:~~ ~'~ r r,~ the City of Kerrville is desirous of paying one-half of the deficiency of the fees collected up to X100.00 not exceeding .25,00 a month, and that said officer should deposit with the County Treasurer of Kerr County, all the Pees collected in the perforn:ance of said office, together with a copy of all the weiryhts of each transaction together with e monthly report covering the report of collections and deposits made with the County Treasurer. Therefore, by motion duly made by Guthrie, seconded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court, that the salary of Albert ,4ilson, Public `Neigher of Precinct No.l, be fixed at X100,00 a month covering the period beginning January 31st, 1954, that the County Clerk be, and is hereby directed to draw voucher against the County Treasurer, on the General Fund in like amount on the close of January, 1954, and each month thereafter until further determined by the Court. The Public ~+eigher be, and is hereby directed to submit to the County Treasurer of Kerr County, Texas, a copy of all public weight slips, together with his cash receipts and file a monthly report with the County Clerk at the close of each month, with the attached receipts of the County Treasurer of the cash re- ceipts deposited in the General Fund of Kerr County. The County Clerk is further directed to present a bill to the Cite Council oP the City of Kerrville Por the amount between one-half of ;-- the deficiency of the fees collected and the °100,00 salary not to exceed w25.00 in any one month. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. X444. FIXING SALARY OF AYLEENE ~1HARTON, SECP.ETARY TO DI STRICT ATTORNEY. This the 12th day of January, A. D. 1954, came on to be considered by the Court, the fixing of the salary of the secretary and stenographer Por the District Attorney, Jim iN, Weatherby, in accordance with Chapter 365, S. P. 2112 oP the 52nd Legislature, which authorized a maximum salary in the amount oP X2400.00 per annum of which a pro rata portion in accordance with the population of the County, would amount to ~ 33.00 per month for Kerr County's share. It appear- ing to the Court, that salary of the secretary oP District Attorney should be fixed at X33.00 per month, payable out of the General Fund of Kerr County. Therefore, motion duly made by Goff, seconded by Bartel, and unanimously approved by the Court, that Ayleene `.Nharton, secretary to the District Attorney, be paid X33.00 per month out of the General Fund oP Kerr County, as Kerr County's pro rata part and that the County Clerk be, and is hereby directed to draw vcucher in ,.., like amount payable to said secretary on the 31st day of January, A. D. 1954, and at the end oP each month for the ensuing year, 1954. o-o-o-o-o-o-o ,~ No. 6445. APPROVAL OF ~,UARTERLY kEPORT OF FINES, JUDGMENTS, AND JURY FEES COLLECTED BY THE COUNTY CLERK FOR PERIOD EATDING DECEMBER 31ST, A. D. 1953. This the 12th day of January, A, D. 1954, came on to be considered by the Court, the quar- terly report of Lawrence Stephens, County Clerk, of all fines imposed, judgments rendered and jury fees collected in the County Por the quarter ending December 31st, 1953, showing an aggre- gate of ?842.60 collected end deposited by him vr.ith the County Treasurer of Kerr County, Texas, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and correct and should be approved; therefore, by motion duly made by Guthrie, seconded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the . Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 6446. APPROVAL OF Iv10NTHLY ~fPENSE REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE. This the 12th day of January, A. D, 1954, came on to be examined by the Court, the monthly report of Jno. R. Leavell, County Judge of Kerr County, Texas, for the month oP December, 1953, showin@ an actual and necessary expense of ~a78.00 incurred by him in the conduct oP the Office of the County School Superintendent and County Judge, for the month oP December, A. D. 1953, and it appearing to the Court that such expenditures should be approved. Therefore, by motion duly P S~~' made by Guthrie, seconded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court for such expenditures therein. o-o-o-o-o-o-o --~ ~ No. 6447. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF FINES, JUDCd~.IN TS, AND JURY FEES COLLECTED IN JUSTICE COURT, PRECINCT N0. 2. This the 12th day of January, A. D. 1954, came on to be examined by the Court, the monthly report of Ira L. Pringle, Justice of the Peace Precinct No. 2, of Kerr County, Texas, covering the month of December, 1953, of criminal cases filed, witnesses, judgments and jury fees collec- ted showing a sum oP $38.55 collected and deposited a+ith the County Treasurer, entitling him to a fee of X20.00, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and correct, and that said officer is entitled to his Pees, and that same should be paid; therefore, by motion duly made by Guthrie, seconded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court, that said report be approved, ant the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, and are hereby di reeted to pay the fee of X20.00 to Judge Pringle out of the General Fund oP Kerr County, Texas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 6448. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF FINES, JUDQvi~ITS, AND JURY FEES COLLECTED BY THE DIST- RI CT CLERK FOR THE &ZONTH ENDING DEC~:PER 31ST, A. D. 1953 This the 12th day of January, P.. D. 1954, came on to be examined by the Court, the monthly report of Clells Doyle, District Clerk, of all fines imposed, judgments rendered and jury fees collected in the District Clerk's office of Kerr County for. the month ending December 31st, 1953, in the amount oP X17.00, which amount has been collected and deposited with the County Treasurer, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and correct and should be approved; there- fore, by motion duly made by Guthrie, seconded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court, and ordered filed by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 649. APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUN'PY CLERK OF TRUST FUND, ESCHEATS A.ND 49ITNESS FEES FOR QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER 31ST, 1953• This the 12th day of January, A. D. 1954, came on to be considered by the Court, the report of ell moneys and fees collected by Lawrence ctephens, County Clerk, belonging to officers, wit- nesses, or other persons, remaining in his hands uncalled for by the parties entitled thereto for the quarter ending December 31st, 1953, as held on deposit in the County Clerk's Trust Fund in the amount of $7746.23, and it appearing to the Court that said report is in due form and should be approved; therefore, by motion duly made by Guthrie, seconded by Powell, and unanimous- lq approved by the Court, and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reference, subject to audit. o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 6450. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY RP,PORT OF FINES, JUDGLSF.IVTS AND JURY FEES COLLECTI~ IN JUSTICE COURT, PRECINCT N0. 1. This the 12th day oP January, A. D. 1954, came on to be examined by the Court, the monthly report of Virgil Storms, Justice of the Peace, Precinct No. 1, Kerr County, Texas, covering the month of December, A. D. 1953, of criminal cases Piled, witnesses, judgments and jury fees epl- lected, showing a sum oP X124.65 collected and deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to a fee of X83.00, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and correct and that said officer is entitled to his fees and that same should be paid; therefore, by motion -~ duly made by Guthrie, seconded by Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court, that said report be approved, and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, end are hereby directed to pay the fee of X83.00 to Judge Storms out of the General Fund of Kerr County, Texas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o