r hie offios during said month. Therefor by motion made by Bartel, emooad eQ;•b# Ygt-all 4ad ua- emlmouely approved by the Court that this report be accepted. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6585 A~ROVIL OF MONTALY REPORT OH DETOffiTB AND COLLBCTIONB OH ALH1F~ WSI.g01Ts YDBLIC WSIGHSR, PRECINCT ~1 On thin the 11th day of May 1954, Dame oa to M om sld erad by the Court the monthly rep of Albert Wilson, Publia Weigher, Prscihot (~1, showing ea aggregate of X165.50 aolleoted for the month of April, and it appearing to the Court that said report le true sad correct ehd should bs approved, sad Chet the City of gerrvilU should be reimburwd for auy-half of the oygx-oolla otiona of 5,50, which would be in the amount of ~5Q.7y, paysDU out of General Hu Therefore by motion made~by Hartal, seconded by Powell sad uaegimoualy approved by ttte Court that the County Clerk be authorized to draw voucher egeinat County Treasury for said amount. o-o-o-o-o-o ~~ ~~ r N0. 6586 APPROVAL OF CLAI118 AND ACCOUNTS This the 11th day oP Yay 1954, Dame on to ba ezamiaed by the Court oleima end ecoounta Filed by Jho. R. Leavell, County Sudge, Eddi• Schmidt, Yegnolaum Petroleum Co. end T.J.Oehler egeinat Roed & Bridge ~2, Rosd & Bridge #4 end General Funds. It appearing to the Court that Bald claims ere true end duet and should be allowed. Bq motion made by Guthrie, seconded by Powell sad unanimously approved by the Court that the County Clerk be, end Sa hereby dir oti~d to drew vouchers agabtaa't the County Treasury on th• claims filed, is like amounts therefor, pays Dl• out of the reaps olive fuhda, to the parties entitled thereto. ', o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6567 BURY COl01ISSi0N FOR RODGERS.ROAD - oame oa This the 11th day of Yep A.D, 1954,~L0laPprgvel of payment for Jury of View for Bnig9ga Road. Hy notion duly mad• by Goff, eaaonded by Guthrie and unanimously approved bg the CaurL that Lavi Huahong, Hrad Seur, 8rnast Walborn, Clarence Byd• and C$prenae Lieaweber, ae dory of View, be paid 53.00 per day sad .06 per mile; that th• County Clark be, and Se hereby directed to drew vouchers in the emounteetatea by •eoh, when bills:era=faked, out of Roed d; Bridge ~4.. Fund •. . o-o-o-o-o-o 6588 ADt~YSZlT20N~OH•6=AbfB~:L.."OL61L.,_.iRf"~TF$CT8•AN8'~YOTGiNY3RSY To PRDCE~--WI'TH COST 1~S1G4S:*0i 9W.:8~t. ' . Potion made by Le• Goff sad second ad by L. Y. Guthrie, that George L. Dahl Architeota k tagineere be sad ie hereby authorized to proceed with th• oompiletioa of coat •stimetes upon the following Dam Hitea - B, D, I, G, B. Z and S, ee en own by report of Yeaon-Johnston & Asaoa- Satae dated April 1954, end furnish such estimates to this court et th• sarlie et prectible tl.na upon the following terms: 11) Should none_of aeid dame be built for any cause, thew:aeid Company shall be paid th• sum of X2900.00 for ell of aeid ~a atimetse. (2) Shouldell oP aeid dame be built, then th• payment to aeid Company shell be wholly in- cluded in the engineer fee se provided is the contract between the County of Eerr sad aeid Company dated Yerah 11, 1952. (3) Should lees then the total number of demo upon whi eh. estimates ere furnished be d~ullt, the Connty shell pay to eeidCflayallj the •otuel cost of furnishing estimates on those dame •a- tlmeted sad hot actually ooastruated.