z~~9 ::o. 5994. A C'~~ `.•' OF THE 1949-1950 .'AUDIT OF THE COUNTY EOOKS D~IV :it^D TO THE DI'"TRICT ATlO RNL'1' FORr'R~:SET'T::TIO: 'TO THE Git',.:D JUDY. This the 10th clay of T.?arch, A. :~. 1953, came on to be further c: nsidered by the court the petitions filed on Trlnrch 9th, 195<, under Order Nureb~r 5987 which so recuests the Comm- ir.sioners Court to co;.,ply ~;ith ,'irticae ,',89f,, '?. C. ;. of the State of Texar by filir:g the core; of the audit for the County Boo_~cs for the veers of 1949-1950. It a'ne.rin,~, to the court thst such statutos should be co~:n lied .:i!.h, and that the District Attorney be the proper per.e;on to submit such report to the^.rard Jury. Them:fore ry motion duly made by '=uthrie, seconded by :.~fi', and unanir~aus).T: an^roved ;,,r the court that the District ',ttorney his Yee.n. presented with a c^-,y of the 1949-1950 audit, fi].er9 by T.:. R. T.'eredith, and that such offic^r be and is hereby directed to present said con~,~ to the next Grand Jury for their exa::in~tion. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 5995 r'.. COURT R .C 'SSED, TUE3~:Y, T:'.;1RCH lOTII, A. ll. 1953 AT 5:45 0' CLOCK P. P.~i. UI\TTII. ;IEDI`IESDAY, P:=•.RCH 11TH, 1953 AT 10:00 OTCLOCK A. 1;;. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 5995 B. COURT RECO?~TVi+NED .iEDP>/'SD,yY, PaGRCH 11TH, Li. D. 1953 AT 10:00 0' CLOCK A. I'.:. Pursuant to adjourrmient taken by this court on Tuesday, Narch 10th, ~,. D. 1953 at 5:45 o'clock P. T~.. this court reconvened i7ednesday, tdarch 11th, 1953 at 10:00 o'clock A. hI. for any matters that may be presented to the court, the following officers being present to-writ: Honorable Jno. R. Leavell..... County Judge i,. .'... Guthrie ................. Conunissioner Precinct ;rl V. D. Powell .................. COmm1SS10n~:r PreC In Ct f~`~ Adolph Bartel ................. Conunissioner Precinct t3 Lee Goff ...................... Com::.issioner Precir.et ;~4 and La'^~rence Ste nhens ............. County Clerk and the following nroceedin,ns were had to-wit: o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 5996. AP"RnV,":L OF CLAIP"S .'AND ACCOUNTS. This the 11th day of Narch A. D. 1953, came on to be considered by the court the claims and accounts filed against Kerr County, and it appearing to the court that such clams and accounts should be paid, therefore by .~:otion duly made by Goff, seconded by `:uthrie and unan- ircously approved by the court that all claims filed against the General Fund, Road and Bridge No. 2, and Road and Bridge No. 3 should be approved for payment as filed herein, and the County Clerk be and is hereby directed to draw vouchers against the County Treasurer for like amounts. o-o-o-o-o-o-oo-o-o-0 No. 5997. APPROVAL OF l;'ONTHIY REPORT OF GUY FO'';ET,L, COIJIQTY AGENT. This the 11th day of 114arch A. D. 1953, came on to be examined by the court, the :~onthl.y report of Guy Fo:;~ell, County Agent of Kerr County, covering his services for the mor_tb_ of February, A. D. 195,,, and it appearing to the court that said report should be approved; there- fore by motion duly made by Powell, seconded by Goff, and unanimously approved by the court and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reference. r-- ~ c-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 5998. A T ROVF:L OF I, 0"?THEY R'~PORT CF COLLECTIOPIS AND DEPOSITS BY THE SH;RIFF. This the 11th day of Pr;arch, A. D. 1953, came on to be examined by the court, the report of collections and deposits made by Oliver T.'oore, Sheriff, of Kerr County, Texas, for all