~`$7 the Commieslohers Court, the election retinae of a ge~ral election which was held Tuesday, November 7, 1950, wherefore the court basing made proper ezaminatlona and tabulatioae thereto, find LhaL same should be eertiiied to ae being true affi oorreot ae per their signed oertdiloaLa in Vol. 3, Page 112 to 117, iaelu~ive, Miaatea of Kleotioa Returhs of Kerr County, Tezas; there! ar e, by motion duly made by KokeLein,-eeomded by E~olter, unanimously approved that said aenvaea sad tabulation be certified ea being true affi correct. -o -o o -o -o-o-o-o-o- ao. 4934: ORllBR PLATING WAYS ADDITION This the 14th day of November, A. D. 1950, name oa to ba ezemined by the court, the appii aetion of Arthur A. Ways, owner of Ways Add itl on, Joined by T, a. Poore as owner and dedioetor of part of a street way ae indieeteA Oa said plat of Waye Additioa,aad it appearing Lo the oonrt that said applleaLlea, dadiaatisn and oertiflontlon of 11e1d notes and plat are is proper form wlfh the ezoeptioae of a minor amendment and/or alteration to be made oa said plat Yid 4hat thL court !sale the e11o1e should be approved subJeoL to said amendment and/or alteration eaaepting~ to t3te County Cles~k'e affi County 7ndgs'a approval, therefore by motion duly made by Kok stein, seconded by Powell end unaaimonely approved by the court that upon the approval Dy the County Clerk and the County Judge u to euoh ammdmeat and/or alteratim oa said plat, that the following alder hereto be aoaep tad nod entered ea the order of approval by this court, to-wit: THE 9TAT& OF TK%AS: IId TBE CONmISSIONKR'S CODHT OF COO1PfY OF KSRR: ~ S&RR WDNTf, TEAS On thin the 14th 8sy eB November, A. D. 1950, Dame m to be heard sad ooasidered the appliaatioa a2 Arthur A, Ways of Dallas County, sad T. J. Moore of Kerr County, Tezas for Lh~ approval of a Plat, Field Not se sad Dedlaation ad' a certain addition Lo the Twa of Iagrea, Sa Kerr County, Tezas, such enbdivieiaa being comprised of 5.41 sores out of Survey No. 12g, F. Trevino, to be known as "WAYS ADDITION" to the Tara Of Z~ram, Tezas, with Arthur A, Waye as the owner affi developer thereof. And it appearing that said addition, and the plat, field no tea and deli cation thereof meet all of the req uiremeats of law; NOW, THSREFORK, on motion made by Kokateia, eeomded by Pwsll, it is unanimously ordered adJudged and dooreed by the me®bere of the oonrt then present, that said subdivision known as °WAYS ADDTTION" be admitted Lo record in the Map and Plat Records of Kerr County, Tezas, an same Sa hereby ordered sad directed to bs recorded in auah Map and Plat Record upon the pay- msnL of the recording Seas therefore. And it is further ordered that this order bs spread upon the minutes of the Commiseioaer'~ Court of Ssrr County, Tezas. WSCNE53 our ffinfle this 16th flay of Nov~be r, A. D. 1950,« -o-e-o-q-o-o-0-0-0- No. 4935. APPROVAL OF gIIARTBRLY RKP.ORT lS? GOONTY 'i•RKASDH3R FOR PERIOD K'NDINC OCTOSRR 31, 195' This the 14th day of November, A. D, 1950, Dame m to be szamieed by the aourL the quarterly report of 8. cold far Treasurer oovoriag reoeipta end disbureemeats of Ksrr County, for the quarter ending October 31, 1950, and it ap peering Lo the court after oarefnl and thorough ezamination by said court, together with osaoelled warrants, eheoka, Doads sad coupons eeverieg eam , that said report is true end eorreat and that same should bs npprovsd by the ooarL, ell ae Se shwa by oertifloate of approve; signed by sash member hereof, t1U re- fore motion made by Powell, eeoonded by Eokstei.a and meaimonaly npprovsd by the court that said report be approved as shorn ih said certificate of approval ai gned by the court, that I' ~ ~ g the County Clerk should record said report in the loose leaf records of his office and file such cancelled warrants, checks, bonds and co up ohs in his office for safe keeping and further reference. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ENO. 4936. APPROVAL (lE' TABIIL6RY STATEMENT OF t; ODNTY CLERK. Thin the 14th day of November, A, D, 1950, came on to be examined by the court, the III tab ula ry statement filed by Lawrence Stephens, County Clerk, for the period ending October i 31, 1950, covering the is de bt ednoas, expenses and receipts of Kerr County which report or '~ statement appearing to the court to be correct, should in the opinion of the court be appr therefore motion duly made by Eckstein, seconded by Molter and unanimously approved by the ~i court in all rasps ets and ordered filed by the County Cl ~'k. -o-o-o -o-o -o -o -o-o-o- ~' No. 4937. AYPR OVAL OF CLAIMS xPID ACCOUNTS. This the 14th day of ivo vember, A. D. 1950, came on to be eaemiaed by the oo urt, the ', various c]aims cad accounts filed against Kerr County's various Road and Bridge Funds since the last term of court, and it appearing to the court that said accounts should be approved Por payment; after motion having been duly made by Pvxell, seconded by Molter and unanimously approved by the court, that all claims and accounts filed against Road & Hridge #1 be approved Por payment; that all claims and accounts filed against Road & Bridge #2 be approved, after motion having be ea duly made by Eckstein, sea and ed by Molter and unanimo ua ly approved by the filed court; that all ela ims aal aeco ante/against Road & Hridge #3 be approved for payment, after motion having been duly made by Powell, seconded by Eckstein and unanimously approved by the court; that all c]a ims Piled against Road & Bridge #4 be approved i'or payment, after motion having been made by Molter, seconded by Eckstein and unanimously approved by the court; and after motion having duly been made by Molter, seconded by Eckstein and unanimously approved by the court that all claims and accounts Piled against road & Bridge Right-of-way r~und, Rwy. N39, F.M. 1340, cypress Creek affi Kerr County Lateral r'uada, be approved for payment and that the County Clerk be and is hereby directed to draw vouchers in favor of the respect- ive parties entitled thereto, against the respective funds as indicated oa each bill filed herein as approved for payment, as according to law. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4938. APPORTIONMENT ~' $4,000.00. On this ll,th day of Novamb er, A. D. 1950, after motion having duly been made by Eckstein, seconded by Molter and unanimously approved by the court that an unapp ortionate em ount of $4,000.00 of the wadi vi dad Road & Bridge Fund be a portion as follavs, to-wit: Road & Bridge #1 .$1200.00 Road & Bridge //2 800.00 Road & Bridge #3 .800.00 Road & Bridge #4 1200.00 Tnat the County Clerk is hereby directed to enter such apportioam ant on his financial ledger to the credit of each Commissioners Precinct thereof. -o-o-o-o-o-o- o-o-o- No, 4939. TRANSFER OF $500.00 FROM RkBRW FD, HWY. N39 TO I]L 1340. This the 14th day of November, A. D. 1950, after motion having been duly made by Eckstein, seconded by Molter and unanimously approved by the court, that the County Clerk be, and is hereby directed to transfer the sum of $500.00 from R&BRW Fd. Hwy d39 to P&BRW Fd. FM 1340