therefore by motion duly ms de by Eckstein, seconded by Powell and unanimously approved by the ~ G a ~ court, that the salary of Alma Hanc oek, County Home D®monstration Agent of Kerr County, be fixed at $1300.00 per annum payable $108.33 each month, beginning January 31, 1952, and the County Clerk be and is hereby cirected to draw vouchers against the County Treasurer for said monthly installments payable to said Agent out of the General Fvnd of Kerr County. -o-o-o-o-o- N0. 51115. . FIXING SALARY OF R053 DOUGHTY, DISTRICT JUDGE, AS TUVENI LE OFFICER. This the 15th day of January, p. D. 1951, came on to be considered by the court, the sale: of District Judge Ross E. Doughty, as Juvenile Officer of Kerr County, and it appearing to the court that said officer is entitled to $300.00 per annum and that said glary should be fixed for that amount. Therefore by motion duly made by Eckstein, seconded by Powell and unanimously approved by the court, that the salary of Juvenile Officer Ross E. Doughty, be fixed at $300.00 per annum payable $25.00 each month, beginning January 31, 1952. The County Clerk be, and is hereby directed to draw voucher against the County Treasurer in said monthly payment, payable to said Ross Doughty out of the Ge[eral Fund of Kerr County. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 5416. FIXING SALARY OF JULIA ft. FARRELL, COUAT REPORTER. This the 15th day of January, A. D. 1951, came on to be considered by the court, the con- firmation of the fixed salary of Julia R. Farrell, Court Reporter of Kerr County, for the en- suing year 1952, and St appearing to the court that said salary is fixed by the District Judge and that same should be confirmed by this court in the amount d' $717.00 per annum; therefore by motion duly made by Powell, seconded by Molter and unanimously approved by the court, that the salary of Julia R. Farrell, Court Reporter of Kerr County ba confirmed at $717.00 per annum payable 859.75 monthly, beginning January 31, 1952. The County Clerk be and is hereby directed to draw proper vouchers against the County Treasurer 1n said monthly amounts payable to said Reporter out of the Jury Fund of Kerr County, Texas. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 5417. FIXING SALARY OF SECRETARY TO DISTRICT ATTORNEY. This the 15th day of Tanuary, A. D. 1952, came on to be considered by the court, the salary of Ayleene Wharton, secretary to District Attorney for the 38th Judicial District in accordance with Chapter #365, SB2112 of the 52nd LBgis lature, which authorizes a maximum sal- ary in amount of 82400.00 per annum of which a pro rata portion in accordance with the pop- ula tion of the County would amount to $33.00 a month for Kerr County's share, upon the proves Ssion that a combined majority of the Commissioners Courts of said district allow such em- ployment, that such employment has been approved by a maJority .of the Commissioners Courts; therefore by motion duly made by Powell, seconded by Molter and unanimously approved by the court that the County Clerk be authorized to draw voucher against the County Treasurer 1n amount of $33.00 each month out of the General Fund o£ Kerr County, beginning January 31st, 1952 and each month thereafter payable to Ayleene Wharton, Secretary to District Attorney for the 38th Judicial District, aggregating $396.00 per annum. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 5418. FIXING SALARY OF CLE LLA DOYLE, DISTRICT CLERK. This the 15th day of January, A. D. 1952, came on to be considered by the court, the salary of Clella Doyle, District Clerk of Kerr County, and St appearing to the court that said officer has been retaining approximately $1600.00 per annum as fees of said office and the previous salary granted has been $960.00 per annum and that said amount should be re-gr