~` 3 I ~ Tha remei aing portion not, eno loved in th esefield not ea of Pre ninct ~1 and that portion of Preoinct J{12 not included in these field not ea shall be and remain .in Preoinot N1 ahd #12 respectively. That the County Surveyor be and Ls hereby dire rted to revise, by proper f Se ld notes, for the 17 election preclnate of Kerr County, Tezea. Motion was made by Furr, aeoohded by Molter, and unanimously carried that Lhe re be ' created two new election pracincta to be known es Election Precinot p16 end Hlection Precinot X17 end that the seventeen pracinota De revised end each be entered on the minutes in the office of the County Clerk. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No., 4860. INVESTMENT OF SURPLUS LATERAL AND HIGHWAY FUND. SE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 14th day of Aug uat, 1950, etthe regular August term -01' the Commiaalonera' Court of, Kerr County, Tezea, the following members of sold Court present Toe Burkett, Jr.-------------------County Judge Henry 8okateia---------------------Commissioner Preoinot #1 Ve}a on D. Powell-------------------COmmSsai oner Preoinot 2 ._ Chea. Molter-----------------------COmmleaioner Preoinot d3 W. H. Furr-------------------------Commissioner Preoinot 1/4 Lawrence 3tepheha------------------County Clerk and Earl Garrett-----------------------Sheriff. The matter of the surplus in the County sad Road Diatriot Highway Fund having been brought to the attention of the Court end St appeeri cog to the Court that Kerr County received approaimately $16,54B.BB es its share of the surplus in aeid fund; and it further appearing that the sum of approximately $12,391.24 has been deduoted from said surplus fund end oredit ed to the Sinking Fund of the eligible Roed Boad iesuea of Kerr County; and, WHEREAS, it further appears that after retaining the sum of $12,391.24 ea above set fort there is approximately X4,157.64 remaining to the credit of Kerr County in the Lateral Road Fund, which is available to Kerr County to be used fcs the Done tru cti on or improvements of oounty lateral roads; NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PREBENT3: That upon motion made by Commissioner Molter end eeoonded by Commies Sonar Powell, it is requested that the Board of County end District Rosd Indebtedness forward aeid funds to the Treasurer of Kerr County; end, It ie further ordered that ell of said fuffis ex•e here sad how earmarked, set aside, end doaignated to be used by geld Kerr County Sn oonnect ion with the acquiring of right-of-way for F. M, Road #1340 ruhning from the town of Runt, Tezea, to M. 0. Ranch; end any balance re- maining after the ecqul ring of this right-oY-way 1s then earmarked, set aside, end designs tad to be used on the acquiring end obtaining the right-of-way for .the county lateral road known ea the Cypress Creek Road which runs from the pity limits of Lhe City of Rerrville, Tezea, to the sad of the pavement in the vioinity of the Cypreae Creek sohool house. A vote being taken, all members voted: AYE, acid the motion oarried unanimously. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4861. REQUEST FOR PAYMENT FROM BOARD OF COUNTY AND DISTRICT ROAD INDEBTEDNESS IN RE ROAD D73 TRICT $1 BONDS DATED JULY 10, 1920 AND MAY 10, 1937. BE IT REMEBERED, that on this the 14th day of August, 1950, at the regular August term of the Commies Sonera' Court of Kerr County, .Tezea, the following members of said .Court present Toe Burkett, Jr.-------------------County Judge Henry Eokstein---------------------Commissioner Precinct 1 Vernon D. Powell-------------------Commissioner Preoinot 2 Ches. Molter-----------------------Cammieaioner greoinct 3 W. R. Furr------^-------°--------Commlasloner Preoinot 4 Lewrenoe Stephens------------------County Clerk and Earl Garrett-----------------------Sheriff. ..:7Frnd~ ~. The matter of Roed District /fl Honds, dated July 10, 1920, end Roed end Bridge Improvement ~~O T Warrente~,. dated Mey 10, 1937, came on for consideration end it apps ering to the Court that the _ pe yment by Kerr County of the sum of $13,965.40 to the Boe rd of County and District Road In- debtedness end the payment of the further sum of $521.16 to Lhe Board of County and District Road Indebtedness will increase the State aid on both of the i::s ues above-mentioned to 100,x; end, It further app~eri ng to the said Court that Kerr County has on deposit with the Board of County end District Roed Indebtedness in Austin, Texas, more then enough Panda with which to pny both of said amounts; end, ' It further appearing to the Court that it would be to the advantage of Kerr County to make said payments; upon motion made by Commissioner Molter, aeco nd ed by Commissioner Bcke fain, it is ordered by the Court, end the Board of County and District Road Indebtedne se et Auat in, Teaea, is hereby authorized end directed to pay the sum of $13,965.40 from the monl es of Kerr County now on deposit with said Board to the Board of County acrd Die tract Roed Indebtedness for the purpose of paying Kerr County's pert on the boada detefl July 10, 1920, including principal and interest; and, ~, Zt further appearing to the Court that it would be to the advantage of Kerr County to make said payments; upon motion made by Commissioner Molter, seconded by Commissioner Eckstein, it is ordered by the Court, and the Board of County end DSa tract (toad Indebtedness et Austin, Teaas, is hereby eat ho razed end directed to pay Lhe further sum of X521.16 out oP Lhe monies on deposit by Kerr County with the Boe rd of County end Dis trice; Roed Indebtedness on the warrants dated Mey 10, 1937; end, It is further ordered end the said Boe rd of County end Dis t:ri et Roed Ind ebtedneas is hereby requested and authorized, after the payment of the ebo vs soma of money, to increase the 9ta to aid on these issues to 100~i; th et ell remaining funds after the said payments have been made be returned to the Treasurer of Kerr County, Teaea. The motion having been put to vote, all commissioners voted; AYE, and Lhe motion carried unen imously. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4862. APPLICATION TO HOARD AND COUNTY DISTRICT ROAD INDEBTEDNESS FOR CREDIT TO KERB COUNTY IN GOVERNMENT "G" BONDS FOR $50,000,00. BE IT RE[v:EM.BERED, that an this the 14th day of August, 1950, at the regular August term of the Commissioners` Court of Kerr County, Teaas, the following members of said Court present: Joe Burkett, Jr,------------------•-County Judge Henry Eckstein-------------------..-Comma asioner Precinct 1 Vernon D. Powell-------------------Commissioner Precinct '2 Chas. Molter---------------------••-Commissioner Precinct Jj3 W. H. Farr-------------------------COmmisai oner Precinct 4 Lawrence Stephens------------------County Clerk end Earl Garrett-----------------------Sheriff. The me tter of the surplus deposit held on dap ds it by the Boe rd of County and District Road Indebtedness to the credit of Kerr County in connection with the road bond issue of 1931 came on to be considered, end it appearing to the Court th et said fwxls are et present not drawing any interest; end, It further apps ering to the Court that it would be to the best interest of Kerr County that X50,000.00 of said funds be inv sated in U. S. Government "G" Bonds for the use end ben efi of Rerr County; and, It Further eppe ering to the Court that the Board of County end District Road Ind ebtedneas will handle the investment of said funds end will hold possesat.on of said bonds et the request of Commissioners` Court oP Kerr County, which request is hereby made; on motion by Commissions