I the County TreasureR of Kerr County, ell the fees colle aced in the performance of avid office together with a copy of all the weights oP each trensa Gt ion together with a monthly report covering the report of collections sad deposits made with the County Treasurer. Therefore by motion duly made by Powell, seoonded by Guthrie, and unanimously approved by the court that the salary of Albert Wilson Public Weigher of Precinct j/1, be fined at $100.00 a month covering the period beginning January 31st, 1953, that the County Clerk be and is hereby directed to drew voucher against the County Treesur er, on the General Fund ih like amount on the close of Sanuary, 1953, and each month thereafter until Further determined by the Court. The Public Weigher be and is hereby directed to aubmlt to the County Treasurer of Kerr County, Teaes, a copy of ell public weight slips together wlth hie ceah receipts and file a monthly report with the County Clerk et the olose of each month, wlth the ette ched receipts of the County Treasurer of tqo ceah receipts deposited in the General Fund of Kerr Coi,aty. The County Clerk is further directed to Aresent a bill to thA City Council oP tihs City of Kerrville for the amount betwegn one-half of the deficiency of the fees collected and the $100.00 salary not to exceed $25.00 in any one month. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o l No. 5932. FIRING SALARY OF AYLEENE WHARTON, SECRETARY TO DISTRICT ATTORNEY. This the 16th day of Jenuery, A. D. 1953, came on to be considered by the court the Pin- ing of the salary of the secretary and stenographer for the district attorney, Jim W. West hart in accordance with chapter 365, S. B. 2112 of the 52nd Legislature which authorizes a mazimum salary in the amount of $2400.UU per annum of which a pro rata portion in accorden ce with the population of the County, would amount to $33.00 Por Kerr Countys share. Zt eppee ring to the court that salary of Lhe se ar etary oP Diatriot Attorney should be fie ed at $33.00 per moat pa yabla out of the General Fund of Kerr County. Therefore motion duly made by Goff, ae conded by Guthrie end unanimously approved by the court that Ayleane Wharton, secretary to the Diatri Attorney, be paid $33.00 per month out of the General Fund of Kerr County, ea Kerr County~s pro rata part and that the County Clerk be end is hereby directed to drew voucher in lik• amount payable to said secretary on the 31st day oP January A. D. 1953, end at the end of ae~ month for the ensuing year, 1953. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 5933. ORDER TO PROCEED WITH CONDEAINATION PROCEEDING AGAINST WALTER ALPRECHT, GEO. P. WALKER, SR. AND LUCILLE DAMS. This the 16th day of Jenuery, A. D. 1953, after motion he ving been duly mad• by Guthrie, aecohded by Goff, and unanlmously approved by the court that the County Attorney be and is hereby directed to institute proceedings against Geo. P. Walker, Sr's lend, Walter Albr echt's lend end Lucille Davis' lend to secure the right-of-way along F. M. No. 1350, ea such owners have refused any settlement propoa ed by the Commissioners Court Por Lhe donation to the 3tste of Tezea for right-oP-way purposes. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 5934. APPAO VAL OF CLAI143 AND ACCOUNTS. This the 16th day oY Tanuary, A. D. 1953, came on to be considered by the court the claims end acoounte Piled egeinat Lha General Fund oY Kerr County, since last session of this court. It appearing to the court that the claims and ec co ants Piled egeinat such fund, should be approved for payment. Therefgre by motion duly made Dy Guthrie, aeoonded by Bartel and una ously approved by Lhe court that such claims and accounts be approved for payment out of the Gen erel fund ea Piled therein. o-o-o r o- ow-o-o -o-o