3 7 No. 4822. RESIGNATION OF W, A. MASTERS, COISSTABLE, PRECINCT N0, 4 BE ACCEPTED. This, the 11th day oŁ July, A. D, 1950, came on to be considered the written request of W, A, IAas ters, desiring the Court to accept his resignation effective as of August 1, 1950. • And it appearing to the Court that said resignation should be accepted, and that the office of Constable of Precinct No. 4 be declared vacant. Therefore, by motion duly made by Furr, seconded by Eckstein, and unanimously approved by the Court that said resignation by W, A. iiasters as Constable of Precinct Ido. 4 be accepted and said office be declared vacant. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~ No. 4823. AF'FROVAL OF TIIE COST FOR LABOR FOR biOVIIdG 'PELEPIiONE FOLKS ON FARI•i TO hiAHI:ET HIGHWAY No. 1340. - This the 11th day oŁ July, A. D, 1950, came on to be considered by the Court, the bid oŁ Ingram Telephone Exchange to move the present telephone lines and poles along the North Fork Farm to Market Road No. 1340. And it appearing to the Court that Ingram Telephone Exchange will move all of said lines and poles at a cost of $5'+6.00, less $5.00 for each pole which may be removed by Kerr County. Therefore, by motion duly made by I~lxrr, seconded by Molter, and unanimously approved by the Court that Ingram Telephone Exchange be authorized to perform such labor at the proposed price of $546.00 less $5.00 per pole that may be removed by Kerr County, and the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to draw a voucher in the sum oŁ $546.00 less i any amount prorated on the aforesaid agreement, upon the final approval of the County Judge, oŁ which such sum is to be payable out of the Road and Bridge Fund, F, M. 1340, to the said i Ingram Telephone Exchange. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~ PETITIONd FOR ELECTION TO CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS THE STATE OF TEXAS) TO THE HOIIORABLE COUNTY JUDGE: /fga3. ~ COUNTY OF KERR ) WE, the undersigned legally qualified voters of (a) INGRAId COMMON School, District No. 2, in Kerr County, Texas (b) , desiring to consolidate said district with each of the following named school districts: _ 1. (c) Live Oak Common School, District No. _~ of Kerr County, Texas respectfully pray the Honorable Judge of Kerr _ County, Texas, to order an election in said (a) Ingram Common School District No. 2 of Kerr County, Texas, for the purpose 1 0Ł determining whether or not a majority of the legally qualified voters of said district desire to be consolidated with each of the above named districts for school purposes. DATED this day of , A. D. 19 (d) 1. Mrs. Earl McNealy '7. Ruth Cade 13. Mrs. C. E. Morrls 19• M. F. Cade 2. John V, Crenshaw 8. Doyl Ingram 14. James Whelan, Jr. 20. J. W. Crenshaw 3• A. E. Holcombe 9,M, L, Ingram 15•Si dney A. Nicholson 21. Guida Rodgers 4. Nellie Holcombe 10. S, M. Kelton 16. 0, A. Herzog, Jr. 22. Roy Key 5. J. A. Phillips 11. Bill Jolley 1'J. 5, I.. Lee 23. Mrs. J. A. Lein 6. Sam Cade 12, C. F., Morris 18. L. R. Rodgers 24. Vernon J. Burns FIL Eil 14 July 1950, Joe Burkett, Jr., Co. Judge, Kerr Co., Texas. FIL ED 15 Day of July A. D, 1950, Lawrence Stephens, Clerk County Cour t, Kerr County, Texas. PETITION FOR ELECTION TO CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS TF3E STATE OF TEXAS) TO THE IIONORABLE COUNTY JUDGE: COUNTY OF KERB ) WE, the undersigned legally qualified voters of (a) LIVE OAK COA}MOId School, District ~ 3 ' No. ,]y8, in Kerr County, Texas, (b) , desiring to consolidate said district with each of the following named school districts: 1. (c) Ineram Common School, District No. ~ of Kerr County, Texas respec tŁully pray the Honorable Judge of Kerr County, Texas, to order an election in said (a) Live Oak Common School District No, ~ of Kerr County, Texas, far the purpose of determining whether or not a majority of the legally qualified voters of said district desire to be con- solidated with each oŁ the above named districts for school purposes. ' DATED this day oŁ A. D. 19 (d) 1. Ivy R. HeŁferman ~. Earl Hyde 13. R. A, Sproul 19. Mrs. Elmer D. R 1 2. Nrs. hlaurine Hefferman 8. Mrs. Lillian Hyde 14. Mrs. R. A. Sproul 20. E. S. Love 3. Mrs. Lena Knthmann 9. Mrs. H. P. Hyde 15. Dora Sproul 21. Mrs. E. H. Love 4. R. w. Kothmann 10. Airs. Albert Kramer 16. Okley Jones 22. Arthur Hyde 5. G. H. Ahrens 11. Albert Kramer 1?. Mrs. Okley Jones 23. Airs. Arthur Hyd 6. Mrs. Eloise Ahrens 12. Clarence Kramer 18, Elmer D. Real PETITIOI7 FOR ELECTION TO COId50LIDATE DISTRICTS THE STATE OF TEXAS) TO THE HOI70RABLE COUNTY JUDGE: COUNTY OF KERR ) WE, the undersigned legally qualified voters of LIVE OAK COhP10N School District No. 18, in Kerr County, Texas, desiring to consolidate said district with each of the following named school districts: 1. Ingram Common School District No. 2 0Ł Kerr County, Texas, respectfully pray the Honorable Judge of Kerr County, Texas, to order an election in said Live Oak Common School District No. 18 of Kerr County, Texas, for the purpose of determining whether or not a majorit of the legally 4ualified voters of said district desire to be consolidated with each of the above named districts Łor school purposes. DATED this day oŁ , A, D. 1950. 1. H. R. Engelman 3. Mrs. Lucile Engelman .. 5. Robt. E. Love 2. Mrs. Susie Garland 4. G. C, Heffernan 6. James A, Holton PETITIOIr' FOR ELBCTIOII TO CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS THE STATE OF TEXAS) TO THE HOi70RABLE COUNTY JUDGE: COUNTY OF KERB ) WE, the undersigned legally qualified voters oŁ LIVE OAK COhIMON School District I7o. 18, in Kerr County, Texas, desiring to consolidate said district with each of the following named school districts: 1. Ingram Common School District No. 2 0Ł Kerr County, Texas respectfully pray the Honorable Judge of Kerr County, Texas, to order an election in said Live Oal: Common School District No. lE of Kerr County, Texas, for the purpose of determining whethe or not a majority of the legally qualified voters of said district desire to be consolidated with each oŁ the above named districts for school purposes. DATED this day of , A. D. 1950. --. 1. Milton Jones 5, Archie Lee 9. Mies. Jim Yriour 2. hits. hfl lton Jones 6. Nrs. Conrad Klein 10, Ms•s. Thomas Burrus 3. N. Sherman 7, Conrad Klein 11. Tkiomas Burrus 4. Nrs. Archie Lee 8. Jim Priour 12, John hf. Kelton ~.3 ~ uFIlED: 14 July 50: Joe Burkett Jr.~ Co. Judges Kerr Co.~ Tex. II FILED: 15 day of July A. D. 1950, Lawrence Stephens Clerk County Courts Kerr County Texas. ORDER OF ELECTION TO CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS THE STATE OF TEY.AS) COUNTY OF KERB ) WHEREAS on the 14th day of Julys A. D. 1950 a petition was presented to me for an elec- tion to be held in each of the following named school districts located in Kerr County Texas to-wit: 1. Live Oak Common School District No. 18 of said County 2. Ingram Common School District No. 2~ of said County on the question of determining whether or not a majority of the legally qualified voters of said districts desire to be consolidated with each other and with the following districts located outside of said County, to-wit: None It appearing that each of said contiguous districts have been properly established and created and are legally and validly existing school districts THEREFORE I~ in my capacity of County Judge of Kerr County Texas do hereby order that election be held on the 5th day of August, 1950, in Live Oak Common School District No. 18 and Ingram Common School District No. 2 to determine whether or not a majority oŁ the legally qualified voters of said Dlstricts that they shall be consolidated as indicated above for school purposes. I further order that said election shall be held at the following places in said districts and the following named person is hereby appointed presiding officer and he shall select two Judges and two Clerks to assist him in holding the same and he shall within five days aŁter'~ said election has been held make due return thereof to the Commissioners' Court oŁ this Count as is required by law for holding a General Election: 1. In Live Oak Common School District at Midway Store Buildings within said districts wi Mrs. H. B. Engleman as presiding Judgeg 2. In Ingram Common School District at Ingram School Building inIngram~ Texas within distr ict~ with Pink Lee as presiding Judge. All persons who are legally qualified voters of this State and oŁ this County and who are r esiddnt voters in said Districts shall be entitled to vote at said elections and all voters who favor the proposition to consolidate the said Districts for school purposes shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: "FOR CONSOLIDATION" And those opposed to the proposition to consolidate the said Districts for school purposes have written or printed on their ballots the words: "AGAINST CONSOLIDATION" Notice of said Election shall be given by posting three notices thereof in three public places within the boundaries of said Distr let for twenty days prior to date of said election. DATED this 15th day oŁ Julys 1950. /s/ Joe Burkett. Jr. County Judge Kerr County Texas NOTICE OF ELECTION TO CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS ~ ~!` Q TBE STATE OF TEXAS) C OIINTY OF KERR ) TO THE QIIALIFIED VOTERS OF THESf~FtEINAFTER NAMED SCHOOL DISTRICTS: TAKE NOTICE that an election will be held on the 5th day of August, 1950, in LIVE OAK COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT I70. 18 and INGRAM COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 2. at the places, in the manner, and on the proposition set forth in the attached copy of an Order for Election to Consolidate Districts, duly entered by the COUNTY JUDGE OF KERB COUNTY, STATE OF TEXAS, on the 15th day of July, 1950. Said attached Order for Election ~o Consoli- date Districts being made a part of this notice for all intents and purposes. /s/ Joe Burkett, Jr. Joe Burkett, Jr., Co~ian y Judge Rerr County, Texas SHERIFF'S CERTIFICATE OF POSTING NOTICE OF ELECTION TO CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS THE STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF KERB ) I, the undersigned, Sheriff of Aerr County, Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Notlce oŁ Election to Consolidate Districts giving notice of th election therein mentioned, and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice at the following places, to-wit: 1. In line Oak Common School District, at the following three public places: 1. Midway Store 2. Post on Highway 27 approximately 1 miles S. oP Midway, ' 3. Post on Highway 27 about 2 miles South of Midway. 2. In Ingram Common School District, at the following three public places: ~I 1. Ingram School House 2. Mrs. Mc's Cafe 3. Post Office on the 15th day of July, 1950, which posting was done not less than 20 full days prior to the '~~ date fixed for said election. ~~~ I further certify that the election order thereto attached and made a part of said Notlce ~~ of Election to Consolidate Districts is a true and correct copy oP an Order adopted by the ~I County Judge of Kerr County, Texas, on the 15th day of July, 1950. Witness my hand this the 15th day of July, 1950. /s/ Earl Garrett Sheriff Kerr County, Texas By C e y ORDER OF ELECTION TO CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS ~ THE STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF KERR ) WHEREAS, on the 14th day of July, A. D. 1950, a petition was presented to me for an elec- tion to be held in each of the following named school districts located in Kerr Couaty, Texas, to-wlt: 1 1. Live Oak Common School District No. 18, of said County. 2. Ingram Common School Distrlet No. 2, of said County. /f f!/ oa the question of determining whether or not a majority of the legally qualified voters of said districts desire to be consolidated with each other and with the following districts located outside of said county, to-wit: None It appearing that each of said contiguous districts have been properly established and created and are legally and validly existing school districts TREREFORE~ I, in my capacity of County Judge of Kerr Covnty, Texas, do hereby order that a election be held on the 5th day oŁ August, 1950, in live Oak Common School District No. 18 and Ingram Common School District No. 2 to determine whether or not a majority of the legally qualified votera of said Districts desire that they shall be consolidated as indicated above Yor school purposes. I further order that said election shall be held at the following places in said districts and the following named person is hereby appointed presiding officer and he shall select two Judges and two Clerks to assist him in holding the same and he shall, within five days after said election has been held, make due return thereof to the Commissioners' Court of thi s Covnt as is required by law for holding a General Election: 1. In Live Oak Common School District, at Midway Store Building in , Texas, within s~ district, with Mrs. H. B. Engleman as presiding Judge, 2. In Ingram Common School District at Ingram School Building in Ingram, Texas, within said district, with Pink Lee as presiding Judge. All persons who are legally qualified voters of this State and of this County and who are resident voters in said Districts shall be entitled to vote at said election, and all voters who favor the proposition to consolidate the said Districts for school purposes shall have written or printed on their ballots, the words: "FOR CONSOLIDATION" Aad those opposed to the proposition to consolidate the said Districts for school purposes have written or printed on their ballots, the words: "AGAII7ST CONSOLIDATION" Notice of said Election shall be given by posting three notices thereof in three public _ places within the boundaries of said District for twenty days prior to the date of said ele DATED this 15th day of July, 1950. /s/ Joe Burkett, Jr. County Judge Kerr County, Texas NOTICE OF ELECTION TO CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS THE STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF KERB ) TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE HEREINAFTER NAMED SCHOOL DISTRICTSs TAKE NOTICE that an election will be held on the 5th day of August, 1950, in LIVE OAK COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 18, and INGRAM COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 2, at the places, in the manner, and on the proposition set forth in the attached copy of an Order for Election to Consolidate Districts, duly entered by the COUNTY JUDGE OF Kerr County, State oP Texas, on the 15th day of July, 1950. Said attached Order for Election to Consolidate Districts being made '~ part of this notice for all intents and purposes. /s/ Joe Burkett, Jr. J'oe Burkett, Jr ., County Judge Kerr County, Texas 'F'S CERTIFICATE OF POSTING NOTICE OF ELECTION TO CONSOLIDATE DISTRICTS ~~a+ THE STATE OF TEXAS) COIINTY OF KERR ) I, the undersigned, SherriPP of Kerr County, Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Notice of Election to Consolidate Districts giving notice of the election therein mentioned, and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice at th following places, to-wit: 1. In Live Oak Common School District, at the Following three public places: 1. Midway Store 2. Post on Highway 2'] approximately 1 mile S. of Midway. 3. Post on Highway 27 about 2 miles South of Midway. 2. In Ingram Common School District, at the following three public places: 1. Ingram School House 2. Mrs. Mc's Cafe 3. Post Office on the 15th day of July, 1950, which posting was done not less than 20 full days prior to the date fixed for said election. I further certify that the election order thereto attached and made a part of said Notice ~~ oŁ Election to Consolidate Districts is a true and correct copy of an'Order adopted by the County Judge of Kerr County, Texas, on the 15th day of July, 1950. ' Witness my hand this the 15th day of July, 1950. /s/ Earl Garrett Sheriff Herr County, Texas Hy C. A. Rodgers, Deputy o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF KERB ) BE IT REMEMBERED that on this, the 31st day of July, A. D. 1950, there was begun and holde a special term of the Commissioner`s Court, Kerr County, at the courthouse thereof, in the cit ~ of Kerrville, Texas. Officers present to-wit: Honorable Joe W. Burkett, Jr. - - - - - - County Judge, Henry Eckstein- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct No. 1, V, D. Powell- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct No. 2, Charles H. Molter - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct No. 3, - W. H. Furr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct No. 4, ~~I Earl Garrett, Sheriff, and Lawrence Stephens, County Clerk, and Court having been specially ~, opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~,, No. 4824. COMPROMISE 4dITH CARL 0. WHITWORTH, ET. AL. IN RE: HIGHWAY N0. 39 RIGHT-OF-'dAY. ', WHEREAS, on the 24th day of July, 1950, Special Commissioners duly appointed in Cause No. '~ 359 on the County Court Docket, County Court, Kerr County, Texas, in the Condemnation Proceedi s ~ of the State of Texas vs, Carl 0. Whitworth, et. al., in the sum of $3219.50; as well as the fltrther obligation to construct a pass for livestock 40 Feet in width near the second river ii crossing on the North range running from approxi~ately Station 6.'J5 to approximately 6.y8; and should the fence to be constructed on said Whitworth property exceed 3.31 miles in length, 4 than Kerr County agrees to pay for such additional distance at the rate of $'700.00 per mile.