end ~9a ' Lawrenoe Stephens County Clerk and the Court ffiging De ea specially opened, The following prooeadiags were had to-wit: , -o-o ro-o-o -Oro -o ro-o- No. 4943• APPROVAL OF BOND dF CLSLLA DOYLS AS DISTHI CT CLEF. On thle the 17th day of Novemb err, A. D. 1950, came on to bs ezamined by the Court, the offloiel bond of Clella Doyle, Dietriot Clerk, in the amount of ~5,000.00,sad it appearing to the court tffit the sureties thereon ere good affi suffiau nt for said amount and Lhat same should be approved; taerefore by motion duly made by Powell, eeooaded by Molter and unanimous approved by the Court, with the approval oY the County Judge, tffit said bond be approved affi directed tffit Bald officer take her preearib ed oath according to la. -o-o-o -o -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4944• APPROVAL OP' GLAIE6 AGAINST THE G&NBRAL MIND ACID ROAD k t]RIDGE RICHT-OF-WAY FD. 13/.0. Thin the 17th day of November, A. D. 1950, after motion having bean duly made Dy Molter, seconded by Powell affi uaaalmous ly approved by the court, with the vote of the County Judge, that the ola ime filed again et the General and RdcHRW Fd. X1340 be ,approved for payment and that - the County Clerk be affi is hereby nut horiaed to drew vonnhe re egalaat the County Treasurer in like amouate of said bills age Saet the reap ectlve funds. -a-o-o -s-o-o-o-o-o-a- No. 4945• APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY AGENT. Thin the 17th day oR November, A. D. 1950, came oa to De ezamined Dy Lhe ooart the month- ly report of buy Powell, County Agent of Eerr County, for the month of October, A. D. 1950, it app eariag to the court that said report 1e true affi oo rreot affi eh cold be approved; there- fore by motion made by Molter, seconded by Powell and unanimously approved by the court, with the vote of the County Sudgq and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reference. -O -O -D ro -O-O -Oro -O-O-O- No. 4946. ORDER OF COMMISSIONERS` COURT 1952-1953 FEDERAL+STATE NARY-TO-MARKET ROAD PROGRAM KKRR COUNTY Special Meeting, November 20th, 1950. --. The Commieaioa era` Court of Kerr County, Tezsa, met in 8pe offal Seeeion, November 20th, A. D. 1950, at ffie Courthouse o2 Kerr County is the Olty of Kerrville, Tezsa, at 10:30 o'clock A. M. with the ibllowing mambera preeeat, to-xit: '~, Joe Burkett, Tr., Coanty Judge !, Henry Eoketsia, Cammieaioaer of Preoin of No. 1 ~'. V. D. Powell, Commleaioaer of Yreola of No. 2 (hen. H. Molter, commissioner of Precinct Ao. 3 Comma asloner of Preain at No. 4 Lawren ere Stephens, County Clerk, sad Ez-Oftiolo Clerk ~, of County Commiseioaera! Court ' When and where the following proceedings were had, to-vrit: IIpon motion made by Cmwieaioher Eckstein, duly seconded by Commissioner Pwrell, the ~' following resolution wan introduasd: '~ R E S O L II 'P l O M -~ I~ WHEREAS, It ie deemed advisable sad to the hest iatereet of the County of Kerr and the citizens thereof, Lo regaest the Scats Highway Commission of the Scats of Tezsa, to designnte oanetruot, and maintain, at the sole. coat and ezpenae of the State ea a part of the designate i' System of Highways of Tezsa, under the 1952-195,3 Federal-State Ferm-to-Market Road Program, certain County roads: Y9i THEREFORE, be St resolved that the Cammieeioaere' Court of Kerr County, roquest the High- way Commieaios of the State of Teaea to designs Le. constr nct, sad ma iataSa the following roads: 1. The rand leoslly known ea the Goat Creek road, eztending from State Highway 27, 2 miles bleat of Kerrville, Northwesterly aiz mil ea. 2. Old State Highway 27, eztendiag from Center Polet Easterly to jusotioa with State Higbway 27, a din trice of 2.2 miles. BE IT P'ORTHffi2 RESOLVED, that the CousLy of Kerr egreee to remove or abate any and all escroaohmeats or snoumbranoea on said roads or right-of-way, at the sole expense of the County; sad, further, agrees 'to obtnis at Ste ezpanae say new or additional right-of-way on looaLlon approved by the State Highway Snglneer at any time that same should be oosaidered heceesary or desirable to the proper maisteaed oe, none truotios or reooaetruction of said roads ae a part of the State System; sad, further, agrees to do ell ae ceasary fen old required on these projects. upon vote being taken, the ibregoing resolution was passed, the members prsaeht voting, ae follows: Henry Eokateis, Commissioner o1 Preoinot No. 1 Aye V. D. Pgvell, Cammla eioser of Precis at No. 2 Aye Chas. H. Molter, Commissioner of Precinct No. 3 Aye Commiaeioaer of Preaisot No. 4 -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~Che foregoing misutea from page 4B4 to 491 iaalueive, were road is open oourt and approved this 11th day of December, A. D. 1950. ATTEST: oun y le~Kerr~~~y ~ e ou e, err ous y, a -o-o-o-o-o~o-o-o-e- THE STATE OF TEXAS I THE COUNTY OF KERR ~ Be it remembered that on the 11th day of December, A. D. 1950, there was begun and holden a regular term of the Commission era` Court of Kerr County st the Court House thereof in the City of Kerrville, Texee, the following officers present, to-wit: Henry Eckstein Commissioner Precis ct ~/1 V. D. Powell Commissioner Precinct j{2 Chen. H. Molter .Commissioner Precinct #3 Earl Garrett Sheriff and Lawrence Stephens .County Clerk and the court having been regularly opened, after motion having been duly made by the court that Henry Eckstein be appointed County Judge, pro temp in the ebaence of County Judge Joe Burkett, and the following proceedings were had to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4947. APPROVAL OF CLAIbS AND ACCOUNTS. This the 11th day of December, A. D. 1950, came oa to be examined by the court, the various claims end accounts Piled egslnst Kerr County and its Commission era' Pre cincta and ape ciel Road & Bridge Funds since the lest term of thin court, ell of which claims end eccoun were approved by the court for pe yment by the County Clerk in amounts end out of the reapect- 1ve funds as shown by the minutes of acco unto authorized for Kerr County which are made e of this order.