~~y ~~~ i'A~ 3'I'1~'i'i 0` '1'R!AS: CvU.IT`" Ur ~:~..,.. IcJ T'IE CJ:...I~3IJN:;?'S CurJP,T 0 i:,~:ir CUUi2TY, '1' ..:A3 Un this the 14th day of ^Jovember, A, li. 19 j0, carat on to be heard and considered T,he a?r~lication of Arthur A. ~~ays of Dallas Co::nty, ~yd T.J. /~loe~E aF ~.E/P.Ci7q,.wk~, arts-' ~ 'Texas for the approval of a Plat, Pield :'dots anS dedication oi' a certain addition to the Town of Int?;ra:r, _n Kerr County, Texae, such subdivision being c~rrnrise~i of 5.41 acres out of Survey Nn. ].2+, F. 'Trevino, to be known as "~.f.YC :1LllI'T'IOid" to the Town of Inr,ram, Texas, with Arthur .,. a;ays as the owner ,and dcvel.o^er tnereof. And it appearing, that said addition, and the plat, field notes and dedication thereof meet all of the re~~uirements of law; NU'vh', 'THsRi:FORE, on motion made by &uz)) seconded by ~owej) /lIPM hers .F ~e C'a ritT won ~ .-esen it is unan9_mously ordered, ad,jud7ed and decreed by theft that said sr.ibdivisien kno,~~n as ":BAY'S ALUI'1'IOPd" he admitted t~ record in the i=:ar and ?lat _:ecords of Kerr Count]>•, '"exas, anti aarae is hereb~~ ordered and directed to be recordefl in such i:an and plat Record upon the n-~y;nent of the recording; fees therefore. And it is further ordered that this order lie ~7read upon tiie ruirutes o~' t~.e Co!.:r:;issioner' ~ ~~ourt of i.err G~~unty, ~~xas. ~~I1',^.L^~i.~ OI]T }la nC:5 tY11B 'L~Ht'1 dAy~ Of ,'. C)/cLl'Uer, ri. ~. 1`)j7• 1 JoJo H ett Jr. , Co i~.Tid;;e P Co,rani sinner Commissioner Cou;missioner Co:.;rnissioner Lawrencee ,it~e s,V Clerk, county Court, anti :.x-Officio Clerk, Commissioner's Court, Kerr County, 'Texas