eeoonded Dy Bartel, and unenlmously approved by The Court for euoh eapeadituree o-o-o-Opo-o-o-0-0-0-o-O N0, 6917, pPPBOYAL OF HORfHLY EIPffi$E REPORT OF COU1'fY CLERK. This the 15th day of Fehu 1. !+T A. D, 1955, esme on to be examined bg the Court, the monthly expense report of R, V, Rioho le, Cou~y Clark, for the month of Jenuery, 19b5, showing en not uel end neo esesry expenditure of $12.00, inaurrad by him in the oonduat of hie off ioe during aeid month, and it appearing to the Court that said lFport Sa true and oorreot sad should Oe approved; therefore by motion duly Nde by Gathrie, ^aomnded by Bert el, and naeaimouely approved by the Court for euoh eapendlturea thereon. o-o-o-e- wo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6918, 4PPROPAL OF MONrHLY EICPEN$E RE?OAT OF TAS A99ESSOR dRD COLLECTOR, This the 15th day of February, 1. D, 1955, esme on to tre examined the monthly expense report of E, H, Eiohola, Taz Aeseasor sad Coll sot or of Rerr Couffiy, Texe s, for the month of Jenuery, A, D, 1955, ahowing an aotuel and neoessary expeaae of $394,63, Saourred by hlm Sn the con dual of hie off ioe during said month, and it appearing to the Court that said report Se true sad corre ot, aafl euoh eapen ditur ee should be approved; therefore, by motion duly made Dy Guthr la, eeoonded by Bert el, and unanimously approved by the Court for euoh ea pen ditur es 1ndleat ed therein, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o A0, 6919. APPROVAL OF MOE3'HLY ESPEN$E REPORT OF JA61ES E. NUGENT, FORHER COITDTY AT'^ORR FY, This the 15th day of Februe ry, A, D, 1985, Dame on to be ens mined the monthly exp ease report of James E. Bugent, former Cou~y Attorney of Kerr Courrt y, Texas, for the month of Deo ember, A, D, 1954, showing an aotuel and neoeseary eapease of $137,56, inou rred by him is The oonduat of hie off SOe during aeid month, end it eppeeri~ to the Court thmt Bald report Ie true sad oorreot, and euoh ezpendit nr em should be approved; th erelore, by motion duly made by Guthrie, eeoonded by Bartel, sad uaenimouely approved by the Court for euoh ea pandit arse ind SO at ed there,ln. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o P0. 6920. ALLOFpNCE OF CIJ IHS ARD ACCOURT S. This the 15th day of February, 1. D, 1955, oe me on to be exam in ed by the Court, the veri oua ola ime end ecoounte filed age inet Rerr County end ita reepeotive Comaisa Soaera' pre- oinete eiaoe th e'le et term of the Court, all of whioh oleime end Iooouate were approved by the Court for payment by the Cou~y Clark in amounts end out of reapeot ive funds ea ahown by the Hinut ee of pcoounte ellowsl for Rerr County, Tease, whioh ere made a part of thin order, and oa mot ioe duly made by Bert el, eeoonded by Gott, and unanimously approved Dy the Court that said Cleime end Aoo Dante be allowed ee ahown by the Hinutea of Iacounte allowed, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o No. 6921. APPROVAL OF 1954 1N?dOpL REPORTS of COUNTY OFFICERS, SUBJECT TO AIIDIT. This the 15th day of February, d. D. 1968, oa me on to be examined by the oourt, the 1984 annual reports of the following offieer a, to merit; Ire L, Pringle Juetioe of the Peaoe Preoinot Bo, 2 Oliver 51. Hoare .9h er iif, '1 E. R. 3lahole .Assessor sad Colleotor