emounta therefor, payable out of General fund. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6690 PAYMENT OF SALLIE BUTCHER, DECEASED, ALLOwANCB CRECK This the 31st day of Augu et 1954., Dame on to be Don aidered by the Court the payment of monthiy!.obapt:mada Lo Sallie Butcher, deceased, in the amount of =15.00. By motion made by Bartel, seconded by Gut kLrle, that check made to Rallis Hutoher be cancelled, end that Alde Evao aunt of deceased, be issued voucher for ;15.00 per month, beginning September let, 1954, until Commiesionera' ',further order from/Court. out of General Funds. o-o-o-o-o-o RECESSED TUESDAY AUGUST 31st, 1954 AT 5:00 O'CLOCK P.M. UNTIL 10:00 A.M. WPsDNESDAY, 1st, 1954 at 10:00 A.M. COURT RECONVENED SEPTEMBER let, 1954 at 10:00 O'CLOCK, A. M. FOR ANY MATTSR9 WHI CA MAY PRESENTED TO THS COURT. o-o-o-o-o-o 6691 APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTS This the let day of September 8854, after motion made by Guthrie, sea onded by Goff that a ~~her in the amount of X73.73 be drawn against Road & Bridge ~2, refund on freight; that e .her Sn the amount of. X1825,00 be paid in favor of Landon Palmer for 1-?/10 miles of paving, out of Road & Bridge 1P4. Unanimously approv ad. D-O-O-0-0-0 6692 APPROVAL 08 APPLICATION OF K. B. MEEXER, DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR This the 1st day of September 1954, came on to be considered the application of Y:$:. Tez Aeae teor & Collector for Deputy Taz Collector. After motion having been duly made by Goff, secnnded by Hertel, and uneni of E.H.Nichols, Assessor Ac Rs1c gallector to aypoiat E-H,W ker,. Deputy Assessor k Co] carried that the application/W}~pd,}Fyjl'~=ee~e• bs Ame'R~3eaDProvet~. o-o-o~~o-o-o 6667-A APPROVAL TABULAR STATEMENT QF COUNTY CLERK FOR QUARTER~ENDING JULY 31st, 1954. This the 10th day of August A,D. 1954 Dame on to be oo naidered by the Court, the quarterly tabular statement of Chariea J. Rees, County Clerk of Xerr County, oovering the ind ebtednesa, ezpenditurea and receipts of Xerr County, for the quarter ending Tuly 31st, 1954. It appearinf to the Court that said report Sa true end oorreot end should be approved by Lhe Court; there- fore by motion made by Powell, ae conded by Guthrie and unanimously approved by the Court, sub- ject to audit, and ordered Piled by the County Clerk. ADJOURNED The foregoing pe gee, 375 to 384 Sn clueive, were reed in open Court end Corrected, end are now hereby approved is ell respe eta this 13th day of 9e ptemDer 1954• ~~ er c, er Dun y, Teaea unty judge, err Dun y= e ~~