~~ No. 6028. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF GUY PO'"JERLh, COUNTY AGENT. This the 13th day of April, A. D. 1953, came on to be examined by the court, the monthly report of Guy Powell, County Agent of Kerr County, covering his services for the month of March '^ A. D. 1953, and it appearing to the court that said report should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by Goff, seconded by Guthrie, and unanimously approved by the court a:nd order- ed filed by the County Clerk for future reference. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 6029. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY EXPENSE REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK. This the 13th day of April, A. D. 1953, came on to be examined by the court, the monthly expense report of Lawrence Stephens, County Clerk, for the month of March, 1953, showing an actual and necessary expenditure of X818.00, incurred by him in the conduct of his office during said month, and it appearing to the court that said report is true and correct and should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by Coff, seconded by Guthrie, and unanimously approved by the court for such expenditures thereon. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 6030. APPROVAL OF PI:ONTHLY REPORT OF FIT~TES, JUDG4dENTS, A.ND BURY FEES COI:LECTED BY COUNTY ~-. CLERK FOR THE P"40NTH ENDING hTARCtt 31st, 1953. This the 13th day of April A. D. 1953, came on to be examined by the court, the monthly report of Lawrence Ste^hens, County Clerk, of all fines imposed, jud~ents rendered and jury fees collected in the County Clerk*s office of said County for the month ending March 31st, 1953, in the amount of X545.70 which amount has been collected and deposited with the County Treasurer, and it appearing to the court that said report is true and correct and should be approved; therefore by motion duly made by Goff, seconded by Guthrie, and unanimously