;o. 5994. A Ct`~ 1 OF THE 1949-1950 AUDIT CF THE COUNTY BOOK. DIsI.IV_.tt?D TO THE llIUTRICT ATZD RNEY FOR ;3=~SENT::TIO,: ~ THE G:t;';ND JURY. ~Pi~is the 10th .',ay of T;2arch, A.i,. 195, came on to be further c: nsidered by the court .... the: pe~titinns filed on T.nrch 9th, 195:_', under Or~?er Number 5987 v+hich so recuests the Conim- i:sioners Court to co;:.ply ;•;ith :article 3896, C. S. of the State :f Texas by filing the cony of the audit for the Co~_;rrty Books for the year.^, of 1949-1950• It a"pearin~~, to the court thrt such statutes should be co?;died ::i?;h, and th~:t the District Attorney be the proper person to submit such report to the Grand Jury. Ther-:fore I;y ruotion duly Wade by Guthrie, seconded by ,.~ff, and unarim~~usly apr~roved 1,y the court that the District attorney has '. een. presented ti~:ith a cony of the 1949-1950 au;3it, filed by T.=. R. P.'eredith, and that such officer be and is hereby directed to present :;aid copy to the next Grand Jury fcr their exarnin~tion. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No, 5995 A. COURT R:CSSrD, TU1L^,^~.Y, T:L':RCH 10`i'H, A. D. 1953 AT 5:45 O'CLOCK F. Pi. UNTIL "fIEDT1ESDAY, N,=ARCH 11TH, 1953 t1T 10:00 0' CLOCK A. hi. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 5995 B. COURT RECOTIV""NED .;EDD~~SD~':Y, T:'.f,RCH 11TH, z;. ']. 1953 AT 10:00 C' CI:OCK A. I,:• :Pursuant to adjournment taken by this court on Tuesday, Narch 10th, ~+. D. 1953 at 5:45 o'clock P. Tv:• this court reconvened :'lednesday, Tv2arch 11th, 1953 at 10:00 o'clock A. bT. for any matters that may be presented to the court, the following officers being present to-v; it: Honorable Jno. R. Leavell..... County Judge i . _.". Guthrie ................. Corru;,issioner Precinct r~l V. D. Powell........ ••.... •... COmm1SSlOnFlr PreC lnCt J#2 Adolph Bartel ................. Commissioner Precinct 'F3 Lee Goff ...................... Commissioner Preciret ,~4 and Lawrence Ste~nhens......•.•...• County Clerk and the follo:`ling nroceedin^s were had to-wit: O-O-O-U -0 -O-O-O-O-O-O No. 5996. APT RnV L OF CLAI]'^S AND ACCOUNTC. 'Phis the 11th day of Iv:arch A. D. 1953, came on to be considered by the court the claims and accounts filed. against Kerr County, and it appearing to the court that such claims and accounts should be paid, therefore by ^:otion duly r~:~de by Goff, seconded by Guthrie and unan- imous:Ly approved by the court that all claims filed against the General Fund, Road and Bridge No. 2, and Road and Bridge No. 3 should be approved for payment as filed herein, and the Country Clerk be and is hereby directed to draw vouchers against the County Treasurer for like amounts. o-o-o-o-o-o-oo-o-o-o No. 5997. APPROVAL OF I•`,ONTHIY REPORT OF GUY PO',7~^L, COTJNTY AGENT. 'Phis the 11th day of Iviarch A. D• 1955, came on to be examined by the court, the ^onthly report of Guy Po*.^aell, County A`rTent of Kerr County, covering his services for the :nontb_ of February, A. D. 1953, and it ap^earing to the court that said report should be approved; there- fore by rriotion duly made by Powell, seconded by Goff, and unanir..ously approved by the court and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reference. i o -o --o -o-o -o -o-o -o -o ,~ No. 5998. A''ROV_sL OF 10T?'1'EILY R'_:PORT CF COLLECTIONS AND DEPOSITS BY THE SHERIFF. 'Phis the 11th day of 11:arch, A. D. 1953, came on to be examined by the court, the report of co:Llections and deposits n.ade by Oliver T,.oore, Sheriff, of Kerr County, Texas, for all fees and mileage fees collected by hirr. in the performance of his duties in said office for _~ ~~ the month of February, A. D. 195:;, in the amount of p111.70, and it apr~earin{; to the court that the itemized report of collections and deposits as submitted, ar.e true and correct and should be approved by the court; therefore by motion duly ::a de by Powell, seconded by Goff, and unani°.ously approved by the court and ordered filed by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 5999. APPROVAL OF :.,)T:'.i'H~Y F.XPEI~TSE REPORT OF COUNTY JUI?=I.. This the 11th day of T~:arch A. D. 1953, atne on to be exar,,ined by the court, the r;onthly report of Jno. ~?. Leavell, County JudE;e of Kerr County, Texas, for the ::~onth of February A. D. 195:, showing an actual and necessary expense of 277.90, incurred by hir._ in the conduct of his office during said :o nth, and it ap earir~~ to the court that said report is true and correct and such expenditures should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by _ov;ell, seconded by Goff, and unaniriously approved by the court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 6000. ~'~'FROVAL OF EOrTTHLY EXPENEtEPORT OF COUNTY CLERK. This the 11th day of Pdarch A. D. 1953, came on to be examined by the court, the :ronthly expense report of Lavarence Stephens, fiounty Clerk, for the rr_onth of February A. D. 1953, -_ sho~ain~; an actual. and necessary expenditure of ?772.40, incurred by hir-~ in the conduct of his office during said month, and it appearing to the court that said report is true and correct and should be approved; therefore by r;otion duly made by Po-r;el1 seconded by Goff, and unanim- ously approved by the court for such expenditures thereon. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 6001. A~ ~ R:)"JAL OF I:OTITHLY ~'XPENSE Rs~-0RT OP' TAX ASSESSOR ADID COLLECTOR. This the 11th day of h.arch, A. D. 1953, came on to be examined by the court, the r;onthly expense re;;ort of E. H. Nichols, Tax Asses: or and Collector of Kerr County, Texas, for the month of February, ~~. D. 19:53, shovaing an actual and necessary expense of w1023.50 incurred by him: in the conduct of his office during said ronth, and it appearing to the court that said report is true and correct and such expenditures should be approved; therefore by motion dul~~ made by Fo;^;ell seconded by Goff, and unanir,.ously epnrove'i by the court for such expenditures herein. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 6002. Ai'_ R~!VAL OF :..~N'I'FiLY REPORT CF FIN'S, JTJD~:IENTS, AND JURY FEES CCLI,ECTED 1: J[,STICE COUk:T iit??C Ii?CT ;,~2. This the 11th day of T.:arch, A. D. 1<.7b3, ramie on to be examined by the court, the monthly report of Ira L. Pri~~.Sle, Justice of the Peace, Precinct No. 2, Kerr County, Texas, covering the r.onth of February, .,. D. 195Ci, of Cri ;final cases filed, witnesses, jud~nents and jury fees collected, shoaring a sum of ;64.55 collected and deposited with the County 'Preasurer, entitled hip: to a fee of "33.00 and it appearing to the court that ;aid report is true: and correct; therefore by r~:otion duly m^de by Por;ell, seconded by Goff, and unaniriously approved by the court, and the ':o~nty Clerk be and is hereby directed to pay the fee of '33.00 to Judge Prinnle, to-wit: "2.00 out of the General Fund and X11.00 out of Road and T~ridF,e Fund of Kerr County, Texas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. GC03. APrit0'dAL Ul' :. ^PPi'FiLY P.]PORT OF F'IIES, JUDCL;LNTS, AND JURY F':~'3'S COLLr.CTED ID? JUSTICE COUtT, Pi<'CINC`P ~~4. ~, This the 11th day of Paarch A. D. 195::, cane on to be examined by the court, the r,~:onthl.y report of Hugh a. 3n_;elr.:an, Justice of the Peace, Precinct ~~4, of Kerr County, Texas, covering the :.onth of February, A. D. 1953, of Crim~nal cases filed, witnesses, judtT~nents and jury f.:es collected shov,inC; a sum of ?0.75 collected and deposited vaith the ",ounty Treasurer,