(O ~ THE STATE OF TESAS ~ - TAE COUNTY OF KERR ~ BE IT REME1®ERED that on this the 28th day of August, A. D. 1950, there wee begun end holden a apeciel term of the Commiasi onere' Court of Kerr County et the Court House thereof in the city of Kerrville, Tezas, the following off ice ra present, to-wit: Honorable Joe Burkett, Jr.. .County Judge, Henry Scksteln. .Commissioner of Precinct #l, V. D. Powell. .Commissioner of Precinct #2, Ches. Molter. .Commisaionar of Precinct #3. W. H. Furr. .Commissioner of Precinct #4, Earl Garrett. .Sheriff end Lewren ce 3Lephena. County Clerk; end the Court hewing been ape cielly opened, the following pm ceedinga were had, to-wit: No. 4871. TRANSFER OF $190.40 FROM ROAD AND BRIDGE RIGHT-OF-WAY FUND F. M. 1340 TO RDBD AND BRIDGE #4. This Lhe 28th day of Au goat, A. D. 1950, after motion having been made by Eckstein, seconded by Powell end unanimously approved by the Court, that the County Clerk be and is hereby directed to tran afar the sum of 3190.40 from R.oed and Bridge Right-of-Way Pund F. M. 1340 to Road end Bridge Princin et #4 for re-imburai ng le bor charged against the wrong fund paid through Lhe Ches. Schreiner Bank et the regular August term. -o-o-o -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- \ ~, No. 4872. APPROYAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. i This the 28th day of August, A. D. 1950, came on to be ezemined by the Court the various claims and eccounta filed egei nst Kerr County end its veri oua road funds end it eppeeri ng to the Court that it is necessary to pay the present cle ima on file; Char afore, by motion duly ' made Dy Molter, seconded by Eckstein and unenimo us ly eppro ved by Lhe Court, that the olaima presented be paid out of the proper funds end the County Clerk be sad is hereby directed to - ~ make proper you chars against the County Treasurer fo r~ Lhe payment of ee ch. -o-o-o-o-0-o- o-o-o-o -o- o- No. 4873. SURVEYOR'S CORRECTED FIELD NOTES ON 17 ELECTION PRECINCTS. This the 28th day of August, A.D. 1950, came on to be ezamined by Lhe Court the corrected field notes prepared by F. M. Kuykendell, County Surveyor, on each of the 17 election precinct, throughout Kerr County, being in compliance with the request of the Court on August 14, 1950, end St appearing to the Court that such f'Seld notes should be recorded in the proper records of the County Clerk's Office end that same should be accepted; therefore, by motion IIuly ma d• by Sckstein, seconded by Powell end unaa imously approved by the Court, that the field not ea pre- pared by County Surveyor be accepted in ell respects and that +thrCounty Clerk be and is hereby r dire oted to record same in the proper re cor da of hie office. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4874. AGHESMENT ON RIGHT-OF-WAY F. M. 1340 WTTH J. K. DORRANCE. Th1a the 28th day of August, A. D. 1950 on motion of Commleaioner Furr, seconded by Commi stoner Eckstein, it is agreed that Kerr County will, in connection with the enquiring of a et of land to be used for the widening and improvene nt of the Nor tp ForkRoed near the town of Hu Tezas, said land belonging to one J. K. Dorrenca, without coat to the said J. K. Dorrence, do the following things: (1) Kerr County will move and replace the road fenoe, gate, end atone pillars from Lhe