ELECTION ORDER BY TFTE COUTITY JUDGE OF KERB COUNTY, TEXAS K`dOIV YE, That I, Joe l~urkett, .7r., County Jude oP Kerr Countq, Tezea, do by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, hereby order and direct that an Election be held in the County of Kerr and 6tate of Tezas, on Tuesday, the 7kh day of November, A.D. 19b0, for the elee- tion of County •7uc'Lze, Countq Attorney, Count^ Clerk, P•ia- t.rict C1arL-, :Yeriff, Assessor and Collector cf Taxes, Count,-/ Treasurer, County Survegor, County Commissioner Precinct No. 1, County Commissioner Precinct Fo. 2, County Commissioner Precinct T'o, 3, County Commissioner Precinct Tio. 4, Juatioe of the Peace Precinct No. 1, Justice of the Peace °recinet No. 2, 7'uatiee of the Peace Precinct No. 3, Justice of the Peace Precinot Tio. 4, Con- stable Frecinat 'do. 1, Constable Precinct 2?0. 2, Constable Precinct "'o. ~, and Constable Preci-ct No. 4. >'VITNESS m3* hand and official aeaT, of office, this the 2nd day of October, A.D. 19b0.