direst qd to aeeeae livens ook and lend ea Yo ll own, to-wit: Cattle $20,00 per heed; Sheep $3,00 per hee~p Goats $E,00 per head, cultivated Lead $16.00 per sere •nd gresi~ lend $3,00 to I~ $b,00 par sore. - o-o-o-o-o-o-oo-o-o-o-o A0, 693b. OHDSR SBfTIAG HOLI D4Y3 FOR TBY COST11T7. Th1e the 17th day o! PeDiae ry, d. D. 19b5, eeme on to be eo neldered by the Court the day end dates to be fined by the Co ut ea Iwgel Ho,lldaye for the year 19b5, end also that the Court Rouse shell be oloeed on eueh dgye, the Court ie oY the opinion that the following dsy^ end dates ere enfl shall be deo le red ea legal holidays for the County, ae follows, to-w its January let, February 22nd, Yay 30th, Judy 4th, Bret Yondey in Sept emD er, Aov ember 11th, Aov ember 24th, December 83r0 ane.helt (1/8) day, Daoemb er 24th all day, December 25th ell day, end Deoemb er 26th ell deg, and-e lac conform ing with ell holidays observed by the City of Kerry ills, th eretore oa motion made Dy Hertel, aeaonded by Gott, uneaimoutly approved that the County oD•erwe all of the above mentioned holidays. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o A0, 6936. ORDHR RE4CIADIAG ORDSR N0. 6929, JU'LIIIS AEUAHOFFER. On this the 17th Say oY February, A. D. 1955, oa me on to be considered by the Court the order pe anal by the Commissioners' Court on the 15th day oY February, 19 b5, being Ao, 6929, wherein Julius Aeunhofier was euthoriaed to index the Reoorda in the County Surveyors OYfiae oY Kerr County, or to quperv lee the work to be done, end it now appearing to the CourE that it aeted in error and that the above Order No. 69E9 should be rescinded. Therefore oa motion duly made by Gott, seconded by Guthrie, unenimou sly approved by the Court. SR Se ordered that Order Ao. 6989 be and the eeme Se hereby rescinded. o-o-o-o.o-o-o-o-o -o a-o-o-o A0, 6927, APPROYLL OF C003T T, SCHOOL, iAD COURTY AAD DISTRICT GLEBES TRVST PITIPD9, DEP03IT ORY PLEDGE COATAICT3. This the 17th day of PeDrue ry, 1. D. 196b, came on to be oonaiflered try the Court the approval of the County, 9ohoel sal County aafl District Clarke Depository Pledge Contreats executed by The Chan. Sehrelner Hank Ualaeorporeted, beerier deto PeDruary 14bh, 1955. It app eating to the Court that the County Depository Pledge Contrast oovoring Cou~y Punde, with eaeurit tee of Three $100,000.00 II. $. Tr ee scary Efi Bot es, Series C-1969 dated E.,lb-85 due 8-15-57 Aoe, 721-782-783 sad that the County Clerk should ba direst et to to sward esid Donds to the Comptroller of PuDlio 4ooouata for hie eaeeptanee and typos his approval same will be recorded is the official bond records oY Ben County: that the County Depository Pledge Con- treat covering School Ponds hen eeouribies of II. 9. Treaenry 8~ 8otes 8erdes C-1957 Ao. 1860, Date of Yatnrity e-15-57, Saeued 2-y5-55 sad one County Depository Pledge Contract cover- ing County sad Diatriot Clarke Trust Funds with aeouritiea in the amount of $3,000.00, ca~er- ing three Kerr Oounty, Texee, 5~ Road Bonds Series of 1931, Hon de Aos. E33 end E39, dated PeDru ary 10, 1931, due Pebuary I0, 1961 and Bond Ao, E8b due February 10, 1960, in the amount of $3,000,00, which eoatreet is dated ea of Pebruery 14th, 1465, It is the dieeretioa oY the Court theb the e• bonds ere in due Yorm. Therefore by motion duly made by Goff, seconded Dy Guthrie end unenimouely sppreved by the Court that the County Depository Pledge Contract oovBring the County School and County end Disbriot Clerks Trust Punde be approved end the County Clerk be sad is heraDy directed to forward the oomt recta nor sting the Coanty to the