342 i j N0. 6557 FEES FOR SERVING iNAI.RANT ON G. C. DG~VDY This the 14th day of Aril A.D. 1954, came on to be considered by the Court the cost of ~ services rendered by Olin C. `Nright, Sheri~'f of Real County, for serving notice on G. C. Dowdy; _ in the matter of the Rodgers Road. By motion duly mode by Powell, seconded by Bartel and un- animausly approved by the Court, that the County Clerk ba directed to draw a voucher against the County Treasury in the amo.:nt of 5p6.65, o:,t cf the General Fund of Kerr County, Texas, for ', Olin C. VJright, Sheriff of Real County, Texas. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6558 ORnER Ai'T'uORIZING TERRACING, ETC. ON F`r.C'ERTY OF P~iRS LAURA JCY•N`CI\ This the 14th day of April A.D. 1954, after motion having been duly made by Bartel, second- ed by Guthrie, and unanimously approved by the Court, that the application executed by &_rs. j Laura Johnson be spproved and the contract therefor be entered into by and between the rnerabers of the Commissioners Court and the aforementioned party, and that the Commissioner of Precinct No.4 be autt_orized to perform such work accordingly, at a time when the machinery and/or eyuip- I ment is available, said apclicati^n and contr-sot entered as follows: Comrrlssir,uers Court _ County of Kerr j Kerrville, Texas j Gentlemen: i In accordance with the provisions of Article 2372c of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, ~I I would like to, hr=ve you come upon my land above Ingram on Highway 39, for the purpase of im- proving, terrac!ng, protecting or ditching the same. I mill pay you the standard county charge for -uch ~.^:ork to':vard the conservation o_° the fertility of my 1 nd. I believe that t_':is aaork ~ pudic would be for so.:.efber.efit and ask that you do so find. Respectfully yours, i Pairs. Laura Johnson ~ TFE STATE CF TEXAS X C"L~fTY CF KERB 0 '' Kerr county acting through her Commissi nor Court hereinafter called Party of the First ~ s Laura Johnson hereinafter called Part of the ~ecand Part, contracts as 'ollow9: Part, and I~.r , 5 I ; Party of the First Part, in ccn:ideratinn of the hereinafter mentioned undertaking (or pay- ment) a:' the Party of the Second Part agrees to Furnish County macr~inery to Party of the Second Part for those uses as set forth in accordance ~.vith Article 2372c of the Revised Civil Statute$ of the State of Texas, charF7ir.g for such use of Maintainer with operator - X8.00 per hour: Hi~r- leader with operator - X3.00 per hour; and truck with operator X2.50 per hour. II ' Party of the Second Part, in consideration of the he rain before mentioned undertaking (or ~ ne.yment) o" tl'ie Party of the First Part agrees to pay the County for the use of such machinery '~ at the above rate. 'P/ITP•'ESS ~~ur hands, this the 14th day of April, 1954. f Jno. R. Leavell, County Judge L. NI. Guthrie Commissioner Frec. 1 I V. D. Fowell Commissioner Prec. 2 I Adolph Bartel Commissioner Prec. "~ Lee Gaff Comcnissicner Prec. 4 PARTY OF TF3.' FI RST FART if.rs. Laura Johnson FARTY OF TI-TE SEC.'P::D FART o-o-e-o-o-o j N0. 6559 AFFROVAL OF CLAIIrIS AND ACCODNTS 'i Tt.is the 14th day of April came on to be considered the claims and accounts f; ~ P~ aaa9r ~+