3T~ N0. 6671 3SRPICS3 OF BPECIAL DEPUTY SHERIFF TO CONTZNUH DOG LAW ENFORCTIGffi~IT FOR ONR MONTH ~. r~3 Thin the 10th bey of Augu sL 1954, after motion made by Hertel, se cond efl by Goff, that thsf~ Sheriff be authorized to notify Vernon Coldxell to continue hie ae rvicee ae Special Deputy to enforce Dog Lew for a period of one month, effe of ive f1+om August 10th to September 11th, 1954. Unahimously oerried. o-o-o-o-o-o HG. 6672 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOi8dT8 This the 10th day o1 August 1954, came on to be considered by the Court additional alaima end accou~a for Roed k Bridge No. 1, Road k Bridge No. 3, Roed k Bridge No. 4 end General Fund By motion made by Gut brie, ae cond ed by Goff and unanimously approved by the Court, that the County Clerk be, end is hereby directed to draw voucha re ageinat the County Treasury on ell claims filed Sn like amounts therefor, payable out of the reapsotivs Panda, to the Psrtiee' epr.7 titled thereto. o-o-o-o-o-o . 6673 PA3![SNT Tb SANTA RDSA HOSPITAL FOR CARMEN GARCIA This the 10th day of August 1954, after motion made by Coff, seconded Dy Guthrie, tha$: County should authorize the payment of $7g.20 to the Sente Rosa Hospital, when statement Sa aente8, Por an eye operation on Carmen Gercie, to be pays ble out of Ceneral Fund of Yerr Co by voucher properly drawn by the County Clerk. Dnanimously carried. o-o-o-o-o-o COURT R%CBS3BD TUB~AY, AUGUST 10th, 1954 AT 5:00 O'CLOCK P.H. UNTIL WSDNP SAY, AIIGi7$T 12th 1954, AT 10:00 O'CLO CK A.M. o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RBCONVSNED WEDNE~AY, AUGUST 12th, 1954 AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A.M: Pursuant to ed~ournment taken by this Court on Tue aday, •uguet 10th 1954 at 5:00 o'clock P. M. the following off ioera were preeent to-wit: Honorable Jno. R. Leavell, County Judge Adolph Bartel, Commissioner Precinct N3 L. M. Guthrie, Commisaiowr Precln ct 1 Lee Goff Commieaionsr Preoinot /4 V. D. Powell Commissioner Precinct 2 Oliver Moore Sheriff ~I end Cherlea J. Re ee, County Clerk, for any matters pertaining to the Court. O-O-b-0-0-0 6674 STATE HIGAVIAY DEPARTMffidT AND COURT Thin the 12th day of August 1954, by motion made by Powell, seconded by Guthrie end unani- mouely @pproved by the Court, that the following order be pa seed, to-wit: STATE 08 TEXAS ~ COIINTY OF SBRR ~ The Commissions re' Court of Kerr County met in regular aeasioa at 2:00 P.M. August Commisai ono ra end the presiding of finer 1n attendants. Jno. R. Leavell, County Judge L. M. Guthrie, Commisai oner Preo. #1 P. D. Powell Commiasi oner Preo. ~2 Adolph Bartel Commiasi over Prec. 3 Lee Goff Commissioner Prw. ~4 F. td. Davie, District Engineer of the Tezee Highway Department, dieouaeed the propoead.195 57 Fedarel ASd Secondary HSghwey program now being formulated by the State Highway Commieai on. this din cusaion the County officials preeented information end suggestions role tit e. to the needs of their County. The District Engineer requested that the County Commiasionere' make a Pormel recommended oa to him in rage rd to the moat needed secondary roads in %e rr Co listing them in order of priority with the understanding th et only a very limited number of