i` ~~ '~:~~~ N0, 6808 AP°ORTIONI~.ENT OF $9600.00 FROM ROAD & BRIDGE FUND This the 14th day of December 1954, after motion duly made by Goff, seconded by Powell and unanimously approved by the Court, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, and are here- b~• directed tc apportion the following amounts out of Road & Hridge Fund, to the respective Commissioners' Precincts to-w•it: Road & Bridge Frecinct 1 - X2800.00 Road & Bridge Precinct 2 - x"2000.00 Road & Bridge Precinct 3 - 1600.00 Road & Bridge Precinct 4 - $3200.00 The sum of X400.00 being considered credited to Precinct No. 1, to apply on the payment of mach- inery previously purchased out of Road & Bridge Fund, in the orip;inal ai~.ount of X5200.00, thus leaving a balance due oP x1400.00 to the Road & Bridge Precinct ~fl, as set out in Commissioners' Court Order No. 6280. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-o COURT RECESSED at 6:00 P. M. on Tuesday, December 14th, 1954 until 10:00 o'clock Friday December 17th, 1954 COURT RECOtcVENED Friday, December 17th, 1954 at 10:00 A. M, with the following officers present: Hon. Jno. R. Leavell, County Judge Adolph Bartel, Commissioner Pre c. 3 L, M. Guthrie, Commissioner Pre c. ~1 Lee ^off Commissioner Pre c. 4 V. D. Powell Commissioner Pre c. ~2 G. D. Luther County Treasurer o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o N0. 6809 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS This the 17th day of December 1954, came on to be considered by the Court, account of Al ~?army in the sum of X32.00 out of Jury Fund, and Pounty claims in the amount of ~23.G0 out of General Fund. It appearing to the Court that such claims and accounts are true and just and should be allowed.. The ref ere by motion made by Gutt?rie, seconded by Powell and unanimously approved by the Court, that the County Clerk be, and is hereby directed tc draw vouchers against the County Treasurer on claims filed, in like amount therefor, payable out of their respective funds to the parties entitled thereto. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6810 APPROVAL MONTHLY REPORT OF HONE DEMONSTRATION AGENT This the 17th day of December 1954, came on to be examined by the court the monthly report of Mary Jo Garland, Home Demonstration Agent of Kerr County, Texas, covering her services for the month of November 1954; and it appearing to the court that said report should be approved. Therefore by motion by Bartel, seconded by Powell and unanimously approved by the Cou rt, and ordered filed with the County Clerk for future reference, o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6811 CANCELLATICPJ OF CERTIFICATE PdO. 52, HAL & CHARLES PETERSON This the 17th day of December 1954, came on to be examined by the Court, certificate of Cancellation, Collector's Number B-193-33, presented to the Court by E. H. Nichols, Tax Collect- or of Kerr County Texas, that taxes were erroneously reported as delinquent on Form, 18, whereas they had been previously paid. It appearing to the Court that the reasons set out in said Cer- tificate for Cancellation of the texas therein are good and sufficient, it is therefore ordered by the Court that said Certificate be granted and signed by the County Judge. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6812 SUPPLE~.Ih'1`1T TO FORM 18 - HCNIARD B. L06VR,^N CE This the 17th day of De camber 1954, came on to be examined the Supplement to Form 18, for the year 1953, presented by E. H. Nichols, Tax Collector of Kerr County Texas, occasioned by the fact that these taxes appearing on the 1953 tax roll and unpaid, had not been recorded on ~°.~~ on the regular Form 18, and for this reason are now reported on a Supplemental to Form 18. It appearing to the Court that the reasons set out are good and sufficient, it is ti:erefore ordered by the Court that said Supplement be granted and signed by the County Judge. ADJOURNED in open court Theo ~~ ng minutes frog: F:ages 407 to 414 were read/and are hereby approved as read. County Clerk, K r County, Texas Coun Judge, Kerr County, Texas a o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ~, ,, THE STATE OF TEXAS, ~ 9 COUNTY OF KERR• d Be it remembered that there was begun and holden on the 1st day of January, A. D. 1955, at the Court House thereof, in the City of iterrville, Texas, a Special January Term of the Commissioners Court with the following officers present to-wit: Honorable Jno. R• Leavell, L. L?. Guthrie, V. D . powell, Adolph Bartel, . Lee Coff, Oliver p,4oore, . • County Judge, . Commissioner Precinct #1, • .. Commissioner Precinct #2 • Commissioner Precinct ff3, • .. Commissioner Precinct 74, . Sheriff, and R• ?T. Nichols .. County Clerk, and the Court having speciall9 opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: o-o-~-o-o-o -o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 6914, APPE~VAL OF OFFICIAL BONDS. On this the 1st day of January, A• D. 1955, after motion having been duly made by Goff seconded by Guthrie, and unanimously approved by the Court, thgt the following bonds be approv- ed by the Court, upon each officer having taken his or her prescribed oath according to law, to-vait: Jno. R. Leavell Cotnnty Judge Jno. R. Leavell ..... Ex-officio School Superintendent Clella Doyle .. District Clerk Glenn petsch .. County Attorney Roland V• Nichols County Clerk Emmet Harvey Nichols .. Tax Assf:ssor and collector George Oliver r~oore Sheriff Louis Domingues County Surveyor Geo. D. Luther .. County Treasurer L• n?• Guthrie Commissioner & Road Supervisor, Precinct No. 1 V. D. Powell, Commissioner & Road Supervisor, Precinct No. 2 Adolph Bartel Comr~9.ssioner & Road Supervisor, precinct No. 3 Lee Cuff .. Commissioner & Road Supervisor, Precinct =10. 4 Virgil Storms Justice of the Peace, Prec:net No. 1 Ira L. Pringle .. Justice of the Peace, precinct No• 2 Henry B. Engleman Justice of the Peace, precinct No. 4 --. aR -n t.... ,.