6 Q~ therefore by motion duly made by Goff, seconded by Guthrie and unanimously approved by the court, that the County Clerk is hereby directed to :?.raw voucher in amount of k25.00 payable to ~ 9. L. Gross out of the General Fund of Kerr County, to be applied on his rent, lights, water and groceries. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 5720. COURT RECESSED. 4d~DNESDAY, AUGUST 13e 1952 AT 5:00 O'CLOCK P. M. UNTIL THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, A. D. 1952 AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A. M., FOR ANY MATTERS THA'P MAY BE PRESENTED TO THE COURT. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 5721. COURT RECONVENED THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1952 AT 10:00 A. M. Pursuant to a recess taken Wednesday, August 13, 19$2 at 5:00 o'clock P.. N_. for any mat- ters that may be presented to the court, including a public hearing for 1953 Budget and Levy of 1952 Taxes herein, the following officers were present to-wit: Honorable John R. Leavell...County Judge L. M. Guthrie ...............Commissioner Preciret #.L V. D• Powell... ..............Commissioner Precinct #2 ~--- Chas. H. Molter .............Commissioner FrPCirct #3 Lee Goff ....................Commissioner Frecinct #4 and Lawrence Stephens...........County Clerk the court being reconvened, the following interested citizens and taxpayers were present to- wit: A. J. Lochte, Walter Wenzel, Morris Morgan, L. W. Pollard, H. A. Pressaer, Pete Journey, Harry Crate, Jim Nugent, Guy Powell, Curtis Edens, R. L. Schmerbeck, Jr. and P:oritz Hole'.amp, and were presented financial problems of the County and after thorough discussion thereon, no order was passed on the 1953 Budget and Levy of 1952 tax. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 5722. VACANCY OF OFFICE OF CONSTABLE, PPECINCT #4 AND APPOINTMENT OF ED H. BAKER AS CONSTABLE. This the 28th day of August, A, n, 1952, came on to be presented by the court, the pet- ition of twenty-three residents of Commissioners Precinct #~+ applying for an appointment for '-- Ed H. Baker to serve as a night watchman in the Town of Ingram. It appearing; to the court that the office of Constable, Precinct #4, is vacant and should be declared as such, and that the petition requesting the appointment of Fd H. Baker should be granted upon the officer making of bond in the amount of 51,000.00 and the taking/his oath as required by law for the unexpired term ending necember 31, 1952. Therefore by motion duly made by Goff, seconded by Guthrie and unanimously approved by the court that the office of Ccnstable of Precinct #4, be and is hereby declared vacated and that Ed H. Baker be and is hereby appointed Constable of Pre- cinct #4, upon his making bond in the amount of 51,000.00 and by taking his official oath of office as required by law. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 5723. APPROVAL OF OFFICIAL BOND OF ED. H. BAKER, CONSTABLE PRECINCT #4. This the 28th day of august, A. P. 1952, came on to be presented by the court, the off- icial bond executed by Ed H. Baker as principal thereon, together with personal sureties of Tom J. Moore, and A. n. Sample. It appearing to the court that the sureties on said bond have securities sufficient to warrant the courts' a pproval, and that same should be approved at this time. Therefore by motion duly made by Goff, seconded by Guthrie and unanimously ap- proved by the court that the official bond of Ed H. Baker as Constable Precinct #4 be accepted and approved in all respects. -o-o-o-o-o-o-