amounts therefor, pays ble out of General fun8, o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6690 PAYASENT OF SALLIE BUTCHER, DECEASED, ALLOWANCE CHECK This the 31st day of August 1954., came on to be con eidered by the Court the payment of ~aonthiy`=ohepk;made to Sallie Butcher, deceeaed, in the amount of X15.00. Hy motion made by Bartel, seconded by Guthris, that cheek made to Bel lie Butoher be cancelled, end that Alde Evar aunt of deceeaed, ba issued voucher for 215.00 per month, begihning September let, 1954, until Cammisai opera' iurthar order Prom /C ~~rt, out of General Fonda. o-o-o-o-o-o RECESSED TUESDAY AUGUST 31st, 1954 AT 5:00 O'CLOCK P.M. UNTIL 10:00 p.16. WEDNESDAY, R let, 1954 et 10:00 R.M. COURT RSCONYENED SEPTEMB3A let, 1954 et 10:00 O'CLOCK, A. M. FOR ANY LLATTER9 WHICH lsAY PRESENTED TO THE COURT. 0-o-a-o-o-o . 6691 APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTB This the let day of September 854, after motion made by Guthrie, sec oudad by Goff that e in the amount of X73.73 be drawn egeinet Roed & Hridgo ~2, refund on freight; that a in the amount of. X1625.00 be paid in favor of Landon Palmer for 1-2/10 miles of paving, out oY Road & Bridge #4• IInenimouely approv ad. o-o-o-o-o-o 6692 APPROVAL OF APPLICATZ ON OF E. B• MEEKER, DEPUTY TA% COLLECTOR This the let day of September 1954, came on to be considered the ap plicetion of L.H:.Nichol Tez Aeaeseor & Collector for Deputy 2aa Collector. After motion having bash duly made by Goff, ee cOnded by Bartel, end unanimously of E.H.Nichol s, Assessor 3 2e'[ pallector LO aypo~i~at E.8 `j(e~ker, Deputy Assessor k Colleoto: oarried that the eppliceti on/~~}Spi~1i=arse La b~?'!•®ielpPro e o-ono-o-o-o N0. 6667-A APPROVAL TABULAR STATEhffiNT pF, COUNTY CLERK FOA QUAATER„ENDING JULY 31st, 1954• This the 10th day of August A.D. 1954 Dame on to be oo neidered by the Court, the quarterly tabular statement oP Cher3es J. Rees, CouOty Clerk of Karr County, covering the indebtedneea, eapenditures and re ceipta of Kerr County, for the quarter ending July 31st, 1954• It eppearine to the Court that said report is true and oorreot end should be approved by the Court; tkere- Pore by motion made by Powell, seconded by Guthrie and open imously approved by the Court, auD- ject to audit, end ordered Piled by the County Clerk. ABJOIIRNED The foregoing pages, 375 to 3g4 In cluaive, were read in open Court sad Corrected, and era now hereby approved in //a'~~ll rasps cta this 13th day of 9e ptemDer 1954• ~ }/ ~~//y~~~/~~ AO. W ,/roil / ,'-`^•' \V~ I'I any er , e°~"g i ae unty~udge, err Dun e ~^