moats of March and July, 1951, and it appearing to the wart that said reports should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by Molter, secoaaed Dq Eckateia and unanimously ap- proved by the court and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reference. APPROVAL OF MORTHLY REPORT OF CITY-CCCNTY BAMITA$IAR. This the 13th day of August, A. D. 1951, came on to be ezamined by the court, the monthly report of Virgil V. Parsons, City-County Sanitariea of Eerrville and &err Couatq, Teaas for his services performed during the month of ~, 1951, sad it appearing to the Court that said officer has rendered diligent service as shorn therein and same should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by Molter seconded bq Sakstela sad unanimously approved by the court. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY SICPEBHE REPORT OF CWRTY JODGE. This the 13th day, of Auguat~ A. D. 1951, came oa to be eaamined, the monthly report of Jno. R. Leavell~ County Judga~ of Kerr County, Tezas for the month of July, A. D. 1951, show an actual and necessary eapenae of 53•~ inonrred by him is the conduct of his office during said month, and it appearing to the court that said report is true and correct and such ea- peaditurea should be ~ proved; therefore Dy motion duly made Dy Molter, secaaded by Bcksteln and unanimously approved by the court for arch expenditures therein. Ro. 5247. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY RBP~iT OF FIHFS, JDDCdffiITTB, A~ JDRY FEES COLLECTED HY CODHTY CLBRR FOR THE MORTH ERDIRG JDLY 31, 1951• This the 13th day of 4ugust, A. D. 1951, Dame on to be examined by the courts the monthly report of Terrence Htephena~ County Clerk, of all lines imposad~ ~ndgmeats rendered and jurq fees collected is the County Clerk's office of said County for the month ending July 31, 1951 in the amount of 572.60, which amount hoe been collected and deposited rich the County Treasurers and it appearing to the court that said report is tree and correct and should be approved; therefore by motion made by Molter seeded by Scka Lein, and unanimously approved by the court, and ordered filed by the County Clerk. S7 -~ APPROVAL OF REPORT OF DEPOSITS ARD COLLECTIORB OF ALBERT WIIS(riP, PIIBLIC WEIGHER PHECIHCT #].. This the 13th day of Auguat~ A. D. 1951, came on to be considered by the coact, the monthly report of deposits sad collections of Albert WSlsoa~ Publio Weighers 8err County showing an aggregate of 598.05 collected for the mouth of duly, 1951, and it appearing to the court that said report is true sad aorrect and ahou]d be epproved~ and that the Clerk should mail the City a bill for their pro rata part in the amount of .97¢ due the General Fug of Serr County. Therefore by motion duly made by Soksteln, seoo~ed by toff, gnd nnawltrn+gly approved by the court, that said report be approved and the Conntq Clerk be directed to bill the City for the amount of .97¢ to be deposited in the General Fuad of Serr County, Texas, upon collection. APPROVAL OF REAAIRG OF MIRDTFS FOdi JDLY~ 1951 TERM. This the 13th day d Augusts A. D. 1951 after motion having been only made by Molter seconded by Eckstein end unanimously approved by the court, that the minutes of the Commiaa- loners Court for the month of July, 1951, be approved sa read.