dlreot q0. to assess Livest oak and lend es fo llowa, Lo-with Cato le $20,00 per heed; Sheep $3,00 per heals;' Goats $2,00 per head, cultivated Iead $1b,00 per sere end gracing land $3,00 to $b,00 per sore. o-o-o-o-o-o-oo.-o-o-o-o R0. 6936. ORDER SBfTING HOLIDdYS FOR THE COUaPY. ~ ~~. This the 17th day of February, A. D. 1955, same on to be eoaeidered by the Court the day end dates to be tlaed Dy the Court e• Legal Ho,lldayt for the year 19b5, end also that the Court House shall be olosed oa euoh dnye, the Court is of the opinion that the following days end dates ere end shall be Qeo le red ea legal holidays for the County, ae follows., to-wit= January let, February 22nd, Yay 30th, Judy 4th, first Monday in September, Rov tuber 11th, November 24th, DaoemDsr 23rq aas.~helt (2/2) day, Deoember 24th ell day, Daoember 25th ell day, sad DeeemD er 26th all day, en0. also oontorm ing with ell holidays observed by the City of Eerrvill~, therefore on motio4 ma0.e by 9ertel, aeooaded by Gotf, unenimouely approved that the County ob aerwe all oY thq above mentioned holidays. o-o-o-o-o-o-0-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 6936. .ORDER RESCINDING ORDER N0. 6929, J6LIUS NEIIRHOFFPSi. On this the 17th day oY February, /. D. 1955, oe me on to be considered by the Court the order passed by the Commissioners' Court oL the 15th day of February, 19 b5, being No. 6929, wherein Julius Reunhoft er was nut ho ri aed to index the Reo or da 1n the County 9urv eyor~s Otflce of Kerr County, or tc supervise the work to be done, and it now appearing to the Court that St sated in error vad tbeb the above Order No. 6929 should be reeoinded. Tharetora on motion duly me de by Gott, eeoonQed by Guthrie, uneaimou sly approved by the Court St la ordered that Order Ro. 6929 be and the same la heretry resoladed. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-0-o-o-o-o R0. 6937, pPPRO7aL OF COUNTY, :lCHOOL, •ND COURTY 6ND DISTRICT CLERl3 TRUST FIf1PD4, DEPOSITORY PLED4E CORTRtCT3. This the 17th day of February, ~. D. 1955, eeme on to be ooaeider ed try the Cour+ the approval of the County, Sehool and County eafl DiatrioS Clerks Depository Pledge Contrasts execrated by The Cka e. Sehr elnar Bank Uaimeorporet ad, bearing date February 14bh, 1965. It app eating to the Court that the County Depository Pledge Contreot oovering County Funds, with eeeurities of Three $100,000.00 II. 9. Treasury 2~ Rot ea, 8eriee C-1954 dated E-1b-b5 due S-lb-b7 Roe. 721-722-723 sad that the County Olerk should be direot ed to to nrarQ said bonds to the Comptroller of Publio tooounta for .hie sooaptanee end upon h1• approval eeme will be reoordsd in the otYioiel Dond rooorda of Kerr County; that the County Dspaeitory Pledge Con- treot ooveriag Sohool Funds has seouritiee of II. 3. ?reaanry E~ IPotea 9eriee 0-1957 Ro. 1BB0, Date of llatarity 8-15-57, leaned 2-15-55 and one Cou~y Depository Pledge Contraot oover- ing County and Diatriof Clerks Trust Funds with aeauritiae In the amount of $3,000,00, eo~er- ing three Kerr Oounty, Tezee, b~ Road Bonds Series of 1931, Bon de Noe, 238 end 239, deReQ February 10, 1931, due FaDruary 10, 1961 sad Bond Ro. 226 due February 10, 1960, is the amount of $3,000.00, whloh eoat root Sa det ad ea of Febru ery 14th, 1966, It Se the dleereEioa of the Court that thee• bonds are in due form. Therefore by mot ion duly me d• Dy C»it, seeoaded by Guthrie enQ nneaimouely approved by the Court that the County Depoe story Plsdge Contreo4 oov sting the County 9ohool sad County and Diebriot Clerks Trust Funds be approved and the County Clerk be end Se hereby dlreoted to forward the aa~ntreete eov er ing the County to the /.--K _..\1 ._ -I 0..1\,- •. -r...-L • L, 1 • ..-.l I •L. I.r~ 11. .mow.... ~~ I~