BSI Edu tein, secarded by Paveli aid. uaeaimouely npprmed by The court and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reference, -o -o -o -ow-o-o-ow- No. 4912. APPROVAL OF COUNTY ANO STATE TAX ROLLS FOR 1950, Thin the 9th dqy o? October, A, D, 1950, acme oa to be ezamined by the court the State end County Taa Rolla for the year 1950 prepared by S, H. NLoDols, Ae seeaor and Collector of tezee for Kerr County, and it appearing to the aoart that said rolls were found to be correct end in proper form end certified sad approved by the court as shown Dy the court's oertifioate of approval attached thereto and duly ai.gaed by ell mambere of the court is trlplioate; there- fore by motion duly msds by Eckstein, aeoondefl Dy Powell sad uanalmoualy approved by the court -o-ow -o w-o w w- No. 4913: APPROVAL OF ANNUAL REPORT OF STATE AND COUNTY TAXES COLLECTED DffiINQiTTS[iiT, INSOLVEtlP, ETC. STATE OF T87CAS: IN COYYISSIONffit3' CODRT Or KSRR COUNTY, TESAS OCTOHffi 9TH, 1950 COUNTY OF KBBR: SETTLEIQ;NT WITH TAE COLLECTOR PO8 MBAR, 1949, ENDING JUNE 30, 1950. It Se ordered by the Court that E. H. Nichols, Assessor and Collector of Teaea for Eerr County, Teaas, be credit ed wi m the following items, uncollected on the current roll, Lo-wit: County County Road School Totals Ad Valorem Polls Districts Districts Iasolveat, Form 16 233.45 15.53 75.06 327.04 Errors, Form 17 107.10 7.51 108.10 222.71 Delinquent, Form 18 1815.96 121.14 947.19 2884.29 Discounts allowed, ourrenL roll 1280.66 77.49 756.45 2114.60 Totals 3437.17 221.67 1889.80 5548.64 IE Ss ordered by the Court Lhat 8. H, Niohola, Assessor and Collector of Tazsa for Eerr County, Tesae, be ohs rged with the follows ag items, eo lleoted is addition to the current roll, to-wi t: Supplemental Assessments, oolleotione, Form ^F^ (net) 142.79 6.67 202,13 351.59 Redemptions (inc. pen. & int.) 1401.12 1.75 93.32 614.84 2111.03 Iasolveat Collections 19.00 1.37 20.37 Interest & Penalty ar CurreaL Roll 118.04 6.79 90.85 215.68 Totals 1660.95 1.75 108.15 907.82 2698.67 - o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Ne,4914;APPROYAL OF TPEI~IZED REPORT AND TAX RECEIPT @' TA% ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR FOR THE " MONTFS OF AIIGUST AHD SEPTE{®ER, 1950. Thin the 9th day of October, A. D. 1950, came on Lo be ezamla ed the itemized monthly report end tan reneipta of E. H. AS ohole, Taz Aeaeesar sad Collector for the moo tha of August and Sept ~b er, A. D. 1950 ahowdng the disposition of all monies, both State sad County, " aolleoted by him during the previow months e m a oertiiioate o2 anQlt by thm County Clerk ea to hie eaaminatiar of said reports end stabs am as to the oprrsotneas to names, date, sad amounts oa each, it ep pe aring to the court that said report together with taz receipts sad stubs tiled thereSa are correct; therefore by motion duly ode by Powell, eeaoadad by Eokateln unanlmoualy approved by the court in all respects. -o-ow•o-o-o-o-ow-ow- No. 4915: AGREE14t.1Pf BETWEEN 8. J. ST. GSRYAIIi AND SERR COUNTY This the 9th day aS October, A. D. 1950, cams on to be cohe idsred by the oourL, Lhe Farm-to-Market right-of-way X1340 peaeisg tDrar~ the property of R. T. SL. Germain oa the North Fork of the Guadalupe River in Eerr County. it appeuing to the court that R. T, St.