amounts therefor, peysbl• out of General fund. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6690 PAYMENT OF SALLIE BUTCAER, DECEASBD, ALLOWANC& CHEC% This the 31st day of August 1954., came on to be considered by the Court the payment of~: ~aonthiy`:ohepk;.made to Sallie Hutchar, deceased, in Lhe amount of ¢15.00. By motion made by Herbal, seconded by Guthrie, that oheok made to 8ellie Hut Cher be ceaoelled, sad that Alde Evan '.aunt of deoeeaed, be issued voucher for =15.00 per month, beginning September let, 1954, until Commiasionera' '~.~further order from /C ~~rt, out of 6enerel Fonda. o-o-o-o-o-o RECESSED TUESDAY AUGUST 31st, 1954 AT 5:00 O~CLOCK P.M. UNTIL 10:00 A.M. WEDNESDAY, 1st, 1954 et 10:00 A.M. COURT RECONVENED SEPTEMBER let, 1954 at 10:00 O'CLOCK A. 4. FOR ANY MATTERS WHI CR MAY PRESENTED TO THE COURT. o-o-o-o-o-o 6691 APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTB This the let day of 9eptembeT 8-54, after motion made by Guthrie, seconded by Goff that a '.her in the amount of $73.73 ba drawn against Road k Bridge 7~2, rofund oa freight; that a :her is the amount of.=1825.00 be paid in favor of tendon Palmer for 1-?/10 miles of paving, of Roed & Bridge N4. Usanimoualy approved. o-o-o-o-o-o 6692 APPROVAL OF APPLICATION OF 8. B. MEEKER, DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR This the let day oP September 1954, came on to be considered the ap plicetion of Z:$:., Tez Aeaesaor & Collector for Deputy Taz Collector. After motion heaing bash duly made by Goff, seconded by Bartel, and unani of E.R.Nichols, lsaessor k =sZ ;allector Lo ayy~~i_nt 3.B.Me~ker,. Deputy Aeaesaor k Co] oarried that the application/~i1l~ltFaRiR bl Aq,M®ieipProYe o-o~oyew-o-o 6667-A APPROVAL TABULAR STATEMENT QF COUNTY CLERK FOR QUAATER„ENDING SULY 31st, 1954. This the 10th day of August A,D. 1954 Dame on to ba co naidered by the Court, the quarterly Lobular statement of Cheriea J. Rees, County Clerk of Kerr County, aovering the ind ebtednesa, ezpenditurea and reoeipta of Kerr County, for the quarter ending Tuly 31st, 1954. It appearinE to the Court that said report is true and oo rreot end should be approved by the Court; there- fore by motion made by Powell, seconded by GuLhr.~a and unanimously approved by the Court, aub- jdct to audit, and ordered tiled by the County Clerk. ABJOURNED~ The foregoing pe gee, 375 to 384 in cluaive, were reed in open Court and dome cted, end are now hereby eppro vad 1n all rasps cta this 13th day of September 1954• //~~~ ~tflfat'y eCl ~ Kerby, 7•aaea unty udge, err ountg~ e