'~g~ No. 4922. ORDER ADTH~IZING PAYd1IIJT ~ SLECTI ON OFFICSdS. Thie the 13th day of Aov amber, A. D, 1950, after motion duly made by Eokateid, aeoodded by Powell, unanimously approved by the oourL, that the County Clerk be end Se hereby direatefl Lo draw vouohere against the County Treaeur er payable to eaoh of the election offloers holding the general eleotion Tueada y, November 7, 1950 as per bills od file and ae correoted by the oourt, Lhat each offioer be allowed $5.00 per day and .50 overtime and $2.00 for the retard oT election bozea to m tad outside of the City limits only. '12~at said payment be payable to eaoh of said ~udgea sad clerks respectively out of the general fund of Kerr County, -O-Ob ~O-O-O-O-O- No. 4923, APPROVAL OF MONTHLY E;CPENSE REPORT OF TA% ASSESS08 AND COLLECTOH.. Thie the 13th day of November, A, D. 1950, Dame m to be ezamined by the noun, the monthly report of E, H. NSohola, Taz Assessor and Colleotor of Kerr County, Tezae, showing as actual and necessary ~apenae of $653.75 incc;rred by him id the oonducL of hie affica during Lha month of Ootober, A, D, 1950, and it appearing to the oourt that said report ie true affi oorreof and should be approved; therefore motion duly ms de Dy Molter, eeoonded by Powell and uaedimouely approved by the oourt. -0-0-0-0-0-0'O-Ob- No. 4924. MONTHLY REPORT aF COLLECTIONS OF THE SHERIFF. Thie the 13th day of November, p. D, 1950, Game on to be ezamined by Lhe oourt the report of collections and dap Delta made by Earl Garrett, Sheriff of Kerr County of all fees affi mileage fees in the periormad oe of hie duties in said offioe for the period ending September 13, 1950, and it appearing to the oourt that the items zed report ae submitted is true sad correct am should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by Molter, aeoodded by Powell sad unani.mouely approved by the court and ordered filed by the County Clerk. f -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o- o- No, 4925. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF CITY, COIINTY SANITARIAN. Thie the 13th day of November, A, D, 1950, Dame on to De ezamin ed by the court, the report of Virgil V, Paraoda, City, County Sanitarian of Kerr County, Tezae, ooveridg hie aer- _ vines for the City of Kerrville and Lhe rural areas of Kerr County for ttte mon Th of Ootober, 1950; and it appearing to the oourt that said report shove diligent eervicea rendered add that same should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by Molter, eeoonded by Powell add uoadimouely approved by the court. -o-o-o-o-o- o- o-o -o-o- No. 4926. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPCBT OF COUNTY HOPE DEMONSTRATION AGENP, Thie the 13th day of November, A. D. 1950, Dame oa to bs ezemiaed by the oo urL, the monthly report of Alma Hmooak, County Home Demonstration Agent of Kerr County,aovering her servi cea for the month of October, 1950, and it appearing to the court that said report ie true add oo rreot eat should ba approved; therefore by motion duly made by molter, eeoonded by Powell and nnaalmously approved by the Court is all reapeats. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4927. APPROVAL OF lE)IRSLY REPOitT OF JUSTICE PEACE, PRECINCT y2. Thie the 13th day of dov ember, A, D, 1950, Dame on to be ezamined by Lhe court, the monthly report of Ira L. Pringle, Juati ae of the Ysaoe, Preoid at ;~2, Kerr County, Tezae of ell criminal oases filed, vlLaeeaee, Sudgmeata and fury fees oolleated, ahvwing a Dim of $73.95 oolleoted and deposited with the County Tresanrsr entitling him W a fee of $39.00 covering the month of October, 1950, it appearing to the aourt that said offioer Is entitled to said fee sad that same should be approved; therefore by Matson duly made by Molter, esood