r ~~' Fowell, seconded by Molter end unanimously approved by the Court 1n ell respe cte and ordered Piled by the County Clerk. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. s4g91. APPROVAL OF EXPEPSE REPORT OF COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR AND CO ELECTOR This Lhe 11th day oP 9ept ember A. D. 1950 came on to be examined by the Court the monthly e::pense report of E. H. Nichols, Tex Assessor and Collector, oP his actual and na cessary eapense accrued in the w nd uet of his of flee for the month oP August 1y 50 in the aggregate amount oP X418.75. And it appearing to the Court that said reFart is true end correct and should be ek. proved. Therefore motion duly made by Powell end seconded by Molter end unani- mously approved by the Court and ordered Piled by the County Clerk. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 7f4892. INCREASE OF SALARIES FOR DEF UTY SFiERIP'FS This the 11th day oP September A. D. 1950, after motion tre ving been duly qua de by Eckstein, seconded by Fowell and unanimously eppro ved by the Court, that beginning 1st, 1950. the sell ry of Deputy Sheriff Oliver Moore be increased from x;175 to $y20U a month, and Lhet the salary of Deputy Sheriff Alton Smith be increased Prom tr 55 to X75, end that the salary 'for Deputy Sheriff C. A. Rogers be increased Prom $lUU to ~p11U a month. The County C1 arx be end is hereby directed to drew vouchers against the Gouuty Treasurer in sucb increased amour is each month beginning with the pay period of September 3U, 1y50 end continuing en ch month thereePt ar, pays ble out of the General goad of Kerr County. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. #4893• APPROVAL OF THE READING OF THE ;uINUTES OF CO.;MIS"IONEHS COURT This the 11th day oP September 1950 after motion having been made by Fowell, seconded ~oy Molter end unan Luously ep~r oved by the Court chat the readirg oP the previou utea of the Commissioners Court be apk;r oved ea read. ~~ G%%~ -o-o-o-o-o-o- • KLECTION ORDEH HY THE COIINTY JIIDGE OF KERR COUNTY, TEKA9 KNOW YE, That I, Joe Hurkett, Jr.'; Com ty Judge of Kerr County, Tezaa, flo by virtue of Lhe authority vested is ~ by law, hereby order and direst that an Sleoti m De held in the Comty 6i Ksrr sad Slate of Tazae, oa Toe edgy, the 7th dN of Novabsg, A, D, 1950, for the eleotion of County Jndge, Comty Attorney, Com ty Clerk, Diatriet Clerk, Sheriff, Aeesesor and Collector of Tazee, Co mty Treasnrer, County Surveyor, omnty Commiasi mar Preoiaot No. 1, Comfy Commiaeioner Preoinot No. 2, 6om ty Commies! mar PremiaoL Ao. 3, County Cammieaioaer Preoiaat Ao. 4, Jueti w of the Pesos Preoiaot No. 1, Jwtios of the Pea oe Prsaiaoi No. 2, Jaatioe of the Penae PreaSaaL Ao, 3, Taetioe of the Peens Preoinot No. ;, CoaeLable Pre- oinot No. 1, ~m eLnble Preolaot Ao. 2, Cona table Pr eoiaot Ao. 3, nad Cmetable Preoiaot Ao. WITNESS sy hand and offieiel seal of offioe, Lhis the 2nd day of OotoAer, ~. D. 1950. o t Jn s, err one axes. o-o-o-o-o- -o-o-o-o STATE OF TEXAS ~_ CO[JNTY OF Kffi?R ) Be it remembered that oa this the 9th day of Ootobe r, A. D. 1950, there was begin and holden a regular term at a Co~tiseimars' aourt Sn Kerr County at Lhe Court House thereof Sa the City cd Kerrville, Texad, officers present tow~,tt: Hmorable To' Burkett, Jr.. Comfy Judge,