/~ :, Deputy sheriff C.I. Rc~ ers be increased from :k1uU to rll(i a cnonth~ ~e County Clerk be and is t.ereby directed to draw vouchers against the County 'treasurer in such increased arr!ounts each mouth be~inninE, ~,iti. the pay ieriod ~e_;terr:ber 3G, 195Ct to us-•drsa~ e~~the General Y1und of r:err County. Number ,4893. ~'1gC'~hL 0r T,iE F~.","huG OF is ~. .„INUTi;~; Or C0~.4i~lI5yI01~F.Y_S COUr? T 2'his the 11th day of ::et.ter,.ber 195 a='ter .r;otion having been ~.ade by ]-ovaell, seconded oy io~olter and unaui:ao~sly ray;roved by the court that ttre reading of tt.e Previous minutes of tYie Co.:~:rissioners court be at.so~ed as read.