3%~ II Party of the Second Pert, in consideration of the hereinafter mentioned undertaking (or ~~eyment) of the Party of Lhe First Pert agrees to pay the County for the use of such machinery the above rate. WITNESS our hands, this the 17th day oP February, 1954• Eno. R. Lee vel~,County Judge L.M.Guthrie, Com. Pre ct. /Il V.D.Powell, Com. Prect. 2 Lee Coff, Com. Prect. N4 PARTY OF THE FIRST PART Adolph Bartel PARTY OF THB SECOND PART MARTIN SPENRATH N0. F~1y17 (f s(7 OF TE7CA3 OF KfiRR Kerr County acting through her Commiesi onere Court, herelnafter celled Party oP the First end Martin Spen rath, hereinafter celled Party oP the Second Pert, cont ra cte ee follows: r.. ~I I ii ' it Party of Lhe First Pert, in consideraLi on of the hereina Pter mentioned undo rteking (or ~Oe yment) of Lhe Pe rty oP Lhe Saco nd Pert agrees to Purniah county machinery to Party of Lhe r'co nd Pert for Lho se uses as set forth in accordance with Article 2372c of the Revised Civil ~~§tatutes of the State of Teaes, charging Por such use of Maintainer with operator - X8.00 per I~bou~; Hlghloader with operator - $3.00 per hour; and Truok with operator - ($2.50 per hour. II Party of the Second Part, in consideration oP the he relnbefore mentioned undertaking (or ant) of the Party of the First Pert agrees to pay the County Por the use of such machinery the above rate. WITNESS our hands, this the 17th day of February 1954. Jno. R. Lee yell, County Judge L.M.Guth tie, Com. Pre ct. /~1 V .D.Powell, Com. Prect. 2 Adolph Bartel,COm.Preet. k3 Lee Gof;, Com. Prect. 1/4 ~"1 ~ o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o ' (Re ci nded - sea orders ~~65e2 & 5523) No. 6519 GRAATI NC PETITION FOR NEI CHBORHO~ ROAD FOR CHARLES R. AND OPAL JOYCfi RODGfiRS, A'ND APPOINTMENT OF NAY OF VIEW. Oa this 17th day of February A.D. 1954 now comae Che rlea R. Rodgers ahd wife, Opel Joyce Rodgers, end pept ltion Lhe Court fora neighborhood road in compliance with Article 6711 of Lhe 1925 Revl sad Civil Statut ea of the State of Teaes, end the emendmen to thereto, end especially the amendment passed Dy the Legislature of the State of Tezea, effective June 13, 1953. There- fore, by motion duly made by Guthrio, seconded by Bartel, end unanimously approved by the Cour that se id pepition ba ecoepted end the following Jury oP View 6e appointed to-wit: Esrl Benna r, O.B,Walker, Fe rd Tatech, Prentice Witt end Adolph Reee, end that said Jury of Vie be instructed to ley out said road, accordl ng to law. PLBA IN AHATSMENT AND ORIGTNAL ANSWER OF DEFENDANTS Thin the gth day of March, A. D. 1954, came on to be co nald ared by the Court, the nec- ty to proceed with the petition of s neighborhood toed end plea in abatement and answer of By motim duly made by Goff, seconded by Guthrie, end unanimously approved by the plea in abatement and answer of def en den to were overruled ae shown in the following l