present location to Lhe new right-oP-way line and replace the same Sn at leeet ae good or Dotter condition ee they ere et present; end ehou ld any of the posts in the fence be destroyed or not ,suitable for use, Kerr County will replace the same with heart ceder poets of the same size and quality. (2) Kerr County also agrees to rebuild the atone bate pillars of identically Lhe same a ize, conformity end color ,end to re-awing the gates in the same manner es they ere now hung oa the pillars. - (3) Kerr County further egress that they are not to, 'or permit to be done, any damage to the trees located on the property of the Bald-J: K. Dorrance,-e nd in particular not to deatro nor dmmege oho large Oek tree which is close by'the 'main gate end hen been identified on the ground by Mr. Zeigler, the State Highway Engineer. (4) Further, that eh ould the improvement on said road destroy or meteri ally interfere with or damage the ro ed and oulvert where the private toed of the said T. K. Dorran ce turns off the highway, that Kerr Couhty will move said culvert to ate new location end leave said entrance end oulvert of said J. K. Dorrance in euDatentially the came poe itl on end condition es it now ezia ta. ' Motion unanimously carried. r i -o-o-o -o-o-o-o-o- o-o- o-o- No: k875. CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURNS A6'D PAYDQ~NT OF ELECTION JUDGES: DECLARING RESULTS OF MAINTENANCE TA% AND BOND A3SUtipTION ELECTION AND LEPY OF TARES IN INGRAM COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 2. This the 2gth day of August, A. D. 1950, came oh to be cenvesae8 and tabulated the results of election held in Ingram Common School District No. 2 for malntenen ce ter election end bond eeeumption election on Saturday, August 19th, 1950. Wherefore the Court having canvassed and tabulated each returns and having signed Lhe~~eertlfl cats affized in Volume 9, Page 111, ae Lo au ch approval, therefore moLlon duly made by Molter, se coffied by Fury end unanimously approved by the Court that the returns of said election De approved in ell reepe eta and that the follow Shg orders be entered declaring the results end levying taxes Sn said Ingram Common School District ~2, to-wit: "ORDER DECLARING RP45ULT OF MAINTFNANCE TAY ELECTION TO ESTABLISH TAZ IN COMMON SCHOOL D29TTiICT THE STA'IB OF TESAS ) IN THE COMMLSSIONEEh4' COURT OF SAID COUNTY: COUNTY OF KERB ) On this, the 28th day of August A. D. 1460, came on to be conb id ered the rsturha of en election Held on the 19th day of August, A. D.1950, is (e) Ingram Coaunoh School Die tract No, 2, of this County, Sor the purpose of determining whether or hot a majority of the legally qualified tea ideht property tezpa yang w tare of avid Dietri et, who owh tazable property in acid District end who have duly rendered the same for tazatloa, desire to tez th emaelvea for the purpose of supplementing the State School Fund apportioned to acid District, end to de- termine whether the Commission er'e' Court of geld County shell be authorized to levy, assess end collect annually a taz of end et the rate of (b) not ezoeeding savant y-eight (7B) cents on the One Hundred Dollere value tloh of ell tazeble property ici said Dia tract for acid purpose end IT APPEARING that said election weein ell respects legally held end that said returns war duly sad legally made end that there were teat et said el cation 21 vote;,of which number there were teat: 'F'OR SCHOOL TAY' .............................21 VoL ee. 'f68 i 'AGAIII3T SCHOOL TAY' .........................0 Vot ea. 't~ S . AND IT APPEARING TO THE COURT from said raturha that a me~ority of the legally qualified ~- resident property tezyey Sng voters of said Dietri ot, who own tazable property Sn ss id Dietrl of sad who have duly rendered the same for taxation, voting at said election, voted (o) for said tez, the Court does hereby deelere the proposition to levy the said taz Lo have been (d) adopt (e) and Lhet this Court is authorized to levy, end he ve easeeaed and collected said Laz.• ^ORDER DECLARING RESULT OF BOND ASSUMPTION ELECTION THE STATE OF TEKA3 ) COIINTY OF KERR ) INGRAM COMi60N 3CROOL DI3TRICT.N0..:2 On this the 2Sth day of August, 1950, the Commissioners` Court of Kerr County, Tezes, oog;aNgd La eyeolel aesaioa with the following members present, to-wit: Jq~l t, Jr.---------County Judge Henry 8okrtgia-----------Oommisaioner Preainot No. 1 j~{~n•~D~~$pltei+-R--------Cpm~pisaiono; Pra oinat No. 2 Char. 1(o}tqa"":.-----___-Commissioner Pre cinot No. 3 W. H. Farr---------------COamlaeioner Preoinct No. 4 Lawrence 9taphens--------County Clerk end the following absent: none, aonetituting a quorum end among other proosedinge had by esid Court was the following: There oeme on to be coos id'ered the returns of an ale of ion held oa the 19th day of August, 1950, oa the proposition of assuming the ihdebtednesa ae provided ih the order oalliag said ale otion, sad it appearing from said rota rne, duly sad legally mode, that there were oast et geld eleot ion 21 valid and legal votes, of whi ab number there were one t: 'FOR THE ASSUMPTION OF INDEBTEDNE33 AND LEVYING THE TAK IH PAYMENT THERE01'. .21 votes. ' 'AGAINST THE A33iA0?TION OF INDEBTSDNEBS AND LEVYING TH6 TAZ IN PAYMENT TRERSOF'. .0 votes. IT 18 THEREFORE FOUNN AND DECLARED, AND SO OBDERED, by the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Tezas, that a majority of the resident qualified property tazpaying voters wpo owned tazable property in Ingram Common Sohool...Dietriot No. 2, end who had duly rendered theaelmiR fvr tezeLi on, voting at said eleation voted 1n favor of the assumption of eald indebtedness end the levying of said tez, sad that, therefore, this Court is authorized to aeaume said lndebtednees, end to levy and to have assessed end colleoted said tez in payment thereof. The above order Laing reed, it wee moved end aeco ad ed that same do pass. Thereupon the queatlon beingaelled for, the following members of thr.COUrt voted AYE: Eaketeis, Powell, Molter, Furr end the following voted N0: none." "ORDER OF THE COMmL93I0NERS' COURT LEVYING TAY83 IN COMMON SCHOOL DL4TRICT THE STATE OF TESA9 IN THE COMYS99IONER3' COURT OF KEBR COUNTY: .COUNTY OF KERR QN TRI9, THS 28th DAY OF August, A. D. 1950, IT LS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE C0107I33IONERS• ~ COURT OF Yerr County, Tezea, that there Sa hereby levied for the~yeer 1950 on ell tazable piro party in Ingram Common School Dls trial No. 2, of anid County, oh the first day of January of the current year, the following tezea: (1). ~An ad valorem tez of end et the rate of 75 oents on the One Hued red Dollera of ell tazable property in said Dietriat, eatlmeted Za lawful aurrenay of the IInited States ox America, for the purpose of supplementing the State School Fund apportioned to said Dia tri ct ~ ~ ~ for the support and maintenance of the Public Schools in said District. -~, (2). 1n ed valorem tez of end et the rate of 25 cents on the One Hundred Dollars vel ue do of all tazeble property in aeid District, estimated in lawful currency of the United Stetea of America, to pay the current interest on end provide one year's sinking Pu nd for Lhe bonds of aeid District issued to the amount of $38,000.00, end dated the 1st day of lday, A. D. 1950, en also tna X5000.00 ieaue or 1935. " "COUNTY 9UPERLNTENDFSIT'3 CERTIFICATE FOR LE4Y OF TAPES IAI COEOiON SCROOL DISTRICT THE STATE OF TEYlS ) TO THE HONORABLE COM1SI33IONERS' COURT OF SAID COUNTY: COUNTY OF KERR ) I, Joe Burkett, dr. Cousty Superintend snt of Kerr Cousty, Tezae, rea pe ctfully repreesat: (1). That et a meeting of the Txu steea of Dram Commbn School.. District No. 2, In Kerr Cousty, Tezae, on Lhe 28th day of pug., A. D. 1950, in which meetlhg I was present end par- ticipated, it apps era ng that et en election held on the 19th flay bf August p. D. 1950, in ea District whe rei^ a tez of end at the rate of "not ezcee ding 78 cents on the One Hundred Doll val ue lion of ell tezable pro party in said Dia tri ct" for the support and maintenance of Lhe Public Schools therein was authorized by the legally quel if Sed resident property teapeyiag voters of said District, who own tezable pzp~perty in said District sad who have duly rendered She same for teaeti on, end it appeerl ng to the. satisfaction of aeid Truataee and myself that for the ensuing scholastic year a tea of end at the rata of 75 cents os the One Hundred Dollar valuation of ell tenable property in said Dia tract will produce aufYioient funds for the purpose of supplementing the State School Fund apportioned to said District, it wen agreed by the Trusts ea and mya elf that sold rate of tez should ba certified to your Honorable Court. (2). That Lhe rate of tea to be levied by your Honorable Court Sn Ingram Common School Diatri ct No. 2, in aeid County, for the year 1950, for the purpose of eupplementi ng the Stet School Fund apportioned tb said District is seventy-five cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of ell tazeble property is said District. (3). And it further appearing th et the legally qualified property tezpay ing voters of eel District, who own tezable property Sn aeid Die tri ct and who have duly rendered Lhe same for tazetion, et an election held on Lhe 15th day of April, A. D. 1950, had authorized the Sasuah of bonds of aeid Diet ri et to the amount of X38,000.00, dated the let dqy of Mey, A. D. 1950, payable in 30 ye era, end beeriug 3~ per cent inter eat, on the faith and credit of aeid Distri , end the levy of a Laz in said Dia tract aufricient to pay the interest on said bonds end to provide a sinking fund su ffi aient to pay the prlaci pal et meta ri ty, it wen agreed by aeid Truataee end myself that for the year 1950, a taz of end et Lhe rate of 25 Dente os each Oae Hundred Dollera ve lue tion of ell tazeble property in aeid District should be levied there for; end ""1 (k). That the rate of taz to be levied by your Honorable Court in Ingram Common Sahool DSatricL No. 2, of ea id County, for the year 1950, to pay the current interest on and proud da one year's ainkisg fund for the outstanding bosda of said District ea aforesaid, 1e 25 cents ` on each One Hundred Dollars valuation of all tazeble property in aeid D1atrleL. DATED THIS 28th day of August, A. D. 1950. Joa Hurke Lt, Jr. County Superintendent. Kerr Couhty, Tezae," X91 It LB further ordered and directed by the Court that th• County Clerk be end is hereby directed to drew you chars against the County Treasurer In the amount of 53.00 ea oh with the ezoeption of sa addliloanl ,}2.00 to the affioer returning the bezel of ea id •leotioa, said amounts to ba payable to the Judge affi Clerks holding said sleatioa on August 19', 1950, at Ingram Gammon School Die triot ~2 of %err County. -o-o -o -o- o- o- o- o-o-o -o- No, 4876, DECLARL:F RDFIIS M. JONES' CROSSING ON RAILROAD NEAR LEGION PUBLIC THOROIIGHFARE. Thin the 28th day of Augnat, A. D. 1950, ome oa to be aoaeidered by the Court fire re- quest of Tezsa sad Nee Orleans Railroad Compagy to declare the private road crossing leading to the property of tdr. Rufus M. Joaea, sad Deiag adjs neat thereto am being boated at '1'. !c N, 0, RR, Co.' Milepost #305.54 Feat of Legion to be designated as a public oroeeiag and St appearing to the Court that Bald oroeeiag be sad 1.e hereby designated sad ooarirmed as a publ oroeeiag; therefore, motion duly made by.Eelcsteln, seconded by Molter and unanimously approve by the Court that the private roadway in question be aafl 1a hereby designated and confirmed as a public Dross ing sad that the County Clerk be and is hereby dl rented to isfm'm the Tezsa sad New Orle~ae Railroad Company, o/o Mr. H. C. Holahak, Kerrville, Tezsa, as to the notion o thSa Court. -o-o-o -o -o-o-o-o-oro-o-o- No. 4877, AGR8SIAENC WITH H. J. IA03ER ON RIGHT-OF-FAY FOR F. M. 1340. On the 28th day of August, A, D, 1950, after motion tinviog been made by Eokatein, sec ed by Furr, sad umaimoua ly approved by the Court that Kerr County will agree to move the fence oa the H. J. Yoaer'e property from 11e old looati on to ib mw location oa-the righL- way line of F. M. 1340; and should the oattlsguard be moved or b• damaged, Kerr Coua ty will stead the cost of said deatruotioa, -O-Oq-O-O-O-O-O-0-O-O-O- Ao, 4878, INCREASE !IF TRAVELING ALLOWANCE TO CITY-CO[7NTY SANATARIAN. This Lin 28th day of Aaguet, A. D, 1950, name on the be considered by the Court the request of 41rgi1 V, Paraoaa, City-County Seaatarian 1br an inareass Sa traveling allowance for Kerr Couaty'n pro rata share and it appearing to the Court that the City it deairoua of iaoreasi~ their pro rata share at an Lnoreaae aS #25.00 per month end that %err~COUaty ehoal~ equal such amount; therefore, Dy motion made by Yoltsr, seconded Dy Sakateia and menimonaly approved by the Court that the traveling allowaao• at the City-County Samtariea be increased from 525.00 to 550.00 for each month beginning Beptam6ar 1, 1950, provided hie mileage fj.gure at the rate of5.O5per mile would result to such amount; that 1he~Couaty Clerk bs nod is hereby ai.reoted ti0 draw vouchers against the County Treasurer Sa such amount drawn oa the General Fund of %err County begihniag September 1, 1950, provided such mileage nt the rate of 5.05 would figure up to eeah amount on Kerr County's pro rata part. -o-oro ro-o-oro-o-o-o-o- No, 4879. APPROVAL OP' YON'(HLY REPORT OF COLLECTIONS OF 'Di8 TA% ASSESSQi AND COLLECTOR. This the 28th day of August, A. D, 1950, cams on to bs ezamiaed by the Court the month- ly report for July, 1950, of Tax Receipts of E, H. Nichols, Taz Assessor sad Collector, show- ing the diepoetioa of all monies, both to rho County and State, collected by him during the previous month sad a oertifioate of Audit by the County Clerk ae to his ezsmiaatioa of said ~!I report sad stubs aad,as to the aorreotneas as to comes, dates sad anounta c2 each, and St ~' appearing to the Court that said report,to~ther with Laz receipt stubs filed therein are sad correct; tharefor• by motion duly made by Molter, ssomded by Yowell nod unanimously approved by the Court that said Report be approved ns audited by the County Clerk. 1