~~ COURT RECE98RD May 11, 1954 et 5:00 o'clock P.H. until lO:OD o'olo ek A. M. oa Hey 14, 1954 for matters that may be presented to the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECOAVENED Hey 14th, 1954, et 10;00 A. H., with the following oftic~rs piwa'eat. to-wit: Jao. R. Leevell, County Judge L. M. Guthrie Commissioner Pre oinet ~`1 V. D. Powell Commissioner Precinct 2 Adolph Bartel Commissioner Precinct 3 Lee Goff Commie ei oner Precinct 4 Chas J. Rees County-Clark N0. 65g9 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS -MONTHLY ACTIVITIES REPORT, CITE'. COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. This the 14th day of .May 1954, came on to b• considered by the Court, olaima sad accounts ~~ filed against Road & Bridge //1 end General Fund. It appearing to the court th et said claims ere true and 3usL and should ba gllOwed. Also the monthly report of City-County Sanitarian, showing eotivities for the month of April, end it appearing to the Court that said report ba epprove8; therefore by motion made by Bartel, seoon dad by Powell and unanimously approved Dy the Court that the County Clerk be, and Se hereby dire otad to drex you chars, peyabl• out of the reepe ctlve Panda to the pa rtiea entitled thereto; aIIdeto file report for future reference. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6590 QIIALIFICATION OF BOARD OF EQIIALI2ATION SETTING DAT= TO 9fUDY YALUATI ONS. This Lhe 14th day of Hey 1954, oeme on to be administered the of ficiel oaths by the County Clerk to the County Commla si one ra and the County Judge ae prascri bed by law, es a Board of Equelizeti on, each of acid oaths being entered in Vol. 3, pagan 30, 31 end 32 Miautae of the Boe rd of 8quelizatlon. It appearing to the Court said Board is now qualified to render their duty ee prescribed by law and Lhet Tuesday, Hay 25th A.D. 1954, et 10:00 o'clook A. M. should bs the day net to begin examination of the 1954 equalizeti on. Therefore, by motion duly made 6y Lee Goff, seconded 6y L. M. Guthrie and unanimously approved by the Court that Hay 25th, 1954 et 10:00 A. H, be the date net to begin the ezemination of the 1954 renditions. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6591 BID3 ON Tt7RTI3 CREiC ROAD AND STATION ^C^ ROAD On this the 14th day of Mey A.D. 1954 came on to be heard the matter of accepting Dids oa oertein number of miles of Lateral road is Kerr County Tezae. Potion wee duly made by V.D. well, eecondad+by Les Goff that-the County Judge be authorized to edvertiea for bide on euoh ads,for the paving or hard surfacing of Sour or mon miles of road, Rr ~pwr etpaoifiaetions on, le with the County Clerk end County Jud ga. Mot Son wee unenlmou sly approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RE CES.98D Hay 14th 1954, et 5:30 o'clock P. H.. until 2:Q0 o'clock P. H. on 1}ay 17,79541 .'or matters Chet may be presented to the Court. COURT RECONVENED May 17th 1954, at 2:00 o'clock P. H. with the following officers present: Jao. R. Leevell, County Judgs Les Goff, Commissioner Prec. //4 V. D. Powell, Commisalcaer Prec.2 Ches. J. Rees, County Clerk Adolph Bartel ^ pre c.3 end with Commiealonar 6uthria, Prec. ~1, being abeam . o-o-o-o-o-o-o