oereful and thorough anemias tioa and Sae pa otloa of said report, together with the oaaaelled werranta, oheaka, bonds end coupons accompanying name, that said report Sa Lrue end correot sad that same should be approved by the Court all ea ie shown by Certificate of Approval signed by each member of the Court es etteahed hereto. Therefore, by motion duly made by 8okatein, sewed ed by Molter end uhen imously approved by the Court, that said report be approved es shown by aeid Certificate of Approval signed by the Court, and that the County Clerk shall record said report in the loose leaf reccrd of hie offloe end file such cancelled werranta, cheeks, bonds end coupons in hie office for aefe-keeping end further reference. -o-o-0-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c- No. 4857. CONFIRMATION OF PURCHASE OF 1950 CHEVROLET 1 1/2-TON PICK-UP. BY COMMISSIONER OF PRECINCT 510. 1. This the 14$h day of August, A. D. 1950, came ca to be coaside red by the Cour the pickup end hen been allowed X175.00 ae a trade-Sn, and ie allowed en exemption of ;47.35 ea e federal tea to be exempted therefrom, leev leg an aggregate of $1453.30 Sue on the new pickup, end that is the opinion of the Court it would ben eflt said precinct to wnf irm the puroh sae of same. Therefore, by motion duly made by Furr, seconded by Powell, end unanimously approved by the Court that the puroheae and trade-in by se id Commlea loner of Pre ciact No. 1 be approved and confir~ed, and that the County Clerk be end is hereby directed to draw voucher in the amount of X1453.30, pe yeble to Peterson Garage and Auto Company out of Roed sad Bridge No. 1 of Kerr County, Teaes. puroheae by Henry Eokateln, Commissioner, Pre oinot No. 1, of one 1950 Chevrolet 1/2-ton Pick-up truck. Aad it apps sting to Lhe Court that said Commissioner hen put chased s~a/id pickuy for a consideration of $1638.40; that said officer has traded in one 1938 Chevrolets 1/2-ton -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a- No. 485 B. APPROVAL OF PLAT OF GUADALUPE HEIGHTS, SUBJECT TO FILING TITLE OPINION AND CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP WITH THE COUNTY CLERK. On this the 14th day of August, A. D. 1950, Dame oh to be co naidered by the Court the application end dedication of A, C. Erwin; together with the Surveyor's Certified Field Notes ea to the wrre etnesa of the plat of Guadalupe Helghta, made by aeid A. C. Erwin, end hie des ire to have name approved for raw rd in the County Clark's Off Soe of Kerr County, Tessa. And it apps erl ng to the Court that there should be filed with avid Clerk a Title Opinion, certifying the ownership by the said Mr. Erwin, and a written permission from any or ell lien holders on aeid reel estate, and that the hareinefter order be entered at suoh time ea auah title opinion and written permission of the lien holders is duly filed with the County Clerk, after motion having been duly made by Eokatein, seoonded by Furr end unanimously approved in that reapeat, that suoh order of approval be entered to reed ea follows, to-wit: "On thin the 14th day of Augua t, A, D. 1950, Dame oa to be seen Sdsred the eppli ae tion of A. C. Erwin, of Kerr County, Tezea, for the approval of a Plet, Field Not ea, end Dedlaetloa of e certain aubdl vision to be known ea "GUADALUPE HEi GNTS", ovt of aad~part of Survaya No, 69, Wm. Watt end~NO. 70, W, T, Crook, least ed Sn Kerr County, Tezea, end which aeid "CUADALUPE HEIGH'TS^, Se fully deasribedih 'tLe Ylee Md de`dimtition:'filAd herein, end of which A. C. Erwin is the owner sad developer. And it eppeari ng to the Court that said aubdiv is ion, plat end dedication meet all of the requ irementa prescribed in the laws of Lhe State of Tezea thereunto eppertainiag. THEREFORE, upon motion made by K. Ecka Lein and seconded by W. H. Furr, it is uaaaimoualy ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED by the Court that aeid aubdiviai on, "GUADALUPE HEIGHTS" be admitted to reoord in the Mep end Plat re wrda of the County Clerk of Kerr County, Tezea, apd the same Se hereby ordered to be eo rooo rded upon the payment of the recording fee the refers. And it Sa fur~tHir ordered that this order be pro per ly, ,sµterad Sp the minaLes of yhe ~ ~b Commiasionera' Court of Kerr County, Tezas.^ -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4859. ESTABLISHING TWC ADDITIONAL ELECTION PRECINCTS AND REVISION. WHEREAS, it appsering Lo the Court,t~st,Eleotion Preoinot X13 has grown to such en eztent end the number of voters has inareased to~apph m eztent that it be~Ome~ imperative that an eddltioael election precinct be established; It Sa therefore ORDBRED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court thst Eleatlon Precinct #16 1e hereby eateblished, the same being des criDed by metes and bnunda ea follows, to-wit: BEGINNING et the point where State Highway X27 lnteraeota t}}e oenter of the bed of Towp Creek within the limits of the City of Kerrville; THENCE along the center line of State High- way #27 is a westerly direatlon to a point where sald~Hlghway ~,g27 Sntereect8 with the eeaterl line of aeid Ingram Ele atioa Precinct //6 to the ao unty line; THENCB 1n ea sea terly direction along the county line to a point where said oounty line interaacte with the westerly line of Ele atl on Precinct X14 ee now cone ti toted; THENCE along sold westerly boundary line of Election Precinct X14 es it meanders, to the piece of BEGINNING. • The remaining portion of old Election Precinct #13 is hereby constituted es Election Precinct //13 and ie defined by metes end bounds ee follows, to-wit: BEGINNING et the intersection of Stets Highway X27 end State Highway J/16 on the weat• corner of the-public square in the City of Kerrville, Tezas, along the center line of State Highway jk27 in a westerly direation Lo where said highway lnterse cta the easterly line of the Ingram voting precinot #b; THENCE in a southerly dire nt ion along the eeaterly~line of said Election Precinct #6 to where said Election Precinct #6 intersacta with the line of Election Precinct ~7: THENCE in en ~~st~rly direction along the northerly Precinct line of said Electi Precinct #7 to where aeid line meets with the present easterly boundary line oP said Election Precin of //13; THENCE in a northerly direction along the present seats rly bou~ary line of set Election Precinct J{13 to present place of HEGINN ING. WHEREAS, it apps Bring to the Court that $]e coon Precinct ~1 hen grown to such en eatent and the number of voters hen increased to such en extent that it beoomea imperative that en additional election precinct be established; It is therefore ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court Chet Ele otioa Pre oinet #17 is hereby eats bliahed, the name bel ng described by metes and bo ands ea follow a, to-wit: BEGINNING at the junction of State Highway 816, oommonally oelled Sidney Baker Street or the Fredericksburg Roed, at the point where it intersacta with the aenter line of Wheless Street within the City of Kerrville; THENCE along Bald Frederi Wce burg Roed to the county line; THENCE in an sae terly direction along Kerr County line to wham said Karr County line inter- sects the westerly line of Election Precinct #3; THENCE in a so ut heeaterly direction along the line of Election Precinct ~3 to where the line of Ele otion Precinct /f3 end 12 intersect; THENCE in a southerly dire ctlon with Cypress Creek Rosd to Southeast line of Sur. 115, Thomea Henri; THENCE 9.E. to the east aprner of the city limits of the City of Kerrville, Texea, and along the east line of Trevia Street in ea id City of Kerrville to where Travis Street inter- sects with the oenter line of°Thi rd Street in the City of Kerrville, Tezas; THENCE el ong the center line of Third Street to where the center line of Third £ltreet in teraects with the oenter line of Tivy Street; THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the center line of Tivy Street to where the center line of aeid Tivy Street intersacta with the center line of Wheless Avehue; DICE in a northwaatarly direction Along the line of Wheless Avenuo to the pleas of BEGINNING.