44~ Bo, a9ao, iP~olBTitEBT GF sracTloB _ruDGES. Thee .the 17th day of Feb Weary, A, D. 19b 5, ae me on to be appointed by t he Court the neoeeeary ale otion oftioere for the en eu ing year for ee oh oP the eighteen pr eo hots of Kerr County, ea shown on pages 210 to 216, inclusive, Vol. 1, Reoord of Eleotioa Judges for Serr County, Texas. Therefore, by motion made by Got;', eeoondad by Bartel end unanimously ep prov ed Dy the Court th et said officers be appointed for the eaening yaer eeoordi ng to pegas 810 bo 216, Volume 1, Reaorfl oP Election Judges for Kerr County, whioh Se me de a pert her aof for all par posse. o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o -o-o-o B0, 6931, iLL0i7ANCE OF ChAIM9 ABD dCCOVBTB. This the 17th day of February, A. D. 1955, Dame on to be e:emlaed by the Court, the va rioua elaime gad aeoo ante filed age lnet 3ei7 County end iLa reap active Qommis aionera` pre- olnete since the la et term of the Cou rf, all of whiah claims end Aaoounta were approv egf.Tyy the Court for payment by the County Clerk is amounts and out oP reap ~etive lands ee~.ahown by the ,Yinut ee of Accounts allowed Por Kerr County, Teze e, whiah ere made a pert of this {~ order, sad on motion duly me de by Gubhrie, aeoo nded by Gott, and unanimously approved by 1 , th eCOUrt that said Claims and Accounts be allowed ea shown Dy the Alnut ee of Ioooanba allowed. ' o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o BO, 6932.. TRAB~P`EFt OF $375.00 FROM PERYABEET IaPROVEI[EBT FUBD TO GEBERIL FVBD. Oa this the 17th day of Pebruary, i, D. 19Db, eeme on to be oo neidered by the Court the tree afar of $375.00 trm. the Permanent Improvement Farad to the Gen erel Puad, whioh said amount wee errmeouely paid out of said fund under Order Bo, 1181 oa July 12th, 1954,. end tDaO,,seid Geaerel Faced should be re-dmbursed for ea id emoaffi. Therefore oa motion of Gott eeoondad by Guthrie and unanimously •ppro•'v ed by the Court St Se ordered that the County Clabk anQ County Tree surer make the prO per transfer on their reaps otive books. o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 70. 6933. ORDER AUSAORIZIBG COUBTY TRLSIIRI~ TO CREIAT BOOBS wITA $162,42 TO GEBERAI. FUBD. On ,this the 17th day of PeDruery, i. D. 195 b, alma on to be heard the epplioe tics of ~~ Geo. D. Gibhar, County Treasurer, to edJust Bank Beoords sad crediting bootie with $16E,48 exosee in Ches, 9ehreiner Beak, existing prior to 1954, caused by a member of smell Ohaoh• not balag sashed since 19b3 end earlier (ao complete record of eeme on file), Therefore by motion made by Ootf, seeoaded by Guthrie, sad uaaaimous7~ eppr cued Dy the Court it le ~' ord~rel by the Court tDet the County Tree ear er and County C}ark De end ere hereby enthori aed t.o oredib the aim of $1b8,48 to the Geaerel Fund, end the said sur of $118,48 ie Sn addition ~, to the amount of $86.80 whioh wen heretofore oradited to the Cenerel Fund under order Ho. 'i 6884 on the Let day oP January, A. D, 1955. o-o-o_o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o B0, 6934, BETTIBG RlTS3 FOR i99E33YlERT$ FOR 195b, Thle the 17th Qey of FaDruery, 1, D. 198b, Dame on to be aoneidered by the Court, the requ set of E. H. Blohole, Tez Ieseeeor end Collector, Kerr County, Taxes, for the Court to set the ratan Yor liveatook, cult hated and grazing land. Ib app eating bo the court bhet '~ i ~ the previous eases sment fized are ae follows, to-xdt: $20.00 per head for oetble; $3.00 per . i heed on sheep; $E,00 per head oa goats; end $ib.00 en ears on snit ivet ed lam sad $3.00 to . $6,00 per sor• oa grssing lend; sad that is thel7f dl sorebioa theea raQ.A.a ah~y14 As.r~fl;~s