` This the j~',llth day of September A. D. 1950 carne on to be ~ consicered by the Court tree mont~rly report of Lev,~rence StepY,ens, County Clerk for the m_ontt, of August 1950, showing an actual and necessary expense, of av;93.66 incurred by him in the conduct of his office durirL, the month of August 1950. ;NhF_refore, it appeared tc the Cou?~t that said expenditure, reasonable and just, true and correct and shoul@ be approved, therefore by motion Y.avin~; beer. duly :Wade by Fowell, seconded by Irclter and unanimausiy aY~;roved by tine Court thet said report be a~.proved in all respects. -f` ~q~~ -~~FE~"R 1484:f° I~IOPI'i'E:LY FE}ORT OF FSNF,S, JUDGt~iEP~TS, JU8° FEF,S GQLLEC`tED BY TfiE C-0UP:TY CLERY~, `' ~,-'', This the 11th day of September B. D, 1956, came on to be examined by tY;e Court the report of Lawrence Steptrers, County Clerb: covering all fines iu~pas:>ed and collected and judE.u,erts rerderad at:d collected in the County Gourt ofrierr County, a•.,~', of said County, including Jury Fees collected by the Cow;ty Clerk.~af~ ;'j ~'' during tY:e month of AuC_ust 1956, which rel;ort shows an a~:gregate oP X349.15 collected and deposited in the County Treasr:rer. "7herefcre, 7L~XX it aepearin~- to theme Court that. said report is true and correct and should ue aiproved,;WY;erefor•e by motion having been duly made by Powell, seconded by i~iolter and unanicnous7y approved b,, tt_e ~eurt end ordered filed for future reference by the County Clerk. ~' "-~ . DER 4885. Iv:OI~T"tLY REPO&T OF FIP~'S, JUDGI~:EItiTS, ::ND JURY i~EES COLLETED BY JUSTICE 0: `PILE P'Et,C,E, Y?ECINCT ~1. This the lltt, day of Septeruuer ti.D. 1950, came on to be eaar;ined by the Court the monthly rercrt of Virgil Storms, Justice of the Peace Precinct #~1, of Kerr County Texas for tr,e month of July 1;'50, of Criminal Caees filed,' Ines, Judgments and Jurg Fees collected sr.owir:g