CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS IN RE; N. H. Y7HIISYORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY #39. This the Sth day of June, A. D. 1950, by motion of Eoksteid, seconded by Molter, and un- animously approved by the Co urt,with Powell not voting, that Lhe County Judge be and is hereby authorized to make preparations Por condemnation proceedings on right-of-way of N. H. Whitwort: property on proposed Highway No. 39. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4772. ORDER OF CONFIRMATION FOR SALE OF SCHOOL LAND BY TRFISTEES OF COMMON SCHOOL DIST.#2. On this the 5th day of June, 1950, came on to be aonaidered the resolution oP the Board o: - Trustees of Common School District No. 2, made at a meeting of said Trustees on the 16th day o1 May, 1950, the resolution being that certain property belonging to said School District and hereinafter described be sold end that the price to be charged therefore be the sum of Two Aundred Fifty & No/100 (250.00) Do liars in cash; and it further appearing to the court that one F. P. McKinzie is willing to purchase se id property and Lo pay therefore the price he re inal mer.t ioned. Upon motion duly made by Henry Eakatela, Commisa io ner of Pr ecin et No. 1, and seconded by VJ. H. Farr, the above motion and resolution of said Hoe rd of Trustees was duly considered by the entire court et its Spec iel June meeting, and it appearing to the court that said Board of - Tr usteea is empowered to convey each properly, end the price asked therefore is ~uat and ad@qui it is therefore ordered that said Board of trustees sell and convey the following described pry pe rty: In Kerr County, Texea end being 81/100 acre out of SurrsyNo. 418, John D. Groesbeck, fully described in deed from A. L. Tro tter,et.ux. Lo Kerr County reoorded in Vol. 41, page 225 f Deed RecorBe of Kerr County, Texea. It is further ordered that this order be properly entered upon the minutes of this Court. -o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-