by Powell sad unanimous ly approved by the oo urt, the County Clerk Se hereby authorized to draw vouchers is the amount of $37.00 payable X26.00 out of the General Fuad and {13.00 onL of the Reed end Bridge Fund to the said Ira L. Pringle. -o -o -o b -e -o-o -o -e- o- o- No. 4928. APPROVAL OF RS{'ORT tF xINEH IMPOB ED, dUDGYBFlCS RSNDBRSD AND SSIITY FSES COLLECTED BY THE CODNTY-C4:'~% xOR THg PffiTIOD ENDIBG OCTOBER 31, 1950. Thin the 13th day of November, A. D. 1950, came on Lo be ezamiaed by the court, the moat. report of Lawrence Stephens, County Clerk, of all fines imposed, 5udgmen to re aflared a~ ~nry fees is the County Court of said County for the month ending October 31, 1950 is the amount of $153.00 collected sad deposited with Lhe Comty Treasurer; and it app eating to the said court that said report is true sad oorreot ani ah ould be approved, therefore, motion duly made by Molter, seooaded by Powell e~ unaaimouely approved by the court. -o-o v-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Ao, 4929. APPROVAL ON' CLAIMS DRAWN UA THS GENERAL FUND This the 13th day of November, A. D. 1950, creme oa to be mcamia ed by the court, the vat ola ime sad aaoouate filed against the General Fug of %err County ainoe the lest term of ao it appearing to the court that said olaima should be paid by voucher properly drain by the County Clark oa the County Treasurer is the reepeotive amounts of each claim fl led therein; therefore by motion duly made by Eokateia, aeaonded by Molter sad uaenimously approved that said claims be drawn on the General Fuad of %err County. -o w-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4930, APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT O1P J[STICE OF PEACE, PRECINCT ~1. Oa this the 15th day of November, A. D. 1950, name oa to be ezamiaed by the ao urt, the monthly report of Virgil Storms, Jneti oe of the Peace of Precinct #1, Kerrville, Texas, for the month of October, 1950, of criminal Dense filed, fines, ~udgmeate and fury fees collected showing the sum of 8285.15 collected sad deposited wl tlt the County Treasurer entitling him to a fee of X87.00, and it appearing to the court that said report Se true sad oorreot and that said affioer da entitled to hie fee; therefore by motion duly made by Molter, aeoonded by Pavell and una aimoue ly approved by the court, the Clerk be and hereby is authorized to pay said officer his fee of $87,00 by proper vouohe re drawn on the County Treasurer Lo-wit: (58.00 payable out of the Cene Tel Fund sad X29.00 payable out of the Road sad Bride Fund. -a-a -a -o -o -a -O -O b -o -O- No. 4931. COURTS' RECESS MONDAY, NOVS!®Etc 13, 1950, 12:00 O'CLOC% UNTIL 'T'U~DAY, NOVID[HL+R L„ 1950 AT 10:00 O'CLOC% A. M. DUE TO TRg MINERAL 3KRy1Cffi OF GEORGE M. DOYLB, FORMER DISTRICT CLERK OF KERB CODNTY, 'TSSAB. -o-o-o -o-o-o- o- o-o-o -o- No. 4932. CODf2T RE-CONVENlQl'd1ESDAY, NOVEYBHIt 11„ 1950 10:00 O'CLOf$ A. M. xOR MATTSB3 OF y,IIARTSRLY REPORT' OF COIINTY 'PREA30ItER AND ANY OTHBR MATTh4L9 THAT MAY B8 P8B5881'SD TO 'tiD3 COURT, W1TH TBB k'OLLOWII>G OFFICERS BEING PRESSRT TO-wIT: Honorable Joe Burkett, Jr. County Judge Henry Eokatein Commissioner Preaiaat ~1 V. D. Powell Commissioner Preodnot #2 Charles Molter , Commissioner Preainof M3 Earl Garrett Sheriff sad Lawrence Stephens County Clerk and the court having ba en re-convened, the following proaeadioge were had to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o w-o-o-o-o-e-o- No. 6933. CANVASS OF KLBCTION RETURNS. Oa this. lAe 14th day of November. A. D. 1950, Dame an to be canvassed and tabulated by