'r~'J g~ Barbara Cade, part time employee of Home Demonstration Agent and County Agent. By motion duly made by Guthrie, aeconded by Bartel and unanimou~l,y apnroved by the Court, tYiat the salary oP of Barbara Cade should be ~12G.00 per mcntt:, and payable each month thereafter, sgainst the General Fund of Kerr County, by proper voucher drawn on the County Treasurer. o-c-o-o-o-o NO. 6728 AUTHORITY TO PAY SOCIAL SECURITY AIV~ ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS FOR PERIOD ENDING SEPTE&:BER 30th, 1954 REFiJDID OVER-FAYIviENT SOCIAL SECURITY BY CLELLA P,OYLE, DISTRICT CLERK This the 12th day of October 1954, came on to be presented to the Court the necessity to pay the 4~ Social Security for 55 erriployees, aggregating $958.05, together with the administrative costs in the arriount of X13.75, payable to the Texas State Department of Public iYelfara, Austin Texas. It appearing to the Coart that the Social Security and Administrative Costs for the quarter ending September 3Cth 1954, should be paid to the Texas State Department of Puolic YJel- fare, as of the date herevaith, and ~i:culd be drawn on the Social Security Fund of Kerr County. in the amount of X4.37 Also a refund /be made to Clella Doyle, District Clerk, for overpayment cf Social Security, to be paid out of Social Security Fund. Therefore, my motion duly made by Bartel, seconded by ',., Powell, and unanimously approved by the Court that the aforesaid expenditures be approved. o-o-o-e-o-o N0. 6729 AFT'RCVAL AUTHCRILIi'G FAYIvl;l`:'T TO COLR~ITY CLERK BEXAR CCUNTY IN RE: JA:iiES E. HC'iJELL This the 12th day of October 1954 can.,e on to be examined the payment of $45.35 to Clerk of Boxer County, Texas for courtesy trial of James E. Howell, N.C.N,. By motion made by Guthrie, seconded by Goff and unanimously approved by the Court that the County Clerk be auti:prized to issue voucher, payable cut of General Fund, on claim filed in like a:ucunt, to the party entitled thereto. o-o-o-c-o-o N0. 6730 APPROVAL CF REPORT FOR SE'YTE:.".BER. OF ?'CfviE DE'[v:OPdSTRF.TICP: AGl.^t:T This the 12th day of October 1954, carne on to be examined by the court the report for September 1954, of Mary Jo Garland, Eo.ne Demonstration Agent for Kerr County, Texas. It appear- ing to the Court that said report should tre approved; therefore by motion made by Fowell, se- conded by Guthrie and unanimously approved by the Court, and ordered filed with the County Clerk for future reference. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6731 APPROVAL OF REPCRT CF COUNTY AGE2;T FUR AUGUST AN17 SEFT:v:BER This the 12th day of October 1.954, carne on to be examined the reports of Guy Fowell, County Agent, for the months of August and September. It appearing to the court that said reports are true and correct, and should be approved; therefore by :notion made by Fo~,ve11, seconded by Guthrie and unanimously approved by the Court, and ordered fired for future reference. o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6732 APPROVAL OF 'v:CDiTIZY REPORT GF FI[dES, JUDG111E'P1TS AND JURY FEE'S COLLECTED IN JUSTICE COURT, PREC'IT'CT N0. 2 This the 12th day of October 1954, ca:r:e on to be ex~:mined by the Court the montr;ly report of Ira L. Pringle, Justice of the Peace Precinct No. 2, covering the month of September 1954, of criminal cases filed, witnessess, judgments and jury fees collected, showing a sum of X112.25 deposited witt: the County Treasurer, entitling him to a fee of X68.00 for 17 cases. It appear- ing to the Court that said report is true and correct, by motion duly made by Powell, seconded by Guthrie and unanimously approved by tY;r Court that the County Clerk is hereby directed to drew voucher in the amount oŁ X68.00, payable out of General Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o