S3S No. 5104• APPROVAL OF TfiE READING OF FEBRUARY YIIi[JTBB. _ This the 16th day of Yerah, A. D. 1951, after motion having been duly made by Eokatsln, seconded by Powell end uaeaimouely approved by the court, that the reeding of the minutes of Commisaionera Court for February, 1951, be and stand approved ae read. -O-a -O -O-O-O-O-O-O- No. 5105. APPROVAL OF CLAIN9 AND ACCOUNTS. This the 16th day of Yerch, A. D. 1951, came on to be considered by the court, verioua claims end ecoouaW filed age inat the General Fund and R & B RW Fd. FY #1340, sad it appear- ing to the court that avid claims are ~uat end should be paid, therefore by motion duly made by Eckstein, aeaonded by Molter sad unanimously approved Dy the oourt, that the County Clerk be, end is hereby directed to drew voucheID agalnat the County Treesarer Sa like amounts agaiae the respective Puada and payable to the parties entitled thereto. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- NI The foregoing minutes from page 526 to 535, inclusive, were reed in open court end Pound f to be true sad correct sod hereby approved thin the 13th day oP March, A. D. 1951. ATPE3T: Q Lei. __. 6 ~ M~.~o ~ (,( _ ~ e a County e_-rTc,-Re r ounty, 'lease ount u ge, rr oun y, '1'ezae -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF KERR Be it remembered that there wen begun sad holden oa the 9th day of April, A. D. 1951 et the court house thereof in the City of Kerrville, Tezea, a regular term of the Commissioners Court with the following officers present, Lo-wit: Honorable John R. Leaven ........County Judge Henry Eckstein ...................Commissioner Precinct #1 V. D. Powell .....................Commieal oner Precinot #2 Chas. H. Molter ..................Commieaioner Precinct #3 Lee GoPf .........................Commisaiomer Precinct #4 Earl Garrett .....................3herSPf end Lawrence Ste phena ....... .........County Clerk sad the court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had to-wit: ` -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 5106. SHERIFF AUTHORIZED TO EMPLOY CHARLES GAFFORD TO HAKE REPAIRS IN COURT HOUSE. This the 9th day of April, A. D. 1951, came oa to be considered by the court, the nec- eaelty to me ke reps ire on all the water leaks within the court house, is partiauler, the roof Pire hose, radiators, rest rooms end sail, sad any other leeks that may need repairing. Wherefore, the court with the presence of Sheriff Sarl Garrett and Che rlea Gafford, haaing reviewed on this matter, feel that the rape ire made et Lhia time would be very reesoa- eble end ~uat sad be a benefit to Kerr County, therefor by motion dulq made by Ecks to ia, seconded by Molter end unanimously approved by the court, that Che rlee Gafford be employed uad er the eupervia Son of Sheriff Garrett to repair the roof fire hoes, the radlatora, end all other lea ka in the court house including the rest rooms sad ~e 11. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 5107. APPOINTMENT AND FLYING OF SALARY OF ALBERT WILSON, PUBLIC WEIGHER, PRECINCT.#1. Tnis the 9th day of April, A. D. 1951, came on Lo be considered by the court, the aec-