yq 9 V _o_o_a_o_a_o_aa_a_e_d_ p No. 4974. APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR DEPUTZ&4 AND/OR A3873TANTS .FOR COUNTY CLERK. This the 2nd day of January, A. D. 1951, Dame on to bs oonsidered the application of Lawrence Stephens, County Clerk of Kerr County, Tezae, for authority to appoint four daputiea and/or esaistante, et a proposed salary of $6200.00 sad an additional disbursement of $200.00 for hie general office work, which application shows profitable reoeipt of $8200.00 per annum for the ensuing year, end it appearing to the court that said disbursement Se fair and ~uat end should be approved by the oourt; therefore by motion duly made by Ecka lain, seconded by Goff end uo.ealnouely approved sad adopted by the court, sad the County Clerk be end 1e hereby authorized end granted such ezpenditur• ee preyed for ae per hie appllcptioa on file. -o-o-o ro-o-o-o-ow-o-o- No. 4975. APPROVAL OB DEPUTIE,4 FOR SHERIFF. This the 2nd Joy of January, A. D. 1951, Dame on to be conaid ersd the application of Earl Garrett, Sheriff, of Kerr County, Texea, for authority to appoint three deputise end one epeolal deputy without pay at a proposed salary of $4620.OG, and it appearing to th• oourt that veld disbars ement of $4620.00 Se fair end fast end should bs approved; therefore by motion duly made by Eokatein, se ooaded by Goff end unanimously approved by the oourt and ordered filed by Lhe County Clerk. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 4976. APPLICATION HY TAZ COLLECTOR FOR THR$i DEPUTffi AND EITRA HELP. This the 2nd day of Jeauery, A. D, 1951, Dame oa to be oooai dared by the court, the application of E. H. Nichols, Tax Assessor end Collector of Karr County, Texea, for authority to appoint three full time deputies at a proposed salary of $7,998.75 end eztre help at $800. and additional dlabureemsnts for hLs office in the amount of $1200.00, end which eppli cation ehowe profitable reoeipt for the current year of $15,500.00, sad it appearing to the court that aeid disbursement seems uareasoaebls end that same should be acted on et the regular Jenuery term of thin court, Sn that hie application for aeid qued~ity of deputise should be epprov ed only; therefore by motion duly made by Eokatein, seoonded by Goff and unanimously approved by the oourt, that Bald ofiioer be authorized said required number of deputies end that the proposed eelariee is the amount $8,798.75 be rejaoted et the pros ant time and be coneldersd at the regular January tors. -o-o-ororo-o-o-o-c-o-o- ~ No. 4977. ORDER AUTHORIZING APPOINTI~RT OF MARGARET WATSON DEPUT9C COUDiTY CS.EFiK. This the 2nd day of Jeauery, A. D. 1951, Dame on to be Dom iderad by the court, the application of Lawrenos Stephens, County Clerk, for his authority to appoint ehd deputize Margaret weteon as Deputy County Clerk, end it appeerl.ng Lo the oourt that said offs oar is entitled to said deputy and that said applioation should b• approved; therefore by motion duly made Dy Eokstein, seconded by Powell and unanimously approved by the court, that ealA officer 18 authorized to deputize said deputy e~ that said appointment to dste~.iros January tad, 1951, a~ to continue in force until revoked by said offioer or be otherwise LerslnaYed sad Lhet tAe cospeaeetioa of paid deputy is to be paid solely from the fees of said oftioe. -oro-o ro ro -o-o-o-o-o-o- ~jp. 4978. ORDER AIITHgRIZING APPOIRTlOZNT OF DOR079Y RICHARDBON DHPU7S COUNTY CLERK. This the tad day of Jenuery, A. D. 1951, Dame on to be coAaider~d by the oourt, Lhe •pplioetlon of Lawraaea Stephens, County Clark, Fer hie authority to appoint and deputize porothy Richardson es Deputy County Clerk, and it appearing to the court that aeid officer Se entitled to said deputy sad Lhet said applloatloa should be apprlpd; therefore by mtioa