IMO. 6567 PAYMIIQT OF $1400,00 FOR SEERIFF'S CAR TO McKINNE7 MOTORS Court met in Spe clel session May 4th 1954, end after motlon having been made by Guthrie, seconded by Powell that the County Clerk be authorized to issue voucher against the County Treasury on General Fund, to the McKinney Motors in the amount of $1400,00, in pa ymenL Por Sharif P's car; Ford, 1954 Police Interceptor, Motor No. P4DG 139754. Court voted unanimously Lo the payment oP $1400.00 o-o-o-o-o-o foregoing pages 336 to 347 inclusive were reed in Open Court and corrected, and ere now approved in ell respects this 17 day of May A.D. 149_54._ (~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~p ty udge err ounty, Texas County C er err County, Texas THE STATE OF TEAS j THE COUNTY OF KERR i HB ZT REMEMBERED that there was begun and holden on the 10th day of Mey A. D. 1954, et the Court House thereof, in the City of Kerrville, a Regular Term of Commission- ers Court, for consideration oP any matters that may he presented, with the following officers sent: Honorable Jnor. R. Leevell, County Judge Adolph Bartel, Commissioner Prec. No.3 L. M. Guthrie, Commissioner Prec. No. 1 Lee Coff Commissioner Prec. No.4' V. D. Powell Commissioner Prec. No. 2 Oliver Moore Sheriff Che rles J. Rees, County Clerk. Court hev ing regularly opened, the fo liowing pro ceedinga had to-wit: o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6568 APPROVAL OF CLA IPJ6 AND ACCOUNTS This the 10th day of May 1954, came on to be considered by the Court the claims and account since the last term of this Court; for Roed & Bridge //1, Roed &. Bridge ~{2, Road & Bridge //~, Road & Bridge 1/4, Farm to Market X689 Dog Tage end General Fund. Also the necessity to confirm the weekly labor bills of April 3rd, ~GLh, 17th, 24th,May tat &. 8, as per sworn effidevlt filed with County Clerk. It appearing to the Court that sell acpounte~e re ~t rue and correct and should be paid. Therefore, by motion duly made by Guthrie, seconded by Goff end unanimously approved by the Court, that the County Clerk be, and is hereby directed to drew vouchers against the County Treasury on ell claims filed in like amounts therefor, payable out of the respective funds, to the pe rhea entitled thereto, as per Disbursement Journal on pages 66 thru 72. N0. 6569 RESIGNATION OF AARON FERRIS AS DEPUTY SHERIFF & DOG CATCHER This the 10th day of Mey 1954, came on to be present ed to the Court the resignation of Aam n Ferris, es Special Deputy Sheriff assisting in Dog Tag registration law enforcement, aPPe ct ive Mey 15th, 1954. By moticn made by Guthrie, seconded by Goff and unanimously approved by the Court that such resignation should be accepted. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6570 APPOINTIv:ENT OF S. E. PACE AS SPECIAL DEPUTY SHc RIFF This the 10th day of Mey 1954, came on to he considered by the Court the appointment of S, E. Page, as Special Deputy Sheriff, to assist in Dog Teg registration law enforcement. There- - Pore, by motion made by Goff, seconded by Bartel and unanimously approved by the Court, that this appointment be made on a monthly basis, with a sale ry of y2GG.GG per month, payable semi- onthly out of the Dog Teg Registration Fund, end with a fifteen days notice of discontinuance oP office. This appointment to become effective Mey 15th, 1954. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6571 ORDER AUTHORI7ING TERRACI[QG ETC OF PROPERTY OF CLA RENCE HAUFLER, PREC. 3; IRENE, E. ~- ENDRES, PRE C. 4; MRS RO SALINE WRI GHT, ~PREC. 1; IVEY BAKER, pREC. 4 This the 10th day of May 1954, of ter motion having been duly made by Hertel, seconded by executed , Powell and unanimously approved by the Court, that the ep plicat ion s/by the above named be epproti ed and the contrecte therefor be entered into by end between the members oP the Commissioners Court end the aforementioned ne rt ie a, and that each res oe cove Commissioner be razed to such work eccerdingly, et a time when Lhe machinery and/or equipment is available, said cations and ce ntra ets entered es follows: ssioners Court y of Kerr ills, Texas In ecco rdance with the provisions of Article 2372c of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, would like to have you come upon my land at Precinct N3, Kerr County, for the purpose of im- •nving, terracing, protecting or ditching the same. I will pay you the standard County charge .r such work toward the conservation of the fertility of my land. I believe that ttu s work ~u ld be for some public benefit and ask that you do so find. Respectfully yours, STATE OF TEXAS ( OF KERB Clarence Heuf ler Kerr County acting through her Commissioner's Court, hereinafter called Party of Lhe F rt, and Clarence Haufler, Comfort Texas, hereinafter called Party of the Second Pert, co nt follows: I Party of Lhe First Pert, in considered on of the hereinafter mentioned undertaking (or pa. went) of the Ye rty of the Second Pert agrees to furnish County machinery to Party of the Second Part for those uses as set forth in accordance with Article 2372c of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Taxes, charging for such use of h:ei ntain er with o eretor - $8.00 per hour; High loader with operator - $3.00 per hour; and Truck with operator - 2.50 per hour. ZI Pe rty of the Second Pert, in consideration of the herein before mentioned undertaking (or pa ym ant) of the Party of the First Pert agrees to pay the County for the use of such machinery et Lhe above rate. 'NITIdESS our hands, this the 10th day of hiay 1954. ssioner's Court y of Kerr ills, Taxes Jno. R. Leavell, County Judge L. M, Gutt;r ie, Commiesioner Prec.l V. D, Powell " Prec.2 Adolph Bartel " lrec.3 Lae Goff " Pree.4 PARTY OF THE FIRST FART Clarence Ha ufler FA RTY OF THE SECOND PART In accordance with the provisions of Article 2372c oP the Revised Civil Statutes of Taxes, would like to have you come upon my land at Oak Park Lodge on Hiph v+ey 39, Kerr County, for the .rposa of improving, terra uin g, protecting or ditching the same. I will pay you the sten de rd y charge fcr such work toward the co uservati on of the fertility of my land. I believe th 15 work would be for some public benefit and ask Bret you do so find. SPATE OF TEXAS j COUNTY OF KERR Respe ctPully yours, Irene E. Endres Kerr County acting through her Commissioner's Court, hereinafter called Party of the Fl rs rt, and Irene E. Endres, Ingram Texas, hereinafter called Party of the Second Pert, centre cts s follows: I Party of the First Part, in consideration of the hereinafter mentioned undertaking (or pa. nt) of the Party of the Second Part agrees to furnish County machinery to Party of the Second rt for those uses es set forth in ecco rdance with Article 2372c of the Revised Civil Stetut es the State of Texas, cher+*i ng for each use of hie inter with operator - $8.00 per hour; High- ader with operator - f3.00 per hour; and Truck with operator - $2,50 per hour. II Party of the Second Part, in consideration of the he reinbefore mentioned and ertakiug (or ymen t) of the Ferty of the First Pert agrees to pay the County for the use of such machinery et the above rate. WITNB33 our hand a, this the 10 day of May, 1954. ~~ Jno. R. Leavell, County Sud ge ' - L. !S. Guthrie Commissioner Pre c. 1 D. D. Powell " " 2 ~ ldolph Hertel " " $3 Lae Goff " " 4 ~~ PARTY OF TH6 FIRST PART Irene E. Endres PARTY OF T$8 ~COND PART Commissioner Court County of Rerr Kerrville, Texas Gentlemen: Ia ecco rdance with the provisions oP Article 2372c of the He viead Civil Stet utes of Taxes, ~I would like to have you come upon my land et Old Medina Road near Kerrville for the purpose of improving, terracing, protecting or ditching the same. I will pay you the standard county char, 'for such work toward the conservation oP the fertility of my land. I believe that this work would be for some public benefit and ask that you do so Yind. ' r^ Reepe ctf idly yours, le ~ Mra. Ro aeline Wright • THE STATE OF TEXAS ] COUNTY OF KKRR ] Rerr County acting through her Commissioner's Court, hereinafter called Party of the First (Part, end Mra. Roaeline Wright, hereinafter celled Party of the 3e cond Part, contra cte as folio I i Party of the First Part, in consideration of the hereinafter mentioned undertaking (or pay- ment) of the Pe rty oP the 3e cond Pert ogre ea to furnish county machinery to Party of, the Second Pert for those uaea as set forth in ecco rdance with Artiols ea72o of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Taxes, charging for such uae of 19eiatain ar with ope rotor - x8.00 per hour; High loader with operator - x3.00 per hour; sad Truck with operator - x2.50 par hour. II Party of the Second Part, in consideration of the be rein baYore mentioned undertaking (or 1 ~ payaent) of the Party of the First Pert agrees to pay the County for the uae oP au ch machinery et the above rate. WITNESS our hand a, this the 10 day of May, 1954. Jno. R. Leavell, County Judge L. BS. Guthrie Commissioner Pre c. 1 O. D. Powell " " 2 Adolph Bartel " " 3 Lee Coff " " 4 PARTY OF THB FIRST PART Mra. Rosa line Wright PARTY OF 7HS 9S CCND PART Commissioner's Court County of Kerr Kerrville, Tessa Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions oP Article 2372c of the Revised Civil Statutes oP Tease, I would like to have you come upon my lend at Y.M.C.A. Camp Grounds oh South Fork, Hunt, Kerr ~ r, County, for the purpose oP improving, terracing, protecting or ditching the same. I will pay ~ .I you the standard county charge for such work toward the conservation of the fertility of my land. I hel ie ve that this work would 6e for some public benefit and oak that you do so Pind. Reepe etfully yours, IYY Baker. ~~ HE 5fATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF KERR ( ~ Kerr County ecting throe gh her Commissioner's Court, hereinafter called Party oP the First ~~ I art, end Ivy Baker, Ce retaker, Y.M.C.A. Camp, hereinafter called Pe rty of the Se m nd Psrt, con re ate ea follows: I Percy of the First Pert, in con aideretion of the hereinafter mentioned undertaking (or pay ment) oP the Party of the Second Pert agrees to furnish county machinery to Party of the Second Pert Por tt,ose uses as net forth in accordance with Article ˘B72o of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State oP Texea, charging for such use of Mein tainer with operator - $8.00 per hour; High loceder with operator - $3.00 per hour; and Truck with operator - X2.50 per hoe r. II Party oP the 3e co nd Pert, in consideration of the hereinbefore mentioned undertaking (or payment) of the Party of the First Part agrees to pay the County for the use of such machinery et the above rate. WITN833 our hands, this the 10 day of Mey, 1954. Jno. R. Leavell, County Judge L. M. Guthrie Commissioner Pre c. #1 i. D. Powell ^ 2 Adolph Hertel " 3 Lee Goff " 4 PARTY OF THE FIRST PART Ivy Baker Caretaker, Y.M.C.A .Camp PARTY OF THE SE CCND PART o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o BURT RECESSED Monday Mey 10th 1954 et 5:00 o'clock P.M. until Tuesday Yey 11th 1954, et 9:30 o'clock A.Y, for matters that may be presented to the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o :OURT RECONVENED Tuesday May 11th 1954 in Regular Session, with the Pollowing oPficere present: Jno. R. Leavel 1, County Judge Adolph Hertel,. Commissioner 3 L. M. Guthrie, Commiesi oner 1 Lee Goff Commissioner 4 V. D. Guthrie Commis al oner 2 Chas J. Rees County Clerk court having duly opened, the following proceedings were had to-wit: O-O-D-O-0-0 :~ J0. 6572 APPROVAL OF PAYMINT OF $8992.80 TO MASON+JOHNSON & ASSOCIATES FOR PROPOSED DAY SITES ALONG GUADALUBE RIVER Oh this the 11th day of Mey 1954, came on to be examined by the Court the approval df peymen of X8992.80, to Yeaon-Sohnson k, Asao cis tee for field work on Dam Sites, for Boring Loge, Comple - ing Survey Yapa, Lebratory Reaulte end typical samples to be furnished the County. Therefore, by motion made by Guthrie, seconded by Goff and unanimously approved by the Court that the Coun y Clerk be, end is hereby nut hroized to drew voucher in the sum of :8992.80, out of Flood Control Funds. o-o-o-o-o-o A0. 6573 APPROVAL OF MONTHLY ffiB'NSE REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK This the 11th day of Yap A.D. 1954, came on to ba asamined 6y the Court, the monthly ex- pense account of Charles J. Rees, County Clerk, for the month of April 1954, showing an act eel ~ snd necessary aspen se of ~62H.70, incurred by him ih the conduct oP his office during said wont , (, 9nd it appearing to the Court that said report is true end correct and should be approved; the rq [ore, by motion duly made by Be rtel, seconded by Powell and unanimously approved by the Court,