Chas. H. Holton ...............Commissioner Precinct #3 ~ (p O O Lee Goff .......................Commissioner Precinct #4 Earl Garrett ...................Sheriff and Lawrence Stephens ..............County Clerk the court being reconvened, the following proceedings were had,. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 5323. REIMBURSEMENT OF $50.50 TO BE MADE TO TBE COUNTY ATTORNEY FOR OVER PAYMENT OF EXCESS FEES OF OFFICE. This the 9th day oŁ October, A. D. 1951, came on to be ewes Sdered by the court, the application of James E. Nugent, County Attorney of Kerr County, Texas, for reimbursement on an over payment to the County of fees of office in the amount of $50.50. Wherefore, the cour having considered that the County Attorney is charged for the 'Pees collected by Ira L. Pringl Justice of the Peace, Precinct #2, Kerr County, for cases handled in that court and that Mr. Nugent had not actually received such funds and he has overpai