and 5~9a ' Lawrenoe Stephens County Clerk ~ --_ and the Court ffiving been epeclelly opened, the following prooeedinga zero had to-xit: -o-oro-o-o -o -o -o -o-o- No. 4943• APPROVAL OF BOND OF CLELLA DOYLE AS DISTHI Cf CLS~. ~ this the 17th day,of November, A. D, 1950, came on to W ezamined by the Court, the offioial bond of Cle lla Doyle, Die trloL Clerk, in the amount of X5,000.00, and it appearing Lo the oourt that the aia'stisa thereon are good affi auffioient for Bald amount and Lhat same should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by Powell, eeoonded by Molter and uaehimoue apprave8 Dy the Court, xlth the approval of the County Sudge, tffit said bond be approved affi directed tffit said of finer take her preaorib ed oath aocording to 1®. -o-o-o-oro-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4944. APPROVAL OF O[.AIiS AGAINST THE GENERAL M7ND AND ROAD k HRIDGE RICHT-oF-WAY FD. Thin the 17th day of November, A. D, 1950, after motion having been duly made by Molter, _ eeoonded by Powell and unanimously approved by the oourt, xith the vote of the County Judge, that the olaima filed against the General and RdcBRW Fd, X1340 be approved for pgymeht and that the county Cleric be sad is hereby authorized to drax voaahare agaihet the County Treasurer in like amounts of said bills against the reapeatlve toads. -a-o-o -s-o-o-o-o-o-e- No. 4945• APPROVAL CF MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY AGENT. This the 17th day of November, A. D. 1950, came on to be szamined by the oourt Lhe month- ly report of Guy Powell, County Agent of Kerr County, for the month of Ootob er, A. D. 1950, it appearing to the court that said report Ss true and ao meat and should bs approved; there- fore by motion made by molter, seoonded by Powell sad unanimously approved by the oourt, with the vote of the County Judgq and ordered filed by the Conntp Clerk for futn re referenoe. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4946. ORDER OF COmMISSI0NEB3~ COURT 1952-1953 FEDERAL+STATE 1+ARY-TO-MARKET ROAD PR OGRAm KERR COUNTY Special Meeting, November 20th, 1950. ' The Commission mss' Court of Kerr County, Tezas, mat In Spe offal Session, November 20th, A. D. 1950, at the Courthouse of Barr County Sa Lhe Q1 ty of Kerrvi lls, Tezae, at 10:30 o'alook A, m. with the 2b Mowing memb era present, to -xit: Toe Burkett, Jr., County Judge Hehry Eoketeia, .. Commissioner of Preoinot No. 1 v. D. Powell, Commiaei on er of Prs olII Ot No. 2 Cho e. H. Molter, Commie eioher aS Preolaot No. 3 Commi se Loner of Preoin ct No. 4 Lawren oa 9tepheaa, County Clerk, sad Ex-Offiolo C1 ark of County Commisfioaers! Court Whoa sad where the io Mowing prooeed inge were had, to-wit: IIpon motloh made by Cnmmisaioaer Eokatein, duly 9e aonded by Commle sioaer Pprell, the following reeoluti m was introduced: R 8'SULII'P ION 1 WBE REAS, It Se deemed advisable sad to the beat laterest Of the County of Kerr and the citizens thereof, to regaest Lhe State Hlghxay Cnmmiseioa of the State of Tezae, to aeaignate oonetruat, aM mnin fain, at the sole oo st and ezpeaee of the State as a part of the deei gas to System of Highways of Tezae, under the 1952-1953 Federal-StaL• Farm-to-mark et Hoed Program,