3T~ . N0. 6671 3ERPiC&4 OF SP&CIAL DHPUTY SHHRIFF TO CONTINUE DOG LAW BNFORCBISSNT FOR ONR MON~AH ~ry,3 ~~^^ Thin the 10th day of Augu at 1954, after motion made by Bsrtel, seconded by Goff, that the~^ ~i SharifP De authorized to notify Vernon Coldwell to continue his services ae Spe ciel Deputy to enforce Dog Lew for a period of one month, effe of ive fmm August 10th to Hsptember 11th, 1954. Unanimously oarrie d. o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 6672 APPAOVAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS This the 10th day of August 1954, came on to be con aid Bred by the Court additional olaime end eccouata for Road & Bridge No. 1, Roed do Bridge No. 3, Roed k Bridge No. 4 endGeaeral Fund By motion made by Guthrie, seconded by Coff end unenimo usly approved by the Court, Chet the County Clerk be, end Ss hereby directed to drew vouchers against the County Traeaury on ell claims Piled Sn like amounts therefor, payable out of the reaps alive Panda, tp the !» rtiee e(kf±~ titled thereto. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6673 PAYMENT 1D SANTA ROSH HOSPITAL FOR CARMEN GARCIA ~~ Thin the 10th day of August 1954, after motion made by Goff, ae conded by Cuthrie, that ICyFT County oho uld authorize the e p yment of X78.20 to the Santa Rosa Hospital, when statement ispr} aentefl, for an eye operation oa Carmen Garcia, to be payable out of General Fuad of Kerr County by voucher properly drawn by the County Clerk. Unanimously oe rried. o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECBSSKD TUESDAX, AIICUST 10th, 1954 AT 5:00 O'CLOCB P.M. UNTIL WEDNESDAY,. AUGUST L2th 1954, AT 10:00 O'CLO CK A.M. o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECONVENED WBDNBSDAY, AIICUST 12th, 1954 AT 10:00 O'CLO CK A.M:. Puraueat to adjournment taken by this Court oa Tuesday, August 10th 1954 at 5:00 o'clock P. M. the following off ioere were praeeat to-wit: Honorable Jno. R. Leavall, County Jud a Adolph Hertel, Commissioner Pracinat N3 L. M. Guthrie, Commieaionsr Precis eL 1 Lea Goff Commisalonar Preoinatl~4 V. D. Powell Commie ai oner Precinct 2 Oliver Moore Sheriff end Charles J. Re es> County Clerk, for any matters pe rtei sing to the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6674 STATB HIGHWAY DEPARTMffiiT AND COMMISSIONERS' COURT Thin the 12th day of August 1954, by motion made by Powell, seconded by Guthrie sad unani- mously @pprove8 by the Court, that the fo llowing order be pa eaed, to-wit: THE STATE OF TE%A3 ~ . THE COUNTY OF KERR ~ The Commisaionere' Court of Kerr County met in regular session et 2:00 P.M. August 12th,195 with Commissions re end the presiding officer in attendance. Sno. R. Leavell, County Judge L. M. Guthrie, Commissioner Preo. 1 P. D. Powell Commiasi oaor Prec. 2 Adolph Hertel Commie ai oner Prec. 3 Lee Goff Commieaioaar Prea. N4 F. ld. Davie, Diatri ct Engt near of the Tezas Highway Department, diaousaed the propoaed.l956 57 Federal Aid Secondary Highway program now being formulated by the State Highway Commieai oa. During this die cuseion the County officials presented information and suggeatione relative to • the ne eda of their County. The Diatriot Engineer requested that the County Commiasi onere' Cour make a formal re commendeti on to him in regard to the moat needed secondary roads in Kerr County listing them in order of yriorlty with the uadarsteading that only • very limited number of pm