' Turtle Greek Common School District No. 6, of said County, on -the Pirst.day of Jsauarg in the ~ ~b current year, the following taxes: (1). An ad valorem tax of and at the rate of sixty cents on the One Hundred Dollars value- i~ tloa of all taxable property in said District, estimated in lawful currency of the United State of America, for the purpose of supplementing the State School Fund apportioned to said District for the support and maintenance of the Public Schools in said District. /s/ Joe Burkett, Jr. County Judge Rerr County, Texas ~I COUNTY SUP~2INTENDENTS' CERTIFICATE FOR LEVY OF TAXFS IN COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT ', THE STATE OF TEXAS) TO THE HONORABLE COMMISSIONERS' COURT ' COUNTY OF KERB ) OF SAID COIINTYi '~, I, Joe Burkett, Jr., County Superintendent of Kerr County, Texas, respectfully represents (1). That at a meeting of the Trustees of (a) Turtle Creek Common School District No. 6, i Kerr Covaty, Texas, on the 12th day of July, A. D. 1950, 1n which meeting I was present and par ti2lpated, it appearing that at an election held on the 8th day of July A. D. 1950, Sn said ~ District wherein a tax of and at the rate of "not exceeding sixty cents on the One Hundred Doll s valuation of all taxable property in said District" for the support and maintenance of the Publ c Schools therein was authorized by the legally qualified resident property taxpaying voters oP said District, who own taxable property in said District and who have duly rendered the same fo taxation, and it appearing to the satisfaction of said Trustees and myself that for the ensuing scholastic year a tax of and at the rate of sixty cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of all taxable property in said District will produce sufficient funds for the purpose of supple- d menting the State School Fund apportioned to said District, it was agreed by the Trustees and myself that said rate of tax should be certified to your Honorable Co(ugrt. ~'~ (2). That the rate of tax to be levied by your Honorable Court iry Turtle Creek Common Scho ~, District No. 6, in said County, for the year 1950, for the purpose of supplementing the State ( a) li School Fund apportioned to said District is/sixty cents on the One Hundrefl Dollars valuation of all taxable property in said District. --. i DAT&D THIS 12th day of July, A. D1 ,1950. - /s/ Joe Burkett, Jr. County Superintendent Kerr County, Texas ' ~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 4830. APPROVAL OF ITEMIZhD REPORT OF TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 195 . ~ This the 31st day of July, A. D. 1950, came on to be examined by the Court the itemized ' monthly report and tax receipts of E. H. Nichols, Tax Assessor and Collector for the Month oP JvAg,1950, skyowing the deposition of all monies, both to the state and county, collected by him during the previous month, and a Certificate of Order by the County Clerk as to his examination oP said report and stubs and as to the correctness to names, dates and amounts on each. It appearing to the court that said report, together with tax receipt stubs filed therein are oorrect. Therefore by motion duly made by Powell, seconded by Eckstein, and uhanimously approv d by the Court, and it is hereby ordered, ad3udged and declared that said report is correct in al --1 respects, and ordered Piled by the County Clerk. -~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 4831. ORDER DISAPPROVING THE P17RCHASE OF A ROAD ROLLER. This the 31st day oŁ July, A. D. 1950, after motion having been duly made by Molter, second d b Ftar end unanimousl a roved b the Court that ro osal heretofore made b Commissioner of