is the cum of $800.00 egeimt Lhe County Treaurr payable to LheCOmfort Stets Beak out of ~ ~ Q~ R b.,e 93. - -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-a-o-o- Eo. 4968: APPROVAL FOR PDRCHASE OF OD1B 4'OUR DRAWER L86AL HIZ6 FII.ING CABIHST BY THE D73TRICT CLERK. This the 11th day of Daoember, A. D, 1950, came oa to be com Sdered by the court Lhe desire of Clelle Doyle, DSatrict Clerk, Kerr Count y,Tezse, to puroheee one four drawer legal eiz• fi ling cabinet with lock, for avid ofllee, cad iL appearing to the court that acid Clerk is entitled to geld cabinet end that she should be authorized to purcheaa same; therefor by motion duly made Dy Eckstein, seconded by Powell, end unsnimously epprov sd by the court, end that said Clerk be, end is hereby authorized Lo pur ohese one four drawer legal eiz• filing cabinet with look. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Ro. 4969. ALLOwaxcE To SALLY BOTCHER. ~~ Oa Lhie the 11th day of December, A. D, 1950, came on to be com id Brad by Lhe court, the aeaiatence of State Welfare Department to Doaie Hu Lcher being previously assisted by the 1 oourL with Sally Butcher, in the amount of $20.00 a month. Th et Sally Sut char is still dependent upon the county and that in deearstios of Lhe oourt, she should M allowed Lhe cum of $10-.00 a month; therefore by motion duly made by Soketela, •eoona ed by Molter and unenimou sly approved by the court that the County Clerk be, end Se hereby dlreoted Lo draw vouohar ~I egaimt the County Treasurer Sn Lhe~emount of $10.00 per month on the ~ensrel Fund of Kerr ~1 County, beginning December 31st, 1950, payable Eo Sally Butcher until further•detsrminsd by I Lhe court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- The'fotegoingm~i~n,ut/e~~ from page 491 Lo page 496, inoluaive, were reed 1n open court thin 2.,~ day of $dSf6bez, A. ll, ~ end lound to De correct in ell rape cts. ATTEST: ~ ua yC'F o y e ge Kerr County, Tezas -~ -o-o-o-o- o-oro-o-o-o-oro- THE STATE OF TEYAS I THE COZ$iTY OF KffitR I He it remembered that there was begun and holden oa this the 18th day of Deoember, A. D. 1950, et the Court House thereof in the City of Kerrville, Tezae, a apeciel term of the Gommts aloners' Court, the following officers being praent to-wit: Honorable Joe W. Burkett, Jr. County Judge Beery Eckstein .COmmisaloner Precinct pal Chas. H. molter ,Commieeioner Preiact (F3 Seri Garrett .Sheriff and Lowrance Stephe as .County Clerk end the court having been speoially opeaidfor the purpose of conferring with property owners along the proposed Cypreee Creek Farm to Wrket Highway F Y #1341 to aeaist the court ~ j Sn determining whet procedure the oourt deairea to ue• is securing proper right-of-xay for said Farm to market Roed, wherein no pertioular order wee enterd in that regard. The additional proceedings were had to-wit: -ow-o-o-e-o-a-o-o-o ro-