THE STATE OF TEXAS ; ~~ ~ }"g COUNTY OF KERR On this the 12th day of June, 1950, the COMMISSIONERS COURT OF KERB COUNTY, STATE OF TEXAS --. convened in regular session at its regular meeting place in the County Courthouse, Kerrville, Teaas, with the following members present, to-wit: Joe Burkett, Jr. County Judge Henry Eckstein W. H. Furr Commissioner Precinct No. 1 Commie sinner Precinct No. 4 Veraoa D. Powell Chas. Molter Commissioner Precinct No. 2 Commissioner Precinct No. 6 and the following absent: none, cohstituting a quorum, and among other prooeedings had by said Commissioners Court was Lhe following: There came to be considered the returns of ah election held oh the 10th day of Juh e, 1950 the (a) Ingram Common School District No. 2, of said County for the pur po ae of determining th er said district shall be consolidated as provided in the order ea lling said election and t appearing that said election wa gin all reap acts legally held and that acid returns were dul nd legally made and that there were cast at said electioh 28 valid and legal votes, of which 1 were cast: "FOR CONSOLIDATION" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28 Votes. ":GA_N5T CONSOLIDA'PI ON" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 Votes. IT IS THEREFORE FOUND, DECLARED AND SO ORDERED, by the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Teaas, that a majority of the qualified voters of said district, voting at said electi , o tad (D) for the proposi tioh to cone olidate said ehoool district for soh ool purposes as pro- ided in the order calling said election and that therefore, this Court does hereby declare sai ropositioh to have been (c) adopted. The above order being read, it was moved sad seconded that same do pass. Thereupon, the uestioa being called for, the following members of the Court voted AYE: Henry Eokstaih, . H. Furr, Vernon D. Powell, Chas. Molter; and the followi'hg voted N0: none, . PASSED, APPROVED A:~ll ADOP'PED, Lhia the 12th day of Juhe, 1950. It being further ordered that the election officers holding such election be paid X3.00 each, with the eaecep tioh of the officer returning the boxes, who are to be allowed an additio X2.00. That the County Clerk be directed to draw vouchers in suoh amounts against the General Fund of the Count ys payable to each individual officer. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 47 g9. RET!!RIdS OF SUNSET COMPd0I7 SCHGOL DIST. #20 ELECT"ON TO COIQS OLIDATE DISTRICTS; ORDER DE GLARING RESULTS; PAY"?ENT OF ELECTION OFFICERS. THE STATE OF `PEXAS: To The ~~ HONORABLE COMMISSIONERS' COURT COUNTY OF KERR: Of Said County; WE, the undersigned officers, holding an election on the 10th day of Jun a, A.D. 1950, is (a) - - - - - School District No. 20, of Kerr County, at the Sun Set Sohool House Building, within said district for the purpose of determining whether or not a mg~ority of the legally qualified voters of said District desire that (s) - - - - - - School District No. 20, of Kerr County, shall be consolidated as provided in the order calling said election. BEREBY CERTIFY that at said election t here were cast (b) - - - - votes, of which number there were east: ~~ "FOR CONSOLIDATION"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28 Vot ea,. "AGAINST CONSOLIDATI ON^ - - - - - - - - - - - 0 votes. 5~z9 We further certify that each of the election officials gSeouting this return was duly ippoiated in the order calling thin election or 6y the Presiding Judge or was else tad by the ~otar~ present at the polls to nerve at said election in the capaoiyy stated under each oP cur aigaat~res. That all persons appointed in the order calling said eleotioa not executing this return failed to appear at Lhe polls to conduct said election. We herewith encloa• Poll list and tallp sheets of said..election. WITNESS OUR FLIFTD6, this the 10th day of June, A, -, 1950• M. -. Header non Presiding Officer. Judge C. N. Nutter Clerk THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF KERR: - - -Jude' Grady Walker Clerk On this the 12th day of June, 1950, the COB7MISSIONERS COIIRT OF KERR COUNTY, STATE OF TEXAS, convened is regular session at its regular meeting place Sn the County Courthouse, Ker• rville, Texea, with Lhe following members preaen t, to-wit: Jo4e Burkstt, Tr. ~%ounty Judge Hoary Eckstein Commissioner of Precinct No. 1 W, H. Farr Commleaioaar of rrecinct Varnoa D. Powell Chsa. Molter Commissioner of Prsoin ct No. D Commieai oa er of Preaiact No 6hd the following absea t: none, oonstiuting a quorum, and among other proceedings had by said Commissioners Court was the Pollowiag: There came to be considered the return of sa election held oa the 10th day of Tune, 195C, in the (a) Sunset Common School District No. 20, of said County, for the purpose of determining whether said district shall be cons olida ted'sa provided in the order calling said election and it appearing that said election was in. all respeata legally held sad that said rata ras were duly and legally made and that there were cast at said eleotioa 28 valid and leg votes, of which number there were oast: "FOR CONDOLIDATION" - - - - - - - - - - - -2$ Votes. "AGAINS'C CONSOLIDATION" - - - - - - - - - • - 0 Votae. IT IS THEREFORE FOUND, DECLARED AND SO ORDNAiED, by the ComDnisalonere' Court of Kerr, County, Texas, that a majoritp of the qualified voters of said district, voting at said electi voted (b) for the proposition to consolidate said school purposes as .provided is the order calling said election and that therefore, this Court dose hereby declare said proposition to have been (o) adopted, The above order being read, it vas moved and seconded that same dD pass. ~lh ereupon, ttte question being called for, the Pollowiag mamb era of the Court voted AT$: Hemp EoKatein, W, H, Furr, Veraone D. Powell, Chas. Molter; and the following voted N0: None. PASSID, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the 12th da;T of June, 1950. It being further ordered that the election of Plcars hold in6 such election be paid j~3.00 each, with the eaecepLlon of the officer returning the boxes, who are to be allowed an additi o. X2,00. That the County Clerk be directed to draw vouchers in such amounts against the General Fund of the Countya payable to each dndivid'0.~]. ATYina;: O-a-O-O-OHO-O-O-O-O-a-O