~~ COURT RBCE9g6D Mey 11, 1954 et S:GG o'eloak P.M. until 10:00 o'clock A. H. on Hey 14, 1954 for matters that may be presented to the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECONVENED Hay 14th, 1954, et 30:00 A. M „ with the following offio~ra pre went. 'L o-wit Jho. R. Leevell, County Judge L. M. Guthrie Cosuslsaioner Pre oinct 1 V. D, Powell Commieai oast Precin ati 2 Adolph Barbel Commis aionr Precin at 3 Lee Goff CommissloaerPraclnct 4 Ch4s J. Rees County_C1erk N0. 65g9 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS - HONTHLY ACTIVITIES REPORT, CITE='COUNTY REALTR DEPT. This the 14th day of Hay 1954, came on to b• considered by the Courts, nleime end e.ccouat a. P12ed against Road & Bridge ~1 end General Fund. It appearing to the court that said claims are true end lust end should ba gllawed. Also the noathly report of City-County 3enlterien, showing activities for the month of April, end St appearing to the Court that said report be approved; therefore by motion made by Bartel, aecon dad by Powell end uhanimously approved by the Court that the County Clerk be, sad is hereby dire otad to drat you ohera, payable out oP the reaps cove fu ads to th• pe rtiee antis led thereto; efldeto file report for future reference. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6590 QUALIFICATION OF BOARD OF EQIIALI2ATION SETTING DATE TO SPUDY VALUATIONS. Thin the 14th day of Hey 1954, came on to be administered the of ficiel oaths by the County Clerk to the County Commiesi one ra end the County Judge ae prescribed by law, es a Board of Eque llzetioa, each oP said oaths being entered in Vol. 3, pages 30, 31 sad 32 Hiautee of the Hoe rd of Eq uelizetion. It appearing to the Court sold Hoard is now qualified to render the Sr duty ae prescribed by law end that Tuesday, Hay 25th A.D. 1954, et 10:00 o'clock A. M. should bs the day set to begln exeminetlon of the 1954 •quelizati on. Therefore, by motion duly made by Lee Goff, seconded by L. M. Guthrie end unanimously approved by the Court that Map 25th, 1954 at 1p:00 A. H, be the Bete set to begin the azemine tl on of the 1954 randitl one. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6591 BIDS ON TURTLE CREW ROAD AND STATION "C" ROAD On this the 14th day of Mey A.D. 1954 came on to be heard the matter of accepting bids on certain number of milae of Lete rel road in Kerr County Tezee. Notion wen duly made by V.D. well, es condad-hy Lea doff that thsCouaty Judge he eµthorized to adverts as for bids on au oh ede,for the pevi ng or herd surfacing of four or more miles of ro ed, ps ~gwr speoifioeti oas on, le with the County Clerk and County Judge. Notion wen unanimously approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RE CES96D Hey 14th 1954, aL 5:30 O'olook P. M for matters that may be presented to the Court. COIIAT RECONVENED May 17th 1954, et 2:00 o'clock P. Jno. R. Leevell, County Judge V. D. Powell, Commisaicaer Prec.2 Adolph Hertel " prec.3 end with Commieaiomr Outhri~, Prec. //1, being absent. o-o-o-o-o-o-o until 2:Q0 0'ol ook P. H. on 1}ay 17,1954] H. with the following offioara present: Le• Goff, Commiesioa~~ Prec. N4 Chas. J. Rees, County Clerk