c~ @ N0. 6628 ORDER AUTHORIZIP7G TERRACING CONTRACTS PERTAINING TC PREGIP;CTS 1, 2, 3 and 4, AS PER CCFIES ON FILE, OF JESSE SUBLETT ON H.C.HANSON RANCH CHESTER BIERtViANN DR. H. A. HARFCUR BY L. J. LOTT T. C. HALL LOUIS LICH LEE BURNEY H. R. CGLEATH DR JANE'S GRhEIvn~:00D BY ALEX BROSIhT."7CCD niRS. SP.N" E. THO",IP"ON A. A. FERRIS This the 12th day of July 1954, after motion duly made by Guthrie, seconded by Goff and unanimously ap_r,roved by the Court, that the applcaticns executed in the above named be approved and contracts therefor be entered into, by and between the members of the Commissioner's Court and the aforementioned parties. o-o-o-n-e-o COi1RT RECESSED r~4CP'DAY JULY 12TH, 1954 AT 6:00 P.M. UNTIL 10:C0 0' CLOCK A. NI. JULY 13th,1954 for any matters that may be presented to the Court. COURT REC-0T'VED?ED JULY 13t" 1954 at 10:00 O'CL0'K A. Ni. ',VITH `i^i'_E ~OLLr~NING OFFICERS PRESENT: Honorable Jno. R. Leavell, County Jud e L. M. Guthrie Commissioner Precinct ~1 V. D. Powell Commissioner Precinct ~2 o-o-o-o-o-o Adolph Bartel, Conunissioner Precinct #/~'3 Lee Goff Commissioner Precinct ~t4 Ct:arles J. Rees, County Clerk N0. 6629 APPROVAL OF CLAII4S AND ACCCUNPS This the 13th day of July A. D. 1954, came on to be considered by the Court of claims and accounts for Road & Bridge #1, Road & Eridge #4 and General Funds. It appearing to the Court that such claims are true and correct and st.ould be paid. Therefore by motion duly made by Guthrie, seconded by Bartel and unanimously approved by the Court, that the County Clerk be, and is hereby directed to draw vouchers agc:irist the County Treasury on all claims filed in like amounts therefor, payable out of the respective funds, to the parties entitled thereto, posted in Disburse°:ert Journal page 86. o-o-o-c-o-o N0. 6630 KERR COUIQTY PERN:AD?ENT IPvPP.CV~'.:EN'I' FUND By motion duly made by Powell, seconded by Guthrie and unanimously approved by the Court, that the County Treasurer and County Clerk be authorized to transfer surplus funds to the Kerr County Permanent Improvement Fund from the Court House & Jail Rei'unding Bonds, Sinking Fund, after said bonds and irterast have been paid; and any and all delin,uent fees being collected in the future, be transferred to the Kerr County Ferrnanent Improvement Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o PdO. 6631 APPROVAL OF MONTHLY RiPCRT OF COLLr'CTICNS ANP, D~'PO>ITS BY SHERIFF This the l~.th day of July A. D. 1954 ca:ra on to be exe:ni_~ed the mantl.ly report of collec- tions and deposits made by Oliver h:oore, Sheriff of Kerr County Texas, coveri_:g all fees and ^:ilea~ae fee collected by him in the performt.nce of t:is duties in said office for the month of June 1'a 54, in the a:nnunt of X135.35. It appearing to the Court that tr;e iten.i~:ed report of collections end deposits as subrriitted are true and correct, and sY:ould be approved; therefore by motian mane by Goff, seconded by Bartel, and unanimously approved by the Caurt that report be accepted. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6632 APPROVAL OF Tv"_ONTHLY REPCI~P OF GUY PC',VELL, C^T?P;TY E GE^PP This the 13th day of July 1954, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly report of Guy Powell, County Agent of Kerr County, crvering his sereices for the month of June 1954. It apnear~ng to the Court that said report sh,uld be approved; therefore by motion duly made by Goff, seconded b;,- Bartel and unanimously approved by the Court, and ordered filed by the County Clerk for future reference. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6633 APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY HEALTH N~JRSE This the 13th day of Jttly 1'~51~ Tama nn to ha av-aminaA h.. +r,a r,,..+.+ +t,a ..~,,.,+hi.. ..,.-, .. -•+ ^+`