the Court, end order ed. filed with the County Clerk for tutu re referenoe. r o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ! ~ H0, 6850. lPPB04AL OF YOHTHLY REPORT OF DISTRICT CLERK OF FIRES, JUDCdiEEt9 AND JSTRY FEES ~ COLLECTED. Thin the loth day of January, ~, D. 1965, eeme on to be examined by ?he Court the monthly reporb of Clelle Doyle, Dist riot Clerk, of ell fin ea imposed, ~udgmeata rendered end 'ury~ teas eolleoted in the Dl atriat C1 ark's of floe of Kerr County for the moffih of September, 1954, in the amount of $3,00 whioh amount hoe been oolleoted sad deposited with the County ~ ?tea surer, It appearing to the Court that said report Se Lrue and oorreot and should be approved; therefore by motion made by Goft, aeoonded by Guthrie and unanimously approved by the Court, an3 ordered filed by the County Clerk, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o H0. 6851. AUTHORITY TO PAY SOCIAL SECURITY ARD ADYII7ISTRAT IYB .C OST3 FOR PERIOD EHDI HG DEC EYSER, 1954, AND AUTHORI2IHG COtTB1'Y CLERK TO ISSUE OOUCHER TO COLiH'fY TREASURER AT THE END OF EACH QUIRT ER FOR PAYMENT OF SAID C09TS. This the 10th day of January, 1. D. 19bb, Dame on to be preaeffied to the Co urb the I aeo sea Lty to Bay the 4A So˘Sal 9eeur ity for 53 employees eggr eget ing $989.44, together with 25~ per person, being the adminiatrat ive ooata in the amount of $13,2b to the Taxes Department of Pub lie welfare, luetia, Texea, It appearing to the Court that the Sooial 9eourity sad Adminietrat ive Costa for ?he quarter ending Deo emb er 31st, 1954, should be paid to the Tessa Depart meat off Publie welfare, as of Qeta herewith, and should be drawn on the 90o1e1 9eonrity Fund of Kerr County, And that hereafter after the preeentetion of bill to the County Clerk Dg the County Tree eater the County Clerk is hereby euthoriwe6 Eo Sasue vouoher to the Treasurer for the ebipulated amount for the Quarter Qrewn oa the Soolel 9eeurity Fend of Kerr County, Taxes, is the amount of the reap sot ive qua rt ere ao theb payment Den be made to the Texee Dope rtmsht of Publio welters in due time to Dover auoh quertera, Therefore by motion duly made by Powell, eeaoaded by Guthrie and oaealmonely eppsovsd~by-the--Coast that the County Clerk issue Youeher in favor of County Treasurer at end oY eeoh ˘uerter. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o w-o-o-o-o ~`i ,HO, 6858. TRlHSFER OF YARIOU$ FUNDS OF KERR COUNTY TO THH 90CIAL SECURITY FUBD, This the 10th day of Jeauery, !. D, 19bb, by motion duly made by Hertel, aeoonded by Powell, end unanimously approved by the Court, bhet the County Treasurer end the County Clwrk it De anQ ere hereby dir act ed to trenater the sum of $21.17 from the Jury Fund to the Sooial Seourity Fund, $777,59 from the Roed sad Drldge Fund to Sooial Seeurity Fund, end $1381,E4 from the Gea oral Fund to the Sooial Sea urity Fund , in order to bring bank depoe its up to 49b of estimated payroll for 1955 ee required by the State Department of PuD lie welfare. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o H0, 66 b3, ORDER FOR PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OR COUNTY DEP09ITY FOR Two ENSUING YEARS. This the 10th day of Jeniary, !. D, 1955, eeme oa to be eonsidered by the Court the aeeesalty to mek• not SOe of'publioatioa for C˘daty Depository for two enauing years ae per lrtlole 2b44 R, C. S, of the State of Texea, end St apPeerlag to the Court that said notioe should be is oomp lienea with Artlole Eb44, R, C. S, to enter into any Dent root with any (-~ I beakimg eorpor etion, ea eoeiat ion or indiv iduel De raker of se id County for the Depository of the County funfle of a_id County in any bank; therefore by motion duly me de by Bert el, aeeond- ed Gott, end unemlmoualy spproved by the Court, that the County Jndgs De sad Se hereby